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由ZHA(Zaha Hadid Architects)为美国贝鲁特大学设计的公共政策和国际关系—Issam Fares学院(IFI)教学楼是正在实施的2002贝鲁特大学校园总体规划的延续(总体规划由Sasaki事务所与Machado, Silvetti, 美国MGT, Dar Al-Handasa, Shair及其合作伙伴共同完成)。IFI项目进一步推动了贝鲁特大学与时俱进采用国际高水准教学设施,实现新世纪学术使命的进程。

The Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI) building by Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) at the American University of Beirut (AUB) continues the on-going implementation of the 2002 AUB Campus Master Plan by Sasaki Associates (in collaboration with Machado and Silvetti, MGT of America, and Dar Al-Handasa, Shair and Partners) to advance the university’s academic mission in the 21st Century withfacilities of the highest international standards.

布鲁特大学校长Peter Dorman表示:“该建筑自信地昭示着贝鲁特大学并非固步自封,停滞不前。我们乐于挑战传统思维,积极地面对变化,不断迸发出新的思想火花。”

IFI学院于2006年开始动工,是开展区域性问题和国际关系原创性研究的学术思想前沿阵地。同时,IFI是一个中立、动态、人本和开放的空间,持不同观点的社会各界人士聚集在这里探讨重大议题,促进相互的理解并开展高水平的研究工作。该学院旨在开启和推动阿拉伯世界的研究,并藉此强化和扩大公共政策和国际关系的讨论范围。阿拉伯世界的难民危机、气候变化、食品安全、水源短缺、青少年问题、社会公平与发展、城市化进程及联合国介入等问题是时下关注的焦点。贝鲁特大学校董会董事长Philip Khoury指出:“我们的核心目标是希望通过IFI学院的学术研究和教育工作对社会产生积极的影响。”

“This building asserts confidently that we are not a university that stays rooted in time and place; rather we challenge conventional thinking and actively promote change and new ideas,” said AUB President Peter Dorman.

Founded in 2006, within AUB, the Issam Fares Institute has established itself as the leading academic think tank, producing original research related to regional issues and international affairs. The IFI was established as a neutral, dynamic, civil, and open space where people representingall viewpoints in society can gather and discuss significant issues, anchored in a long-standing commitment to mutual understanding and high quality research. The institute aims to harness, develop and initiate research of the Arab world to enhance and broaden debate on public policyand international relations. It currently works on several programs addressing the region’s issues including the refugee crisis, climate change, food security, and water scarcity, youth, social justice and development, urbanism, and the UN in the Arab world. “It is this core ambition—the desire to make a positive impact on society founded on research and education.”said AUB Chairman of the Board of Trustees Philip Khoury.


The IFI was established as a neutral, dynamic, civil, and open space where people representing all viewpoints in society can gather and discuss significant issues, anchored in a long-standing commitment to mutual understanding and high quality research. The institute aims to harness, develop and initiate research of the Arab world to enhance and broaden debate on public policy and international relations. It currently works on several programs addressing the region’s issues including the refugee crisis, climate change, food security, and water scarcity, youth, social justice and development, urbanism, and the UN in the Arab world.


Relocating the infirmary closer to the new university hospital presented AUB with the opportunity to build the institute on the constrained site witha 7 metre drop in elevation between its south and north boundaries. The existing AUB campus combines buildings constructed in concrete throughoutthe 20th Century in a variety of revivalist and modernist styles with different cladding and rendering treatments.


The design significantly reduces the building’s footprint by ‘floating’ much of the IFI’s facilities above the entrance courtyard to preserve the existing landscape integral to the 2002 master-plan, create a new public space for the campus, and establish links from the university’s Central Oval to the Middle Campus and Mediterranean Sea to the north.


The 3,000 sq. m. Issam Fares Institute building is defined by the many routes and connections within AUB; Zaha Hadid explained the design “interweaves the pathways, links, and views of the campus to create a forum for the exchange of ideas - a center of interaction and dialogue - atthe heart of the university.”


The IFI design introduces new links between the Central Oval with the forested area of the Middle Campus and sea beyond. Existing Ficus and Cypress trees on the IFI site (aged between 120 and 180 years old) are integral to the design. The building emerges from the geometries of intersecting routes as a series of interlocking platforms and spaces for research, engagement and discourse.


The institute invites the community inside via the many connections and paths that converge at its double-height entrance courtyard. This new civicspace for the university is a covered outdoor terrace and extension of the shaded area beneath the existing trees - a place for chance meetings andinformal discussion - located at the nexus of pathways that traverse the site.

A ramp leads between the trees to connect the research lounges on the second floor directly with the campus, while the first floor seminar room andoffices are accessed at grade from the east and public courtyard to the west. These routes meet within the IFI to describe the atrium hall. The IFI’sreading room, conference workshops and research rooms ‘float’ above the exterior courtyard. The 100-seat auditorium is on the lowest level withits own entrance to the north, enabling the institute to host larger conferences and presentations without disrupting students, fellows and researchersworking throughout the building. Internal partitions are in ink-pigmented glass to enable communication and interaction.


The building takes full advantage of the region’s tradition and expertise of working with in-situ concrete. Passive design measures, high efficiency active systems and recycled water technologies minimize the building’s impact on the local and wider environment.


院长Rami Khouri对IFI学院的成功给予了高度赞扬:“现有的成就仅仅只是开始。我们对Issam Fares、对贝鲁特大学,对阿拉伯世界的承诺是宏伟、简单而清晰的。我们希望在未来几年内,IFI学院为提高全人类福祉做出的贡献能让“Issam Fares”成为Rockefeller, Thompson, Carnegie, Fulbright, MacArthur, Hewlett中的新成员(这些杰出的人物将个人财富捐献给教育事业,对全人类利益做出了巨大贡献)。”


The IFI’s design builds upon the institute’s mission as a catalyst and connector between AUB, researchers and the global community. “The designestablishes the institute as a crossroads; a three-dimensional intersection and space for the University’s students, faculty, researchers and visitorsto meet, connect and engage with each other and the wider community…. The Institute’s work looks to the future and challenges us all, enriching our understanding of the Arab world by expanding research and broadening debate.”Hadid said.

IFI Director Rami Khouri underscored the institute’s accomplishments to date, noting, “What we have achieved to date is just a beginning. Our commitment to Issam Fares, to AUB and to the Arab world is ambitious, simple and clear. We want the Issam Fares Institute in the years aheadto join the ranks of the great global names — Rockefeller, Thompson, Carnegie, Fulbright, MacArthur, Hewlett — that link individual philanthropywith the capabilities of an institution to improve the wellbeing of all humankind.

Khouri concluded, “Just as our new home redefines the boundaries of design in a legacy campus, we also seek in our activities to expand the boundaries of how universities serve their wider societies.”

DimensionsTotal site area: 7,000 m2 New exterior spaces: 4,000 m2Total floor area:  3,000 m2 Auditorium capacity: 100 seatsFloors: 6Maximum height:  22 mLength of cantilever:  21 m

ProgramResearch and Administration officesSeminar Rooms and Workshops Conference Room / AuditoriumReading Room Recreational LoungeRoof Terrace

Construction DataTotal surface of fair-faced concrete: 6,000 m2    Total surface area of glazing:  800 m2Concrete cast in-situ:  4,200 m3Total Steel used for structure:  800 kgEmployees on site:  90 (builders & technicians) for 1,100 daysTotal working hours: 500,000 hours

PRIMARY CLIENT American University of Beirut [AUB], Beirut, LebanonUniversity President: Dr Peter DormanFacilities for Design & Planning Unit Director: Bassem Baroumi IFI Project Manager:  Alain Eid

CLIENT Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy & International Affairs [IFI]Director:  Dr Rami Khouri

ARCHITECTS Architects:  Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) Design:  Zaha Hadid and Patrik SchumacherZHA Project Architect:  Saleem A. Jalil ZHA Project Team:  Christos Passas, Saleem A. Jalil, Graham Modlen, Human Talebi, Brandon Buck, Miya Ushida ZHA Competition team: Saleem A. Jalil, Rokhsana Rakhshani, Teakjin Kim, Ben Holland, Charbel Chagoury, Anas Younes, Fulvio Wirtz, Mariagrazia Lanza, Renata Dantas.

Local Architect: Rafik El Khoury & Partners (Hazar Mansour, Roger Skaff)Structural Engineering:  Rafik El Khoury & Partners (Rafik El Khoury, Georges Sfeir, Maya Charry, Guy Ghosn, Roger Skaff)Mechanical Engineering: ZEF London (DD stage) / Rabih. Rafik El Khoury & Partners (Issam Mourrad) Electrical Engineering: Rafik El Khoury & Partners (Karim Nammar)Acoustic Consultant: Rafik El Khoury & Partners (Wassim Sader)Contract Administrator: Rafik El Khoury & Partners  (Roger Skaff, Zeina Bou Mikhael)

CONTRACTOR: DRAWINGS & CONSTRUCTIONKettaneh Construction s.a.r.l.Project Director: Bahzad ChoubassiSite Manager: Elie AwaadProject Coordinator: Sabine Choubassi, Assem SoubraMechanical Coordinator: Georges SaadeMEP Subcontractor:  CLIMTECHStructural Engineers [Post-Tension]:  Darweesh Haddad

MORE:  Zaha Hadid Architects




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