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瑞士学生会馆(Swiss Pavilion) by 勒·柯布西耶第1张图片



瑞士学生会馆(Swiss Pavilion) by 勒·柯布西耶第2张图片

  In 1930, Le Corbusier was taskedwith designing a dormitory that would house Swiss students at the CitéInternationale Universitaire in Paris. At first the architect and PierreJeanneret, his partner at the time, refused to take on the project due totensions with the Swiss after their handling of the architects’ proposal forthe League of Nations competition. Eventually, however, they agreed to see itthrough and worked on a very limited budget, which led the building to become asummation of Le Corbusier’s modernprinciples, forcing him to focus on dwelling before all else.

瑞士学生会馆(Swiss Pavilion) by 勒·柯布西耶第3张图片

  瑞士学生会馆是一座在各种细节设计上都体现柯布西耶现代五原则的建筑——为了加强建筑主体在支撑柱廊上的悬浮感,电梯被安排在了尽量靠近平面中心的位置。而屋顶花园也体现了“服务居民的同时回馈城市”的思想——虽然在此时柯布西耶对屋顶的处理还不像后来他对Unite d’Habitation处理的那样有机和自然。三个大开孔给屋顶花园提供了相对开阔的视野,同时也将建筑的结构不加掩饰地暴露在人们眼前。
瑞士学生会馆(Swiss Pavilion) by 勒·柯布西耶第4张图片

  The SwissPavilion, or Pavillon Suisse, employed the architect’s five points ofarchitecture, building on them throughout the design. The building is elevatedon pilotis that are close to its center, accentuating the ‘floating’ effect.The roof garden gives back to the city and serves the residents of thebuilding, although it is not as animated as that of the United’Habitation in Marseille. Three frames give the garden a viewand reveal the unsophisticated structural elements.

瑞士学生会馆(Swiss Pavilion) by 勒·柯布西耶第5张图片


瑞士学生会馆(Swiss Pavilion) by 勒·柯布西耶第6张图片

  While strainedby the limited budget, Le Corbusier manages to hold onto his free facade andopen plan. Several moments in the project reveal a transparent skin with thestructural support standing behind it, always maintaining the continuity of theelevations. Moreover, the open plan is controlled with architectural elementssuch as stairs as well as furniture, whether fixed or loose. View and lightpenetration also have their impact on the organization of the open plan, havingbeen controlled by the free elevation.

瑞士学生会馆(Swiss Pavilion) by 勒·柯布西耶第7张图片

  在设计之初,甲方便提出了在地面层容纳公共功能的要求,因此柯布西耶只好在被架高的学生公寓旁再设计一座拥有地面层的副楼。这座副楼必须采用与主体不太一样的风格,于是我们可以从中看见新建筑五原则中的长窗变成了水平隔墙,这便是柯布西耶之后二十年个人风格变化的开端。对比马赛的 Unite d’Habitation,我们可以很明显地看到这一点。

瑞士学生会馆(Swiss Pavilion) by 勒·柯布西耶第8张图片

  Le Corbusier wasforced by the client to accommodate the public functions on the ground floor, arequirement he chose to respond to by separating the elevated student homes andcreating an attached building on ground level for the common activities. Incertain cases we also witness the ribbon windows becoming vertical curtainwalls, one of the steps of transitioning the five elements from the scale of avilla to that of a vertical housing block, the epitome of which was the United’Habitation, completed two decades later.


  The buildingsits lightly in its surrounding, a purist prism engulfed by greenery. LeCorbusier manages to use a budget constraint to develop his most basicprinciples, never sacrificing the beauty of space. The Pavillon Suisse comes asa development of the Villa Savoye in a sense, bringing the architect’sprinciples to a larger and more lively structure, one closer to the city andthe people.

瑞士学生会馆(Swiss Pavilion) by 勒·柯布西耶第9张图片

  设计:Le Corbusier & Pierre Jeanneret
  摄影:Samuel Ludwig




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