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5 Amazing Projects by WilkinsonEyre


WilkinsonEyre事务所多年来所完成的项目使城市景观和基础设施获得了大幅度改观,包括伦敦至新加坡。下周,事务所负责人Chris Wilkinson将会去往多伦多洽谈项目。下面将介绍这一曾获斯特林建筑奖的事务所的5个最值得一看的建筑项目。

For decades, WilkinsonEyre has dramatically transformed urbanscapes and infrastructure from London to Singapore. Next week, principal Chris Wilkinson will be in Toronto to talk about his practice. Here are five must-see projects by the Stirling Prize-winning firm.


1. 英国盖茨黑德千禧桥


1 Gatesbridge Millennium Bridge, UK
This pedestrian and cycling bridge, completed in 2001, has won many accolades and awards, including the Stirling Prize, for its engineering innovation and sheer elegance. Spanning 120 metres across a river in Gateshead, northern England, the tilt bridge is essentially two dramatic curves, one forming the deck and the other supporting it. To allow ships to pass underneath, the whole assembly rotates as a single, rigid structure. As the arch tilts lower, the pathway rises, each counterbalancing the other. It is operated by six hydraulic rams that allow boats up to 25 metres tall to pass underneath, and it takes less than five minutes to complete its rotation.


2. 新加坡滨海湾花园

在2006年,WilkinsonEyre作为团队的一部分赢得了21世纪最宏大的文化项目之一——新加坡滨海湾花园总体规划的部分子项目。该项目包括三个独立的花园,占地101公顷,是政府打造城市花园愿景的重要组成部分。滨海湾花园出色的做到了这一点,WilkinsonEyre打造的滨海湾花园现在已经成为重要的地标性建筑,在世界上最大的大型气候控制温室内拥有两个主要的温室结构。2000平面米的温室内部,展示了大量随气候更迭的植物。Flower Dome区域属于凉爽干燥的地中海气候,而Cloud Forest则模拟了阴凉潮湿的热带山地雨林。

2 Garden by the Bay, Singapore
In 2006, WilkinsonEyre was part of team that won the design competition for one of the most ambitious cultural projects of the 21st century – the masterplan for Singapore’s Gardens by the Bay. The project, comprising three separate gardens that cover a total of 101 hectares, was part of the government’s vision to transform Singapore into a city in a garden. Gardens by the Bay definitely accomplished that mission. WilkinsonEyre’s design is now an architectural icon with two main conservatory structures that are among the largest climate-controlled greenhouses in the world. The 20,000-square-metre interior showcases foliage that is likely to be affected by climate change. The Flower Dome is a cool-dry Mediterranean zone, while Cloud Forest is a cool-wet tropical montane.



3. 伦敦皇家芭蕾舞学校的“乐舞之桥”

WilkinsonEyre非常善于设计横跨河流与山坡的桥梁,但小型桥梁也是事务所的代表作品,WilkinsonEyre十分关注从一个场所通向另一个场所之间所体验的美妙经历。“Bridge of Aspiration"位于伦敦花卉街考文特花园之上,桥身曲折扭转,像极了一名首屈一指的芭蕾舞者,优雅的连结到毗邻的皇家歌剧院。该桥使用了23根铝制框架,桥梁两侧设置了不透明玻璃外墙,影影绰绰,造型扭转柔美,充满了原动力与流动性。

3 Royal Ballet School Bridge of Aspiration, London
WilkinsonEyre is well-known for its bridges that span waterways and hillsides, but smaller-scale bridges are also part of its portfolio, and they are given just as much attention to create a sensational experience while traversing one place to another. Twisting high above Floral Street in Covent Garden, the Bridge of Aspiration provides dancers of London’s premier ballet with a direct link to the Royal Opera House next door. Twenty-three square portals, including some that are glazed, are supported from an aluminium spine beam and twisted in a sequence that suggests the fluidity of movement.


4. 伦敦奥运会篮球馆


4 Basketball Arena London Summer Olympics, London
The firm’s design of the Basketball Arena for the London Summer Olympics is a symbol of forward-looking sustainability for an event that notoriously leaves cities with the skeletal remains of mammoth facilities that are no longer needed post-Games. To counter this plight, the city of London challenged its architects to create buildings that were simple to build and just as easy to take down, and to simultaneously provide world-class sporting venues. WilkinsonEyre delivered with a basketball arena made of steel frames, rather than concrete, and wrapped in 20,000 square metres of lightweight phthalate‐free and recyclable PVC. The building was erected in just six weeks and two-thirds of its material has since been recycled or reused.


5. 英国朴茨茅斯玛丽•罗斯博物馆

在1545年,承载500余人的玛丽•罗斯号在与法国的战争中不幸沉没。在2005年,WilkinsonEyre事务所受到委托,利用船骸设计一座博物馆,并保证其完整性与纪念性。最终事务所设计了一幢椭圆形木质建筑,“幽灵船的颜色”,利用计算机技术打造了一个复杂的环形几何空间。室内部分由Pringle Brandon和Perkins + Will设计,重现了船舱里昏暗幽闭的气氛。

5 Mary Rose Museum, Portsmouth, UK
In 1545, the Mary Rose sank during a battle with the French with 500 men on board. WilkinsonEyre was commissioned in 2005 to design a museum to permanently house the famous ship’s hull and to ensure its preservation. The result is an elliptical building made of timber, “the colour of a ghost ship,” with a complex torodial geometry made possible by computer technology. The interiors, by Pringle Brandon and Perkins + Will, were designed to recreate the dark and slightly claustrophobic atmosphere similar to what is found below a ship’s deck.





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