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8芬斯伯里环形广场/ WilkinsonEyre第1张图片

8 Finsbury Circus


来自建筑事务所的描述:WilkinsonEyre受委托,重建之前的河床房子,芬斯伯里广场,以及紧接着的2011年设计竞赛。他们的计划是满足客户在历史城市里的“典型的”新办公建筑的要求。地址邻近Edwin Lutyens设计的列入文物保护名册的英国房屋,从芬斯伯里广场和南广场均可到达。

From the architect. WilkinsonEyre was appointed for the redevelopment of the former River Plate House, Finsbury Circus, following a design competition in 2011. Their scheme works to the client’s overall requirements for an ‘exemplary’ new office building in this historic City setting. The site, which is adjacent to the listed Britannic House by Edwin Lutyens, has access from both Finsbury Circus and South Place.
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© Dirk Lindner


Full planning permission was granted in 2012 to replace the existing 1980s building with the new scheme, which provides more than 15,000m2 of Grade A, flexible office space with ground floor retail.
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© Dirk Lindner

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© Dirk Lindner

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底层平面图/Ground Floor


The main challenge was convincing the City Planners to allow the demolition of the existing building. Further constraints required that the new building should retain a mansard, as other buildings in the Circus, and that the building should not be seen above the height of the existing mansard when viewed from the south side of the Circus. Careful modelling resulted in stepping back the upper levels to create generous terraces, allowing the net area on the site to increase by approximately 23%.
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© Timothy Soar

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WilkinsonEyre’s interpretation of a traditional City building has resulted in deeply modelled Portland stone and bronze facades, detailed in a contemporary manner. A portion of the north façade, dating from the 1920s, has been retained with an existing colonnade opened up to form a new entrance. Juliet balconies and dormer windows within the mansard with their crisp, frameless glazing continue the theme of traditional elements given a modern twist. Castings from the building’s original railings have been retained and embodied into the walls of the entrance.
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© Dirk Lindner

WilkinsonEyre的建议最大限度的发展限制基地的潜力,同时尊重周边历史建筑。北侧和南侧均有入口,可通向宽敞的大厅,经过一层的长度,期望改变办公人员的活动。建筑紧邻着的新票务大楼的入口位于Liverpool街道和2018年因交叉铁路建造的Moorgate ,也由WilkinsonEyre设计。

WilkinsonEyre’s proposals maximise the full development potential of the extremely constrained site, whilst respecting the surrounding listed buildings. Entrances on both the north and south provide access to a generous lobby that runs through the length of the ground floor anticipating the change in the movement of office workers to the building following the opening of new ticket halls at Liverpool Street and Moorgate for Crossrail in 2018, also designed by WilkinsonEyre.
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四层平面图/3rd Floor Plan


The building is configured around a central core, providing large column free office space at all levels. A sculptural main circulation stair has been positioned with good visibility from the core to encourage use of the stair between floors.
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© Dirk Lindner

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© Dirk Lindner

在富有表现力的接待厅内,石、铜和胡桃木等传统色彩共同塑造了一个令人振奋的空间。电梯井为半透明玻璃,随着电梯轿厢在上升和下降时投射阴影,产生光影和机械运动的美感。 WilkinsonEyre设计了两个胡桃木雕塑,作为大空间中的焦点,并提供可坐的地方。

Within the impressive reception a traditional palette of stone, bronze and walnut is imaginatively detailed to provide an uplifting environment for the occupiers. The lift shafts, in translucent glazing, provide both a source of light and movement, with the lift cars casting shadows as they rise and descend. WilkinsonEyre has designed two walnut veneered sculptures which act as focal points within the large space and provide a place to sit.
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© Dirk Lindner

位于接待处东侧的弯曲石墙上,一个胡桃木覆盖的休息室设有一个时尚的接待台,并可欣赏到灯塔下部的景色。灯塔为建筑带来日光,并在楼层间提供可见的连接。由项目委托Carpenter Lowings设计的艺术装置,运行在整个灯塔上。 动态片由折叠的不锈钢面板组成,是响应WilkinsonEyre的一个简短的研究开发,它寻求一个焦点和装置,以将反射光引入建筑物的深处。

A walnut clad recess in the curved stone wall on the east side of the reception houses a sleek reception desk and provides views into the lower levels of the lightwell. The lightwell brings daylight down through the building and provides a visible connection between floors. An art installation by Carpenter Lowings, commissioned for the project, runs the full height of the lightwell. The dynamic piece, composed of folded stainless steel panels, was developed in response to a brief prepared by WilkinsonEyre that sought both a focal point and device to introduce reflected light into the depth of the building.
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© Timothy Soar

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© Timothy Soar

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© Timothy Soar

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© Timothy Soar

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© Timothy Soar

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© Timothy Soar

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© Timothy Soar

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© Timothy Soar

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九层平面图/8th Floor Plan

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六层平面图/5th Floor Plan

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场地平面图/Site Plan

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楼顶平面图/Roof Plan

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前立面/Front elevation

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长剖面/Long section

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横截面/Cross section

总建筑师:Oliver Tyler
建筑摄影:Dirk Lindner

Architects: WilkinsonEyre
Location: London, United Kingdom
Architect in Charge: Oliver Tyler
Area: 22.796 m2
Project Year: 2016
Photographs: Dirk Lindner





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