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DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第1张图片

DayangSanghoi / TUNEplanning



From the architect. Project description Pyeongchang-dong at the northern end of Jongro-gu, Pyeongchang was warehouse of Seonhyecheong, a government office which had managed receipt and disbursement of rice, cloth and coin used as means of tax payment in Joseon Dynasty, under the name of Daidongmi, Daidongpo and Daidongjeon each. As its name derived from Pyeongchang tells, this area had to build a ground up high with embarkment because of its high and slope topography as a village of power and wealth. At the end of the road, we can meet an interesting alley leading to a house of Pyeongchang-dong along the winding ridge of mountain Bukhansan edge which shows the views one by one.

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第2张图片
© Jeong Taeho

巨大的岩石墙使得建筑与自然同化,同时人们可以感受到时光中风雨的侵蚀,仿佛一切早已在此。2009年8月的一个杂志评价这个建筑:“连钢琴都醉了,那我呢?”。该建筑窗和墙都倾斜着,仿佛沉醉于自然中,发出醉醺醺却富有韵律的汤姆•维兹的歌声:“连钢琴都醉了,那我呢?”。 整个空间似乎都在传递一种隐喻:到底墙是斜的,还是我已眩晕。几年间,设计者已经赋予了这个地下空间新的体验。

Huge rockwall of this house 'The piano was drinking, not me' introduced on this magazine in Aug. 2009, is assimilating with nature while accumulating time with rain and wind as if it has been located there originally. Window and wall sloped obliquely stagger zigzag as they are drunk on nature like tipsy voice and lyrics of Tom Waits' song, 'The piano has been drinking, not me'. Whole space was embraced by metaphorical expression whether the wall is sloped or I am sloped. The designer created underground space of this house newly over the years.

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第3张图片
© Jeong Taeho


Rocky mountain in the middle of Jongno-gu, heart of Seoul. Mountain is nothing but mountain in the distance. However, it becomes an object of faith when it spreads in front of people. The mountain Bukhansan formed by granites adapting to the times may be one of mountains which have such an energy. Bukhansan is the highest mountain in the suburbs of Seoul, has magnificent geographical features, has been guardian mountain of Seoul from old times, and also was called Sambongsan and Samgaksan because it consists of three peaks. (Sam means three, bong means peak, and gak means angle in Korean) As it says 'celebrated temples are situated in celebrated mountain', Bukhansan houses considerable places sacred to Buddha here and there.

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第4张图片
© Jeong Taeho

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第5张图片
Floor Plan/平面图


I wanted to attach the much greater importance to the energy of rocky mountain than the region of Pyeongchang-dong. Unpolished beauty felt from pine trees and rocks of Bukhansan which have endured long-suffering has different feeling from the pretty and tender nature in the heart of city. In a sense, borrowing nature may feel disrespectful. Huge rocky mountain Bukhansan embraces Pyeongchang-dong and pine trees rooted in the rock has endured rain and wind. Compared to their scale, I only hope that artificial nature becomes to assimilate with nature through the times.

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第6张图片
© Jeong Taeho

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第7张图片
© Jeong Taeho

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第8张图片
© Jeong Taeho

Dayang Sanghoi最初被规划为展厅,但是经过一系列功能调整后(包括办公、公司培训基地、工作室、餐厅和咖啡厅等)最后被营造成一个私人会所。 Dayang Sanghoi是一个能让客户放松自己并举办派对的地方。同时在夹楼处还有供表演的小舞台。字面上,这是一个能容纳多样化功能和体验自然的空间,因此我们为他取名Dayang Sanghoi(Dayang在汉语中是多样性的意思)。我们也称Dayang Sanghoi为之前项目的插曲。如果说之前的项目我们希望从自然中获取人工混凝土设计的灵感,那么岩石山中这些厚重的松木就是这个项目我么想表现的重点。我们希望能将原始的石头和木材运用于设计。如果说人工塑造的自然是一种模仿,我们则希望它们尽量相像。因此,我们的目标在于材料的加工过程中尽量体现自然和人工的融合。同时,我们自由摆放这些家具,让整个建筑更加透出自然气息。

Dayang Sanghoi was planned as exhibition hall at first, but it is created as private lounge through several changes of plan to office, company training institute, studio, restaurant and cafe for some years. Dayang Sanghoi is a space for client's leisure and party with acquaintances. It also has a stage on mezzanine for performance. Literally, it is a space which can hold every events diversely and keeps the natural feeling as it is. Therefore, it is named Dayang Sanghoi. (Dayang means diversity in Korean) It can be said that Dayang Shanghoi is an episode of previous project. While I expressed artificial concrete motivated by natural rook at the previous project, dense pine trees in the rocky mountain are the motif of this project. I wanted to show the natural raw materials such as stone and tree as they are. Artificial nature is doubtedly an imitation. I admitted it is an imitation and wanted it to look like an imitation. Therefore, I aim at fundamental meeting of natural stuff and artificial stuff by showing the processed material property. I placed furnitures unintentionally just like the nature formed without any intentional plan.

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第9张图片
© Jeong Taeho

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第10张图片
© Jeong Taeho


I recreated annual rings of pine trees as layers of plywood. A hanging pine tree was also calculated to express a gnarl more directly. Secret room is finished with mirror box and supported by pine tree trimmed roughly. Underground space was very humid because it has been empty for years. I enclosed its wall with metal angles, filled it up with charcoals and stones to circulate humid air, and equipped soundproofing. I placed rock on the floor intuitively while plastering work, and inner rock and outer rock of waterfront play a role to demolish the border between inside and outside.

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第11张图片
Elevation B/立面图 B


I have proceeded the project ‘The piano was drinking, not me' only through shop drawing without any master plan about for a year. Underground space has been empty for 4 years after being introduced on this magazine. Meanwhile, the unfinished 'The piano was drinking, not me' has been a burden in my mind, but now I seem to take it off.

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第12张图片
© Jeong Taeho

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第13张图片
© Jeong Taeho

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第14张图片
© Jeong Taeho

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第15张图片
© Jeong Taeho

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第16张图片
© Jeong Taeho

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第17张图片
© Jeong Taeho

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第18张图片
© Jeong Taeho

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第19张图片
© Jeong Taeho

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第20张图片
© Jeong Taeho

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第21张图片
© Jeong Taeho

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第22张图片
© Jeong Taeho

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第23张图片
Elevation A/立面图 A

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第24张图片
Elevation C/立面图 C

DayangSanghoi建筑/ TUNE规划事务所第25张图片
Elevation D/立面图 D

摄影师:Jeong Taeho

Location:Pyeongchang-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Area:84.47 sqm
Project Year:2013
Photographs:Jeong Taeho





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