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建筑拼贴教程/Alex Hogrefe第1张图片

Achitectural Collage Tutorial

一个芝加哥的学生发邮件问我大学作品集中背面的封面是怎样制作的。这张图是我把大学所有的项目都 Ps 到一起组成的。这项工作看上去很费时间,其实只用了大约两三个小时。我没有使用任何 Ps的技巧来完成。相反,我只是用了一个软笔刷的橡皮工具来移除背景。大部分时间都在尝试怎样排版,并将它们完美地组合在一起。使用某种类型的基础网格,是我维持几何形状的比例和避免混乱的样子的方式。

A student in Chicago emailed me a while back asking how I created the back cover of my undergraduate portfolio. The image was a collage of all of my projects Photoshopped together into a single composition. As time consuming as it may look, I probably only spent 2 or 3 hours on the page. I didn’t use any Photoshop “tricks” to get the final look, but instead just used the eraser tool with a soft brush to remove the backgrounds. Most of my time was spent experimenting with the layout and figuring out how all the pieces would fit together. Using some type of underlying grid was my way of maintaining control of the geometry and avoiding a chaotic look.

建筑拼贴教程/Alex Hogrefe第2张图片


1) I began the collage with a simple black and white background that continued the theme of my other portfolio pages.

建筑拼贴教程/Alex Hogrefe第3张图片

2)接下来我选择了几张图片,作为拼贴图的组织元素。为了避免粗糙的边缘,我选择了“橡皮擦工具”,选择了一个柔软的刷子,并且将不透明度降低到略低于 50%。然后我简单地擦除了图片的边缘,使得图片相互融合。对于有经验的 Ps用户,我建议使用一个图层蒙版,而不是橡皮擦工具,这样可编辑性会更强。

2) I next chose a few images that would act as organizing elements of the collage. To avoid harsh edges, I chose the “Eraser Tool”, selected a soft brush, and lowered the opacity of the brush just under 50%. I then simply erased around the edges to allow the images to bleed into one another. For experienced Photoshop users, I would suggest using a layer mask instead of the eraser tool to maintain more editability.

建筑拼贴教程/Alex Hogrefe第4张图片


3) The three images where arranged to cover much of the page and act as a texture for the collage. I overlaid a grid to show how the images related to one another and how they act as an organizational foundation for the rest of the collage.

建筑拼贴教程/Alex Hogrefe第5张图片


4) I next added very neutral black & white images to infill around the edges. These images again add texture to the background but won’t grab too much attention.

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5) With the background in place, I then begin placing in foreground elements. The same method of using a soft eraser brush was used to help blend the different images together. I also lowered the overall opacity of some of the foreground elements to help set them into the background.

建筑拼贴教程/Alex Hogrefe第7张图片


6) Again, many of the foreground elements still relate to the grid created by the background elements. As subtle as these relationships may be, they make a big difference in the success of the overall composition.

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7) I created icons for each project throughout the portfolio. I wanted to find a way to add these icons to the back cover without them getting lost in the geometry of the other elements. I solved this problem by adding a streak of shadow behind the icons giving them depth. The shadow is barely noticeable, but really makes the icons pop. In the image below, I have separated the shadow and icons from the collage to better show the shadow shape.

建筑拼贴教程/Alex Hogrefe第9张图片


Below is the final composition that was used for the back cover of my undergraduate portfolio. Most people probably won’t even see the back cover, however, I wanted to do something a little different rather then just leaving it blank. It hardly took any time to create, and is one more thing that could stick in someone’s mind when applying for schools and jobs.





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  • 赖特000
  • 2016.08.22 05:51
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