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小城故事多 ——杭州未来科技城第二学校第1张图片

Story of a Small Town— Hangzhou NO.2 School of Future Sci-Tech City

在现在的城市中,经常可以看到年纪小小却压力重重的孩子,传统的校园让学生们早早地进入了以成年人为模板的空间环境中。一所城市里的学校应该长什么样?面临教育类建筑,设计师应该思考 的是如何通过设计来打破传统校园的设计概念,给予孩子们这个年纪应有的快乐空间。

Traditional primary and secondary school planning in modern Chinese cities usually provides students and children with an adult-scale campus environment at an excessively early stage. Such environment gives no help to them in coping with high educational and social pressure. Facing these phenomenon, it is the architects’ responsibility to subversively break these conventions in school planning and offer children with space of their own scale and age in which they will enjoy living and studying.

小城故事多 ——杭州未来科技城第二学校第2张图片

小城故事多 ——杭州未来科技城第二学校第3张图片

杭州未来科技城第二学校是一个包括幼儿园、小学和初中的综合性建筑项目。它的设计灵感来自于儿童的绘画语言,孩子们笔下的理想校园充满了亲切的尺度和欢乐的街道,我们由此出发,将 8000 多平方米的体量打散成 15 个坡屋顶小房子,依照幼儿园、小学与初中学生不同的尺度与行为将建筑尺度逐渐变大,通过小体量的院落组合塑造一个体量亲切、尺度宜人的舒适校园。走廊、楼梯这些教室以外的空间不仅仅作为教室的连接,更是学生们相遇的地方;操场、屋顶也不仅仅是字面的功能,而是孩子们沟通交流的空间。学校作为一个小尺度的社会,孩子们在里面通过亲身经历建立起自己的社会意识。

The project of Hangzhou NO.2 School of Future Sci-Tech City consists of a kindergarten, a primary school and a secondary school. The design is inspired by a random impromptu child drawing that depicts his ideal school which is like a small town full of small scale spaces and “happy” streets.Based on this inspiration, the design divided the 8000-sqm campus into 15 much smaller scale gabled volume. The scale of each volume gradually increases according to the growth of children’s age and the variation in their behaviors. A comfortable campus environment is formed by small inner courtyards within and among these volumes. Exposed stairs and corridors shaped dynamically are not only designed for circulation, but also for plenty of activity spaces. Under the gabled roofs are various common areas particularly designed for different types of gatherings, communications and social activities. As a mini society, the school enables students to build their own social consciousness with daily experience.

小城故事多 ——杭州未来科技城第二学校第4张图片

在项目的设计中要满足27 班九年一贯制学校和12班幼儿园等各项功能的需求。幼儿园、小学、中学由南到北分布,建筑高度也相应地逐渐变高。以满足不同年龄段学生的活动和不同身体尺度对空间的需求,同时丰富了建筑天际线变化。小体量围合出各具特色的内院,而建筑体量之间又营造出有趣的街道空间,切合孩子的感受。

This project consists of 12 classrooms for kindergarten program and 27 classrooms for primary and secondary school program,which forms three U-shaped blocks and are distributed from south to north accordingly. The heights of these blocks increase incrementally to adapt different demand of scale of different departments, as well as to create a dynamic skyline. The space in-between buildings offers inner courtyards with variation of paving and landscape. A main street that satisfies youngster’s curiosity and desire of exploration is also created in between the blocks.

小城故事多 ——杭州未来科技城第二学校第5张图片

小城故事多 ——杭州未来科技城第二学校第6张图片

幼儿园是独立的 U 型院落,像张开的臂膀给孩子们围合的安全感;小学在形态上由四个四层的单元连接形成半围合的庭院,朝向中心步道广场打开;初中面向城市干道一侧的建筑相对统一规整,呼应城市界面。

The kindergarten building stands as an independent U-shaped unit with open arms embracing the children. The primary school consists of four 4-floor units which form a half yard towards the Central open space. Located near main road in the city, the secondary school provides an unified facade that coordinates with the overall urban interface.

小城故事多 ——杭州未来科技城第二学校第7张图片

小城故事多 ——杭州未来科技城第二学校第8张图片


To make more intriguing activity space for students, the design offers massive rooftop activity space according to characteristics of different student groups and specialty of each roof form, such as plantation, theatre, runway, reading room and relaxation area. In addition, the corridors and public spaces are enlarged purposely to connect the second floor of all building, so as to create an extra elevated public activity area.

小城故事多 ——杭州未来科技城第二学校第9张图片



In this campus colored with white and grey, each of the gabled facade is designed differently in color,material and window forms, as to signify the different usage of each building. These facade painted with bright colors of yellow, green and light blue not only renders a warm and lively atmosphere, but more importantly underlines the sense of belonging and identification of different area.Additionally, five buildings within the compound are covered with bronze metal panel in order to create a different rhythm within a unified materiality.Students,especially kindergarten children can easily describe their location in the campus according to the different facades,which helps to form their own cognitive map of the campus.
Adhering to a special variation in scale, the design of this entire campus closely follows the growth and emotion of its users.The design notion of “the story of a small town” will allow students and children to enjoy their own fairy tale like campus.

小城故事多 ——杭州未来科技城第二学校第10张图片

项目名称: 杭州未来科技城第二学校
建筑设计: 零壹城市建筑事务所
项目地点: 中国杭州
设计团队: 阮昊,陈文彬,尹咏,吴时阳,夏炜
项目时间: 2015-2016 年(设计) 2016-2017 年(施工)
项目面积: 44,900 平方米
图片版权: 零壹城市建筑事务所
合作单位: 浙江省建筑设计研究院

Project name: Hangzhou NO.2 School of Future Sci-Tech City
Architecture design: LYCS Architecture
Location: Hangzhou, China
Project Team: RUAN Hao, CHEN Wenbin, YIN Yong, WU Shiyang, XIA Wei
Project Period: 2015-2016(Design);2016-2017(Construction)
Total Architectural Area: 44,900sqm
Images: LYCS Architecture
Architect of Record: Zhejiang Province Institute of Architecture Design and Research




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  • 哈迪德009
  • 2016.09.14 15:23
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