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越南农村的的竹厕所/H&P Architects第1张图片

H&P architects constructs bamboo-supported toilet for school in rural vietnam


Toiletation 2延续了H&P建筑事务所2014年建造的项目,它以竹结构为特色,包含卫生间和洗漱区域。该项目进一步发展,随着设施的改善、设备规模和数量的增加,一直专注于一个更全面的方法,以达到越南国家卫生部的标准。

‘Toiletation 2’ continues from H&P Architect‘s project constructed back in 2014 which featured a bamboo-crafted structure containing a toilet and wash area. The scheme has been taken further, with the improvement of the amenities, increase in size, number of equipment, all the while focusing on a more holistic approach to achieve the standards of Vietnam’s national ministry of health.

越南农村的的竹厕所/H&P Architects第2张图片
all images © nguyen tien thanh

项目有联合国儿童基金会-越南的赞助,目的是达到Ta Ma公社中超过300人的 Ta Ma小学的卫生和洗涤需求——这是一个在Dien Bien省巡教区的公社,有特殊的困难并且水资源短缺。

Sponsored by Unicef Vietnam, the project aims to meet the sanitation and washing needs for over 300 Ta Ma primary school pupils in Ta Ma Commune – a commune in special difficulties and water scarcity in Tuan Giao district, Dien Bien province.

越南农村的的竹厕所/H&P Architects第3张图片

H&P 建筑事务所使用类似的设计,建筑轻触地面,四面有一层植被。顶部的波纹屋顶用竹撑固定,每一侧都与植被融合在一起。这一层绿色植物调节内部气候,支持可食用植物的生长,并区分内部和外部之间的边界。

H&P architects uses a similar design where the structure lightly touches the ground with a layer of vegatation on four sides. Topped with a corrugated roof and held down by bamboo braces, each side is integrated with vegetation. This layer of greenery regulates the internal climate, encourages the growth of plants for food and distinguishes a boundary between inside and outside.

越南农村的的竹厕所/H&P Architects第4张图片
厕所区块坐落在被农作物包围的土地上/The toilet block sits on a parcel of land surrounded by crops


The form is constructed using locally-sourced materials and utilizes simple construction methods that allows ease of maintenance in the future. Furthermore, the scheme is powered by solar panels for electricity, whilst greywater is harvested for cleaning and gardening purposes.

越南农村的的竹厕所/H&P Architects第5张图片
项目的目的是满足 300多个Ta Ma小学生的卫生和洗涤需要/The project aims to meet the sanitation and washing needs for over 300 Ta Ma primary school pupils

越南农村的的竹厕所/H&P Architects第6张图片
该建筑是在当地村民的帮助下建造的/The building was constructed with the assistance of local villagers

越南农村的的竹厕所/H&P Architects第7张图片
该方案的厚层植被有助于调节其室内气候/The scheme’s thick layer of vegetation helps regulate its indoor climate

越南农村的的竹厕所/H&P Architects第8张图片
尽管在越南的这个地方,它的基础设施、清洁和功能性卫生间设施是稀缺的/Despite its basic utilities, clean and functioning toilet facilities are scarce in this part of Vietnam

越南农村的的竹厕所/H&P Architects第9张图片
集成太阳能电池板产生能量,同时废水被回收和重新利用/Integrated solar panels produce energy, while Greywater is harvested and reused

越南农村的的竹厕所/H&P Architects第10张图片
树木和草本植物对竹子承重的结构进行补充/Trees and herbs complement the bamboo load bearing structure

越南农村的的竹厕所/H&P Architects第11张图片

越南农村的的竹厕所/H&P Architects第12张图片

越南农村的的竹厕所/H&P Architects第13张图片

越南农村的的竹厕所/H&P Architects第14张图片

越南农村的的竹厕所/H&P Architects第15张图片





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