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National Museum Complex | A Vital Link Between Culture and Nature







The National Museum Complex master plan is a design competition for a cultural center in Sejong, South Korea, which is also known as Administrative City.
The first phase will utilize 75,000 square meters that will include diverse museums, such as Architecture, National History, Design, Digital Heritage, Archives and a National Children’s Museum.
The site draws on its surrounding landscapes (groves, wetlands, forests, and rice paddies). All of these areas will be interconnected through a central square to create an outdoor space.
Trying to connect structure and landscape can be creatively difficult, but in the right arrangement, it will amaze any spectator. That is what Office OU has done with the Sejong Museum Gardens.
The gardens are recognized as a vital link between culture and nature, and the designers hope that this project can give the people of Sejong and South Korea a place to nurture this relationship.

National Museum Complex Image credit: Office OU    图片来源:Office OU


国家博物馆综合体仿照了韩国Joeseon王朝宫殿的建筑结构,Nicolas Koff(OU工作室负责人)说:“宫殿群往往是一些简单的、相互影响的复合式建筑用特殊的建筑语言结合在一起,但它们对自然景观的应对方式不同。”显而易见,在这个博物馆综合体的设计和开发过程中,传统和文化至关重要。

National Museum Complex
With the basic logic of Korea’s Joeseon Dynasty palace architecture, Nicolas Koff (Office OU principal) says, “The palaces are simple and cohesive complexes united in their architectural language and yet differentiated by their response to the natural landscape.” It’s clear that tradition and culture are very important keys in the design and development for this museum complex.

National Museum Complex Image credit: Office OU    图片来源:Office OU


By creating different characteristics, the spaces (museums) will interconnect with the landscape, building links between each area. For example, the Architecture Museum will have some hard landscaping with an urban feel, relating to the city and the structures, while the Archives Museum will be more of a mountainous environment, providing seclusion.

National Museum Complex Image credit: Office OU    图片来源:Office OU




Plants in the Design
The museums are influenced by their adjacent landscapes, guiding the design of the courtyards. Some of the landscape areas include a grove featuring grass (Zoysia tenuifolia) and bamboo (Semiarundinaria ‘Korea’); wetland edges with perennial herbaceous plants (Typha latifolia) and perennial herb (Aster scaber); forests featuring Japanese red pine (Pinus densiflora siebold & zucc.) and Korean fir (Abies koreana); and the rice paddies, with Asian rice (Oryza sativa).
This design will contribute to a new phase in learning about and cultivating how landscape and structure can work together. The architects are emphasizing nature vs. building; green areas are important and they can coexist with the museums.

National Museum Complex Image credit: Office OU    图片来源:Office OU

National Museum Complex Image credit: Office OU    图片来源:Office OU




Landscape as Educational Places
It is also important to recognize that while the museums serve an educational purpose, so do the landscapes surrounding them. The landscape is not just a pretty site. One of the competition’s jury called it “The interpretation of nature as an architectural element”.
Office OU is creating and developing a new concept in interacting with nature — the realization that landscape can be the main focus and the museums can play a secondary purpose. The design integrates each element as if the spatial orientation of each space is what creates a collective visualization of greatness in design. In designing with nature in mind, the landscape is the central guide throughout these museums.

National Museum Complex Image credit: Office OU    图片来源:Office OU

National Museum Complex Image credit: Office OU    图片来源:Office OU




Each Museum has a Different Ecosystem
Nature is at its best within the constructed site, building a new learning experience within the spaces. Not only do visitors have the opportunity to reconnect with nature, they can also understand what the museums bring to the city.
South Korea’s plan is to create the National Museum Complex as a platform for a cultural network, giving the Administrative City a harmonious vision between inhabitants and nature. It is a unique experience for South Korea and the world to have a development of this magnitude.

National Museum Complex Image credit: Office OU    图片来源:Office OU



The competition jury praised the project’s “exquisite control of space,” as well as “the spatial relationship between nature and built form, which is successfully anchored in human scale.”
I believe Office OU has designed a clear concept for the Administrative City; they are bringing a good idea to the future of landscape architecture. Making a commitment of this scale gives them a sense of importance for the country, because this project will carry out an educational purpose for both residents and visitors.

National Museum Complex Image credit: Office OU    图片来源:Office OU


景观设计发展到现在,我想这个项目应该是未来发展方向的一个转折点。将一个原本存在的空间打造得既美丽又实用是景观设计的基础任务,但是如果你有一个优秀的设计团队就可以创造一个这样的空间,然后一切就顺理成章了。我非常期待这个项目的建成,也希望看到 OU工作室在未来景观设计领域能带来更多的惊喜。

Throughout it all, the architects have been developing incredible ideas that will surpass what other countries are doing. Taking a page from this project will be a must; everyone should be on the lookout when it is completed in 2023. It will be a very unique and interesting experience.
Landscape architecture has come so far, and this is a stepping stone for the future. Taking a space and making it beautiful and useful is a task in itself, but if you have a great team that can create it, then everything will come together as it should. I know I will look forward to seeing this completed project and future endeavors that Office OU will have for the landscape architecture community.

National Museum Complex Image credit: Office OU    图片来源:Office OU

项目名称:National Museum Complex Master Plan of the New Administrative City
设计单位:Office OU

Full Project Credits For National Museum Complex:
Project: National Museum Complex Master Plan of the New Administrative City
Architect: Office OU
Location: Sejong, South Korea
Status: Competition Winning Entry
Year: 2016
Size: 190,000 square meters





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