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Eyes On Copenhagen高端沙龙,带你体验幸福办公的奥义第1张图片

4月19日,由YoungBird携手玛祖铭立举办的“Eyes On Copenhagen—幸福8小时”高端沙龙在玛祖铭立上海旗舰店举行。此次高端沙龙,以十位参会嘉宾的形式,邀请到业内资深的设计师朋友,共同探讨幸福办公。

On April 19th, the upscale salon event themed on “Eyes On Copenhagen - 8-hour Happiness" was hosted jointly by YoungBird and MATSU at the MATSU Shanghai Flagship Store. The event featured ten veteran design professionals who gathered together to explore the subject of "happy work".

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|     幸福办公的细胞——家具产品     |"CELLS" of Happy Work

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创立于1996年的玛祖铭立,始终致力于建立中国本土的“高端办公家具民族品牌”,经过20年的发展,玛祖铭立已经以其时尚先锋的前瞻性和高品质的空间解决方案概念赢得国内外客户的认可。怀揣着提高工作效率、提升办公空间幸福感的愿景,玛祖铭立与比利时著名设计师Dirk Wynants一起研发推出全新高端办公家具系统——哥本哈根。

Since its inception in 1996, MATSU has been dedicated to becoming an upscale Chinese office furniture brand. Nowadays MATSU has built an international reputation with its visionary, quality space solutions. With a vision for increasing workplace efficiency and happiness, MATSU has lately presented a new premium office furniture collection named “Copenhagen” in partnership with the celebrated Belgian designer Dirk Wynants.

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|     幸福办公的血脉——建筑设计     |"BLOOD VESSELS" of Happy Work

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活动特邀维思平建筑设计创始主设计师、董事长吴钢先生作为主讲人出席,作为曾设计杭州支付宝大厦、北京百度科技园等著名办公大楼的设计师,吴钢先生以“健康办公”为切入点, 就现代办公环境存在的问题,从可持续、活力、采光、创造力以及环境的角度,分享提升办公环境“幸福指数”的解决方案。

The event also featured Mr. Wu Gang, founding principal and chairman of WSP Architects, which is known for a series of remarkable corporate-headquarters projects, like the Hangzhou Alipay Building and the Baidu Hi-tech Park in Beijing. As keynote speaker, Mr. Wu first talked about what "healthy workplace" means and then offered solutions to today's working environment problems in terms of sustainability, dynamism, natural lighting, staff creativity and natural environment - all conceived to make employees work more happily.

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吴钢先生从自己童年对办公环境的感受出发, 通过对19世纪办公环境特点的演变和回顾,阐述了现代办公环境中“健康办公”的重要性。而他的这一办公理念也贯穿在他很多设计作品之中,“与可持续有关的第一个就是杭州支付宝大楼,首先在设计上我们希望它能像一个街区一样,在杭州自然条件这么好的地方但很少有办公楼能自然通风,板楼的设计最大限度的实现通风,在春天和秋天我们是不需要空调的”。

Mr. Wu Gang has shared his experience about working environment in his childhood, by looking back to the changings of working environment in the 19s century, he shows the importance of “healthy workplace". This working philosophy has been showed in all his works, "the most relevant work about sustainable is the Hangzhou Alipay Building, first of all, from the design's perspective, we want it to be like a block, although Hangzhou is in a good natural conditions, only limited working environment have natural ventilation, while in spring and autumn, the Alipay Building doesn’t needs any air conditioner".

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Sustainability does not necessarily mean advanced technology. Instead, it means the capacity of a building to operate properly with a high level of energy efficiency. In this post-real estate era, it's more about living in harmony with nature than lots of capital. ——Wu Gang

本次沙龙还邀请到了EID高级建筑师叶晨、HASSELL商业办公方向室内设计主管Karuna Hase、SPARK中国区负责人闵薇 、Woods Bagot办公设计负责人Thomas Bulter、水石国际主创建筑师王臣、劉宇揚建筑事务所助理合伙人吴从宝、慧笔设计事务所设计主创、副主任张鹏飞、三菱地所设计项目总监张晓君、中国建筑上海研究院有限公司设计总监李俊键等10位资深设计师嘉宾,以及YoungBird创始人葉春曦和玛祖铭立品牌创始人蔡演国出席。

This salon event was attended by ten distinguished guests, such as Ye Chen, senior designer with the EID, Karuna Hase, associate of interior design at HASSELL, Min Wei, director of SPARK China, Thomas Bulter, associate of workplace design at Woods Bagot,  Wang Chen, principal at W&R GROUP, Wu Congbao, associate partner at Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects, Zhang Pengfei, Principal and Associate Director of SHPA, Zhang Xiaojun, director of MJ-sekkei, and Li Junjian, design director of China Shanghai Architecture Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd. as well as Isa Ye, founder of YoungBird and Cai Yanguo, founder of MATSU.

|     幸福办公的机体——场所氛围     |"ORGANISM" of Happy Work

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During the panel discussion, the guests had a brainstorm under the subject of “The ‘X’ Function of Happy Work”, and managed to understand, as designers and users, the varied combinations of the "Copenhagen" collection under different circumstances. They also discussed about which office-space functions - apart from the existing ones - are yet to be explored in a bid to boost staff happiness in this ever-changing age.

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As the keynote speaker of the event, Mr. Wu Gang has offered his opinion in working environment’s function: “the working environment has become multi-functional, it doesn’t limited in the working function only, like infant rooms and entertaining spaces etc. Also, nowadays, many people likes to have pets, I think pets furniture maybe is also a potential market".

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The veteran designers proposed their own ways of creating office spaces where employees feel more comfortable and work more efficiently. Ye Chen, senior designer with EID said that in today's fast-paced working environment, office furniture should allow workers to adjust desk or screen heights, and that massage functions should be added to reduce the pressure on a user's cervical vertebrae.

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Zhang Xiaojun, director of MJ-sekkei, came up with the idea of making workout part of our daily work as a way to make us less tired after working long hours. "I hope that whenever I feel tired and just want to stretch my body a little bit, there is a chair that could help me do this, instead of me standing up and then doing this," she said.

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When it comes to improving working efficiency, Li Junjian, design director of China Shanghai Architecture Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd. said that for many project leaders office desks should be designed with basic room for working as well as additional room for storing drawings. He added that office spaces should enable designers to showcase their own schemes, to exchange ideas with one another, and present them to the clients.

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In addition, Wang Chen, principal at W&R GROUP, pointed out that electrical wires, mouse wires and alike have a negative impact on the working environment in aesthetical sense and they tend to trip over employees. "The less I get tripped over those mouse wires, the happier I am at work," he said. He suggested that designer’s factor in these kinds of details when designing office furniture so that we could live a happier professional life.

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Meanwhile, Wu Congbao, associate partner at Atelier Liu Yuyang Architects, was focused on the specific functions of corners inside those tiny communal spaces after speaking about the general functions of these communal spaces. In an office space, some corners may be used to place materials shelves while others may be purposed for accommodating drawings and files. But when a designer needs to use multiple corners at the same time, these corners have to feature some general functions. He added that it would be a great move to add some movable materials shelves or display boards, which would allow designers to transfer the materials into the meeting room in a more convenient way.

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His final suggestion that electronic devices should be integrated into office furniture was endorsed by the other guests present as the connection between displays could help push the limits of office spaces.

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The panel discussion allowed the design professionals present to get first-hand experience of how the "Copenhagen" collection is able to fit into different types of office spaces. In the meantime, Mr. Cai Yanguo and the professionals exchanged ideas on further applications of the collection in the workplace and its huge potential for boosting workplace happiness.

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