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C.F. Moller已被选为瑞典Vasteras新高层住宅楼竞赛的获胜者,并击败了Wingardhs&Tham和Videgard Architects从中提出的方案。采用混合实木/混凝土结构和以三维元素为特征的环绕露台立面,该建筑将作为一个新的地标城市天际线。

C.F. Moller has been selected as the winner of a competition to design a new residential high-rise in the Swedish city of V?ster?s, beating out proposals from Wing?rdhs & Tham and Videg?rd Architects. Employing a hybrid solid wood/concrete structure and a wrap-around-terrace facade characterized by 3-dimensional elements, the building will serve as a new landmark on the city skyline.


位于Lilludden区,靠近LakeMalaren湖,椭圆形建筑立面的灵感来自吸引了水的运动 - 大型玻璃面板连接每个楼层的露台,以反射光线,允许自然光线穿透每个单元并突出显示立面。

Located in the district of Lilludden near Lake M?laren, the facade of the elliptical-footprint building draws inspiration from the movement of the water – large glass panels connect balconies on each floor to reflect light, allowing natural illuminance to penetrate each unit and highlighting the facade.


Ola Jonsson解释说:“外墙的建筑和细节都受到了Malaren湖的光线反射的启发,结果是三维和动态的立面组合在近处和远处都令人兴奋。

"The architecture and details of the facades are inspired by the light reflections on Lake M?laren. The result is a three-dimensional and dynamic facade composition that is exciting both near and from afar,” explains Ola Jonsson, Architect and associate partner at C.F. Moller.


C.F. Moller提案对建筑物采用独特的施工方法:从基地到15层高的全景花园,建筑物将采用混凝土结构,而其余7层将以实木框架为主。

C.F. Moller proposes the use of a unique construction method for the building: from the base to the panoramic garden on the 15th floor, the building would utilize a concrete structure, while the remaining 7 floors above would be framed in solid wood


Jonsson继续说道:“建筑中高耸的全景花园是城市的焦点,也是居民梦幻般的公共区域。” “我们的目标是优化城市,建筑和城市绿化之间的协同作用。”

“The panoramic garden placed high up in the building is a focal point for the city and a fantastic common area for the residents of the house,” continues Jonsson. “Our ambition has been to optimize the synergies between the city, building and urban greenery.”



The facades would be covered in a naturally-finished wood, weather protected by the overhanging balconies on the floors above. These terraces could then be closed in the winter to create winter garden with the opportunity to grow small crops on a year-round basis.



The building will house a variety of apartment sizes to create a diverse residential profile. Additionally, space for restaurants and commercial space on the ground floor would open up the complex to the entire community, allowing the building to become an active piece of the urban landscape.

C.F. Moller的提案模糊了城市与自然之间的界限C.F. Moller建筑事务所和C.F. Moller景观与SlattaFarvaltning合作赢得了竞赛,在瑞典arebro设计了一个新的住宅区。 他们的设计,arnsroTrastad - 瑞典语“木材之乡” - 侧重于新城市发展与自然的有机结合,突出了建筑和城市规划中的可持续发展。

C.F. Moller Architects and C.F. Moller Landscape, in association with Slatta Farvaltning, have won the competition to design a new residential quarter in ?rebro, Sweden. Their design, the arnsro Trastad - Swedish for "Timber Town" - focuses on the organic integration of new urban development with nature, spotlighting sustainability in both construction and urban planning.

建筑师:C.F. Moller




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