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Hues Hair的设计采用大胆的颜色和简单的几何形状,给内部秩序带来围合感/The design of Hues Hair uses bold colour and simple geometry to lend the interior a sense of order and unity. Image: Dan Hocking

上乘的裁剪:Hues Hair
A cut above: Hues Hair


设计灵感来自Memphis Group,建筑师Adriana Hanna用跳跃的颜色和锋利的形状创造了一个可供休憩的墨尔本美发沙龙。

Hues Hair的负责人带着务实少而短和一些先入为主的想法来到建筑师Adriana Hanna的沙龙。尽管有严格的预算和时间要求,客户的信任让Hanna做出了令人振奋的设计效果。

Inspired by the Memphis Group, architect Adriana Hanna uses playful colour and sharp shapes to create a Melbourne hair salon that’s a cut above the rest.
The client for Hues Hair came to architect Adriana Hanna with a pragmatic brief and few preconceived ideas of what the space could be. Despite a tight budget and timeframe, the client’s trust allowed Hanna to charge forward with her thrilling design.

简单的几何形状以看似无序的排列方式,创建了一个极富表现力的室内空间/Simple geometric shapes arranged in a seemingly disorderly manner create an expressive play on form and scale. Image:  Dan Hocking

Hues Hair是一个位于郊区的充满竞争力的美容院,相比起其他美发沙龙,Hues Hair十分独特,事实上,它不像一个传统的墨尔本沙龙。它会避免一般的沙龙服务方式,在这里,客户作为视觉商品进行展示,Hanna希望创造的是更私密的体验环境。

沙龙的客户主要来源于口碑宣传,而不是依赖于极大的客流量,Hues Hair有意讲店面选择在安静的街道之中。这样便创造了一种排他性-只有那些老客户才知道这家店的准确地点。


Located in a suburb flooded with competing salons, Hues Hair is unlike any other in the streetscape. In fact, it’s unlike a typical Melbourne salon altogether. Keen to avoid the usual salon window tack, where customers are displayed as if they were visual merchandise, Hanna looked to create a much more private and intimate experience.
With the salon’s clientele largely garnered by word of mouth rather than passing foot traffic, Hues Hair has an intentionally quiet street presence. Its modest storefront creates a sense of exclusivity – only those in the know would realize that the storefront conceals a hair salon behind its doors.
The hair stations are not visible from the street, but organized across the tenancy as a series of seemingly randomly placed objects. In fact, the three-sided hair stations are located with calculated purpose, positioned to obscure views to and from each station, ensuring a sense of privacy for individual clients.

房间之间反射镜和反射玻璃形成的独特视觉联系/Mirrors and reflective perspex form unique visual connections between spaces. Image:  Dan Hocking

受到Memphis Group创始人Ettore Sottsass和墨尔本当代艺术家Emily Floyd的影响,Hanna在室内使用了有趣的颜色和简单的几何图形。主色调只有两种,桃色(Hanna认为这是最能衬托皮肤的颜色)和森林绿色,这使沙龙的内部获得了秩序和围合感。这两种颜色的选择都经过了深刻的思考,它们锐化了几何形式,明确了正、负空间的视觉特点。天花板网格由于预算限制得以保留,但它的规则的几何形状在桃红色背景下由绿色油漆的使用而被强调,同时,它还能在灯光下反射发型效果。

Citing Memphis Group founder Ettore Sottsass and contemporary Melbourne-based artist Emily Floyd as influences, Hanna injected the interior with a playful use of colour and simple geometric forms. Imbued with only two colours, peach (which Hanna’s research suggested was the most flattering tone for the complexion) and forest green, the salon’s interior gains a sense of order and unity. The two colours are applied with deep consideration, sharpening the geometric forms and clarifying the visual reading of positive and negative space. The ceiling grid was retained due to budget restraints, but its regular and rational geometry is reinforced by green paint over a peach backdrop and maps the warped coordinates of the hair stations beneath it.


几何形式应用于不同的尺度。狭窄的拱门被超大的环形、三角形和拱形所分割。当你看这些被桃色和绿色所占据的大空间时,你的尺度感会因此而变得有些模糊。因此,设计师使用了一种名叫Paola Navone Eumenes的椅子,它能帮助你恢复尺度感,从而知道该怎样在这个空间里活动。

The geometric forms appear at varying scales. Narrow pointed archways are overlapped with oversized circles, triangles and arches. When you look at these oversized forms, which are flattened by the use of the peach and forest green, your understanding of scale and depth becomes dislocated. It’s only the Paola Navone Eumenes chairs that help you identify how these forms relate to the human scale or suggest the possibility of habitation.


当你从一个空间进入到另一个空间时,对颜色的感知也发生了变化。在一个房间里看到的桃红色会继续出现在下一个房间–一James Turrell的作品让人联想到了视觉游戏。镜子,是每一个沙龙必不可少的东西,它也有助于设计。受到安装艺术家Jeppe Hein的影响,Hanna将镜子作为室内空间的几何要素,从而使得内部空间产生了扑朔迷离的镜面反射。

As you traverse from one space to another, the perception of the colours shifts. What looks peach in one room appears white in the next – a visual game reminiscent of James Turrell’s work. Mirrors, which are essential to every salon, are also instrumental to the design. Influenced by installation artist Jeppe Hein, Hanna has used mirrors to visually complete geometries of half forms, confusing the eye between the physical and the reflected.


在纯粹的几何形状之间,准确的色彩,反射的巧妙在充满视觉冲击力的室内空间里产生了超越时空的错觉,与传统美发沙龙相比,Hues Hair看起来更像是一个展览空间或艺术装置。

为顾客提供叹为观止的视觉盛宴是Hues Hair区别其他美发沙龙的最大特点。

Between the pure geometries, the strict use of colour and the deceptive use of reflection, the interior, riddled with visual games, has a hyper-stylized feel that has more in common with a gallery space or installation than a typical hair salon.
The thrilling visual playground that Hues Hair offers sets it apart from any other salon.


设计师:Adriana Hanna
图片:Dan Hocking
来源:Artichoke – 2016年9月(第56期)

Design practice: Adriana Hanna
Words: Ella Leoncio
Images: Dan Hocking
Sources: Artichoke – September 2016 (Issue 56)
Tags: Retail





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