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© Josema Cutillas

Wooden Installation in Logroño is a Tribute to Spanish Wine


Concéntrico是西班牙洛格罗尼奥的建筑设计节,它向城市居民和来自世界各地的游客开放,旨在重新发现人们对城市历史空间的兴趣。 建筑节邀请人们来参观这些有趣的装置,它们将平时不易察觉的内部庭院、折叠空间以及小广场连接起来,从而更好的将艺术展览融入日常生活。

自2015年以来,Concéntrico由拉里奥哈建筑师文化基金会(FCAR),以及该倡议的推动者Javier Peña Ibáñez、洛格罗尼奥地方政府和拉里奥哈设计中心(Centro deDiseñoIntegral de La Rioja,CEdiR)组织。 他们的目标是通过建筑设计来推动人们对于城市的反思。

在这种情况下,DP Architects在洛格罗尼奥设计了临时的构筑物。 “Cada cuba huele al vino que tiene”表现了对拉里奥哈葡萄酒、土壤、气候的意象,也代表了储存葡萄酒的木桶。

Concéntrico is Logroño’s Architecture and Design Festival. It is open to residents of the city and visitors from elsewhere, and it aims to discover and rediscover spaces of interest in the city’s Historic Center. The Festival invites attendees to tour these spaces through installations that create a connection between inner courtyards, tucked-away spaces and small plazas that, in the day-to-day, tend to go unnoticed.
Since 2015 Concéntrico is being organized by La Rioja Architects Cultural Foundation (Fundación Cultural de los Arquitectos de La Rioja, FCAR), along with Javier Peña Ibáñez, the promotor of the initiative, and in collaboration with the local government of Logroño, Garnica and the Integral Design Center of La Rioja (Centro de Diseño Integral de La Rioja, CEdiR). Its goal is to prompt reflection on the city through architectural and design proposals.
In this context, DP Architects presents an ephemeral intervention in the city of Logroño. The aims of "Cada cuba huele al vino que tiene" is to be a tribute to the wine of La Rioja, soil, climate and grapes, but also the wooden barrels used in the wine’s maturation.

© DP Architects


Concéntrico 03在2017年举行了两场竞赛,其中一场在西班牙举行:

Concéntrico 03在Revellín广场的设计竞赛:该竞赛面向艺术、设计和建筑学领域的人开放。 主办方建议在Revellín广场设计一个临时的构筑物,这个构筑物将是七个构筑装置和一个展馆组成;这些构筑物将在节日期间在全市历史中心展出。 竞赛包括构筑物的设计和后续的建造和拆卸。

The intervention at Revellín Plaza
Concéntrico 03 open two competitions in 2017, only one opened out of Spain:
Design competition and intervention at Revellín Plaza at Concéntrico 03: The competition is open to any creators (individuals or collectives) who propose ephemeral interventions within any of the disciplines of art, design and architecture. We propose the creation of an ephemeral architectural intervention at Revellín Plaza; this intervention will be part of the architectural collection of seven installations and one pavilion; this collection will be set up in different locations throughout the city’s Historic Center for the duration of the Festival. The competition encompasses both the design of the intervention and the subsequent construction and disassembly of the same by the winning team.

© Josema Cutillas


比赛要求在西班牙洛格罗尼奥历史悠久的Plaza del Revellin广场举行。 由Garnica赞助,Garnica将提供20张杨树胶合板(1.2m x 2.4m)用于建造设计。主办方希望设计能够参考位于西班牙里奥哈地区中心的洛格罗尼奥传统文化。

Winning design
The competition calls for an intervention within the historic Plaza del Revellin in Logrono, Spain. TheIntervention is sponsored by Garnica, who are providing 20 sheets of Poplar Plywood (1.2m x 2.4m) out of which the intervention is to be constructed. We wished for our design to heavily reference the local culture of Logrono, which sits at the heart of Spain’s Rioja region.  

© Josema Cutillas

不管是“Cada cuba huele al vino que tiene”还是“The Cooper's Cabin”,这些作品都是对里奥哈葡萄酒的致敬。 这是一个纯粹的制作过程,表现了该地区的土壤、气候和葡萄意向,还暗示了葡萄酒酿造完成后使用的木桶元素。每个构筑物的设计理念是解构葡萄酒桶,16mm杨木胶合板形成板条,并铆接3mm的胶合板环,这是将整个结构固定在一起的箍,木材的内侧则染成葡萄酒一样的深紫色。

"Cada cuba huele al vino que tiene" or The Cooper’s Cabin, is a devotional space dedicated to Rioja wine. It is a pure distillation of the not only the region; its soil, climate and grapes but also the wooden barrels used in the wine’s maturation. Formally, each Cabin has been designed as a deconstructed wine barrel, with 16mm poplar plywood forming the staves and riveted 3mm plywood rings acting as hoops holding the whole construction together. The inside face of the wood has been stained a deep purple with the wine of the surrounding vineyards.

© DP Architects

特别地是,每个小屋通过低矮的门进入,此时人们的视线将被引向地面,地面代表着地球,而当你站立的时候,你看到上方寓意着天空的圆洞。 此时人们会注意到周围深色的木材,那是被葡萄酒浸染了的效果。这是一个全面的感官体验,使人们充分感受属于洛格罗尼奥和里奥哈地区的风采。

Experientially, each Cabin is entered ceremonially through a low door. Your eyes are directed towards the ground where a wine hued light represents the earth, then as you stand you see the sky above framed in a hooped oculus. As you begin to look about you notice the deep colour of the wood around you and then the scent of the wine soaked wood. It is an all-encompassing sensory experience which makes you a part of Logroño and the Rioja region.

© Josema Cutillas

© DP Architects

7个小屋分别代表了里奥哈地区的一个城镇,其中三个最大的是哈罗、卡拉霍拉和洛格罗尼奥,小城镇则由较小的小屋组成。 当人们穿梭在每个小屋之间时,人们便能逐渐了解该地区的风土人情,并且逐渐了解不同气候、葡萄品种和酿酒厂之间的相互联系。

The 7 Cooper’s Cabins each represent a town within the Rioja region, the three largest are for Haro, Calahora and Logroño, with the smaller towns being represented by smaller Cabins. As you move between each Cabin, you start to get an understanding of the region and the interconnectedness of the different climates, grape varieties and wineries.

© DP Architects

当进出每个小屋时,人们会注意到这些小构筑物都被其相应区域的葡萄酒染色,颜色各不相同,形成有趣的多样性,非常独特显眼。 这种染色方法也使木材与葡萄酒的香味融合在一起,形成令人兴奋的环境,超越纯粹的内容,让人们体验到身临其境般的感官空间。

在这一方面,小屋是创造者,不断的体现着内涵; 每个人都是葡萄酒的体验者,让土地和社区成为一体。 人们通过一扇低矮的门进入不同的构筑物,在这里,空间被浓郁的葡萄酒染色的木头围绕,阴影遍布表面,葡萄酒浓浓的香气在空气中弥漫。

As you explore deeper and enter each Cabin, you will notice that they have each been stained with the wine of their area, their colours vary and create an interesting diversity to be discovered whilst traversing the installation. This method of staining also imbues the wood with the wine’s scent and creates a heady and exciting environment which moves beyond the purely visceral, and into a fully immersive sensory space.
At this point the Cabins take on a devotional aspect; each one a temple to wine, the land and the communities that made it possible. You enter each pavilion through a low door, bowing respectfully as you breach the interior space. Inside, the space is shaded by the rich, darkened, wine stained wood, shadows play across the surfaces and a wine heavy air pervades the space.

© Josema Cutillas

© DP Architects

脚下的圆形酒红色灯光,在空气中散发着的光芒,灯具代表葡萄种植的地方。当人们抬起头来,就会看到笼罩在小屋内的天空,宜人的气候和充足的阳光使这片土地变得如此富有。夜晚,整个Revellín广场焕然一新。 Tempranillo灯发出耀眼的光芒,一系列阴影与空间相互交织。形成引人入胜的抽象光影网络,这暗示了该地区葡萄酒产业的蓬勃发展。土壤的类型、气候的温暖、充足的降雨量等各个方面都在共同孕育未来的无限可能。

At your feet is a circular light which glows wine red and casts a ceremonial light about the space. This light represents the earth from which the grapes grew. As you look up, you see the sky framed in a hooped oculus, a reminder of the climate and weather which make the land so fruitful. At night, the whole of Revellín Plaza takes on a reverential glow. The Tempranillo lights shine out from within the large Cabins, and a series of long interconnected shadows intersect the space. This network of light and shadow is at once striking for its dynamism and the abstractness of the forms which it creates, but it also hints at the interconnectedness of systems that make the wine of the region possible. From the fertility of the soil, the warmth of the climate, the rainfall, the ability of the Rioja communities to sustain for generations and to begin anew.

© DP Architects



Note from the Jury:
This project was selected due to the dynamic and suggestive nature of the architecture it incorporates. It is resolved using pieces that, through the exercise of repetition on different scales, inhabit and filter the space, generating new paths and provoking a unique relationship between the pedestrian and the square, making them a participant.

© Josema Cutillas

关于DP Architects

DP建筑成立于1967年,是新加坡城市景观公司。 现在也是亚洲领先的建筑企业,在全球拥有1300多名员工和17家办事处,该公司提供从建筑、城市规划、景观设计、基础设施设计、可持续设计和室内设计到项目管理等一系列服务。 DP建筑公司从事各种各样的项目设计,诸如新达城、滨海滨海广场和迪拜购物中心等,对此类建筑设计具有独到并且专业的经验。圣淘沙名胜世界和新加坡体育中心等项目都是该事务所的设计里程碑。该公司成立之初,深切关注建筑环境,致力于创造卓越的建筑空间,丰富人类的体验和精神需求。 DP Architects对项目所处的环境与背景十分敏感,旨在通过设计来提高人们的生活质量。

DP Architects
Founded in 1967, DP Architects was one of the firms responsible for the urban landscape of Singapore. Now a leading architectural practice in Asia with over 1,300 staff and 17 offices worldwide, the firm provides a range of services from architecture, urban planning, landscape design, infrastructure design, engineering, sustainable design and interior design to project management. DP Architects has a long history in a wide variety of projects with a particular expertise in vast undertakings such as Suntec City, Esplanade-Theatres on the Bay and The Dubai Mall. Current landmark projects include Resorts World Sentosa and Singapore Sports Hub. The firm was founded with a deep concern for the built environment and the need to create architecture of excellence that enriches the human experience and spirit. Sensitive to their context and the environment, DP Architects’ projects aim to improve the quality of life of the people using the buildings and spaces.

© Josema Cutillas

© DP Architects

© DP Architects

© DP Architects

© DP Architects

© DP Architects

DP Architects设计团队: Kyle Fulton, Takanao Todo
DP Architects模型团队:Wu Yan, Chen Wan Shyan
DP立面:Mathieu Meur
DP灯光:Kevin Sturrock   

Year of Completion: 2017
Location: Logroño – Spain
Competition Name: Intervention at Revellín Plaza at Concéntrico 03
DP Architects Design Team: Kyle Fulton, Takanao Todo
DP Architects Model Team: Wu Yan, Chen Wan Shyan
DP Facade: Mathieu Meur
DP Lighting: Kevin Sturrock   





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