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欧洲检察署新总部大楼位于荷兰海牙,嵌于一片起伏的沙丘景观之中。Mecanoo architecten和RoyalHaskoningDHV事务所与DS景观团队携手合作,共同为之打造了一座舒适且安全的、集办公空间和会议中心于一体的大楼。

Semi-submerged in an undulating dune landscape lies the new Eurojust headquarters in The Hague, the Netherlands. The team of Mecanoo architecten, RoyalHaskoningDHV and landscape architects DS designed a welcoming and secure building with offices, a conference centre.

▼建筑外观,exterior view


国际区 | International Zone

欧洲检察署是专门处理跨国刑事案件的欧盟司法单位。新总部大楼是与中央政府地产局、司法安全部以及市政府办公楼同时进行的项目。这座12层的大楼共包含超过400个工作空间,为来自欧盟成员国及三个非成员国家的代表提供了办公场所,并设有一个行政管理部门。位于Johan de Wittlaan大街的场地延伸至国际区之外,使总部大楼与OPCW、世界论坛会议中心以及欧洲刑警组织连接得更加紧密。与场地相邻的还有Zorgvliet公园以及一个住宅区域。复杂的地理位置以及严格的安保条例,意味着项目需要一个足够谨慎和综合的解决方案。

Eurojust is the EU-judicial cooperation unit dealing with cross-border crime. The new headquarters for Eurojust in the International Zone of The Hague were developed together with the Central Government Real Estate Agency, the Ministry of Justice and Security and the municipality. The twelve-storey building has more than four hundred workplaces and accommodates the national representatives of the EU Member States and three non-EU countries, supported by an administrative department. The site on the Johan de Wittlaan creates an extension of the International Zone, placing Eurojust in close proximity to organisations such as OPCW, the World Forum Convention Center and Europol. The site is adjacent to Zorgvliet Park and a residential area. The complexity of the location and the stringent security measures required a carefully integrated design solution.

▼建筑近景,a close view of the building


沙丘景观 | Dune landscape


As a result, Eurojust is linked to the International Zone by an undulating dune landscape with grassy vegetation and wild flowers. By ingeniously incorporating the security requirements within the landscape design, the building has been given an open character. The positioning of the two-floor convention centre underground helps to keep the building at a modest scale in relation to its context. The landscape pulls away from the building along the conference lobby area to reveal a lush water wall and bring daylight into the building’s lowest levels.

▼大楼通过一块花草密布的沙丘与国际区相连,the building is linked to the International Zone by an undulating dune landscape


▼布满植物的水墙后退于会议中心的大堂,the landscape pulls away from the building along the conference lobby area to reveal a lush water wall



▼景观与建筑间的空隙使自然光能够射入建筑的最低层,the gap between the building and landscape brings the daylight into the building’s lowest levels


古典美 | Classic beauty


The building is an elegant composition of two volumes: the high-rise tower facing the Johan de Wittlaan and the low-rise plinth on the park side. The rhythm of pure white composite facade elements gives the building a timeless, classic beauty. The windows are subtly tilted either horizontally or vertically, thereby reflecting both the sky and the surrounding landscape.

▼窗户在水平或垂直方向上略微倾斜,the windows are subtly tilted either horizontally or vertically


室内 | Interior


Inside, visitors are welcomed into a spacious, double height lobby. From the lobby, there is a gradual transition from open spaces to more private areas. A wide staircase, overlooking the dune landscape, descends to the conference centre. The higher levels feature a contemporary office environment that encourages cooperation. Due to the efficient positioning of different security zones, the security features have a minimal impact on the architecture. The carefully detailed interior is characterised by an abundance of daylight, the use of a rich variety of natural materials, delicate motifs and soft colours. Graphic patterns on the glazed meeting room partitions allow daylight to pass through and create visual connections, while safeguarding privacy.

▼入口接待处,reception area


▼宽敞的双层高大厅,visitors are welcomed into a spacious, double height lobby



▼宽阔的主楼梯沿着沙丘景观逐渐下降至会议中心,a wide staircase, overlooking the dune landscape, descends to the conference centre


▼办公空间和公共区域形成视觉上的联系,the workplace is visually connected with the public area


▼主会议室,conference room


▼小型会议室,带有几何图案的玻璃保证了私密性,the glazed meeting room partitions allow daylight to pass through while safeguarding privacy


▼协作式的现代办公空间, a contemporary office environment that encourages cooperation


▼场地平面图,site plan





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