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Tonkin Liu 为曼彻斯特市政区打造仿生塔
Tonkin Liu creates nature-informed tower for Manchester's Civic Quarter


建筑工作室 Tonkin Liu设计了一座仿生塔,用作位于英国曼彻斯特低碳能源中心的烟道,塔身如雕塑般的墙面由有机形体的瓷砖组成。

Tonkin Liu 工作室以建筑作为干预措施,加入曼切斯特市政区供热网络和能源中心的组成部分,为区域的关键节点网络提供低碳能源。

Architecture studio Tonkin Liu has completed a biomimetic tower containing flues for a low-carbon energy centre in Manchester, England, along with a sculptural wall made from organically-shaped tiles.
Tonkin Liu's architectural interventions form part of the city's Civic Quarter Heat Network and Energy Centre, which provides low-carbon energy to a network of key sites across the district.

▲ Tonkin Liu 在曼彻斯特设计了光之塔和能源之墙
Tonkin Liu has completed The Tower of Light and the Wall of Energy in Manchester


40 米高的光之塔覆盖着烟道,把从电热发动机和两个燃气锅炉中产生的热空气排向室外。光之塔的意义在于以视觉效果传达环境项目的价值,在夜间如一座灯塔般明亮。

Called The Tower of Light and the Wall of Energy, the building aims to transform its site next to Manchester Central station into a landmark that celebrates the innovative technologies being employed to produce and distribute cleaner energy.
The 40-metre-tall Tower of Light encloses flues that funnel hot air away from a combined heat and power engine and two gas boilers. It was designed to provide a visible expression of the project's environmental agenda and is illuminated like a beacon at night.

▲ 仿生塔展示着能源清洁新技术。Photo is by Matthew Burnett
The structure celebrates clean energy technologies. Photo is by Matthew Burnett

这座塔是迄今为止最先进、最庞大的仿生结构,来源于 Tonkin Liu 和Arup工程公司对基于自然界中发现的几何形状的轻质建筑方法研究。

建筑外壳花边结构项目始于 2009 年,此前曾助力于赫尔雕塑塔的设计,还被用于开发气管移植手术后使用的气管支架原型。

The tower is the latest, and to date the largest, biomimetic structure to be developed based on research conducted by Tonkin Liu and engineering firm Arup into lightweight building methods based on geometries found in nature.
The Shell Lace Structure project, which began in 2009, previously informed the design of a sculptural tower installed in Hull, and was used to develop a prototypal windpipe stent for use after tracheal transplant surgery.

▲ 40 米高的塔包裹着低碳能源中心的烟道
The 40-metre-tall tower encloses flues for a low-carbon energy centre


“从自然界的几何学中学习,塔的形式充满了力量。”Tonkin Liu 说, “超轻、超薄的单面结构,通过简约的材料呈现最大化的效果。”

The Tower of Light was constructed using flat steel sheets with a thickness of just six or eight millimetres, which were laser-cut and welded together to create strong and rigid curved surfaces.
"Learning from geometries in nature, the tower's form is its strength," said Tonkin Liu. "The super-light, super-thin single-surface structure uses the least material to achieve the most."

▲ 墙上覆盖陶瓷砖
The wall is covered in ceramic tiles



"Modern methods of construction using advanced digital modelling, analysis, and fabrication, combined with principles of tailoring, have made the Shell Lace Structure innovation possible," the studio added.
The tower's oval form is corrugated to increase the surface area and create a surface with built-in rigidity. The latticed steel structure allows the tower to be built with less material than an equivalent smooth cylinder.

▲ 激光切割的钢板包裹塔身
Steel sheets that were laser cut wrap the tower


塔内安置的反射器在白天将阳光投射到室内,同样的反射器上装载的LED 灯则在夜间产生动态照明效果。

塔楼和新能源中心由 63 米长的琉璃瓦街道立面包围。


Perforations in the steel sheets increase in size towards the top of the tower, reflecting the decreasing dead load and allowing more wind to pass through the structure.
Reflectors incorporated inside the tower direct sunlight into its chambers throughout the day, while LED lights aimed at the same reflectors produce animated lighting sequences at night.
The tower and the new energy centre are enclosed by a 63-metre-long street facade formed of glazed ceramic tiles.
The high-gloss finish on the tiles reflects light and movement in the urban environment throughout the day and is animated with programmed lighting at night.

▲ 墙上共有 1,373 块瓷砖
A total of 1,373 tiles line the wall


墙面总共配置了31 种不同形状的瓷砖,创造起伏的表面,在厚度上发生变化。

"The tessellated interlocking lozenge tile pattern evokes the dynamic energy of earth's movements, as seen in patterns left in the sand by ocean waves," the architects explained.
A total of 1,373 tiles were produced in 31 different shapes to allow the undulating surface to change across its height.

▲ 夜晚,LED灯照亮塔楼
LED lights illuminate the tower at night


总体而言,该项目宣告着能源中心研发的开创性技术,在以工程遗产而闻名的地区塑造了一个属于 21 世纪的地标。

A long ribbon window incorporated into the wall enables passers-by to look inside and see the inner workings of the energy centre.
As a whole, the project aims to celebrate the pioneering technologies used within the energy centre, creating a 21st-century landmark within a district known for its engineering heritage.

▲ 钢板上的穿孔尺寸向塔顶方向增大
Perforations in the steel sheets increase in size towards the top of the tower

Tonkin Liu 建筑工作室由建筑师 Anna Liu 和 Mike Tonkin 领导,他们于 2002 年成立了多学科办公室。工作室的成果经常使用创新技术来复制从自然界中发现的优化设计解决方案。


除非另有说明,全文图片由David Valinsky拍摄。

Tonkin Liu is headed by architects Anna Liu and Mike Tonkin, who found the multidisciplinary office in 2002. The studio's output often uses technical innovations to replicate the optimised design solutions found in nature.
The London-based office previously designed a biomimicry-informed swing bridge for a park in the UK capital, as well as a residential extension with a concave roof that curves around a reflecting pool.
The photography is by David Valinsky unless stated. 









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