Vasilis Markostian的“I Have...”橱柜深入研究了我们的生活方式
Vasilis Markostian's 'I Have...' cabinet delves into the way we live
希腊艺术家Vasilis Markostian近期向公众介绍他的新作品:“我有两台电视、两个遥控器、两台固定电话、两个手机、两节电池、两个闹钟、两台电脑、两个打火机、两台灶具、两台录音机,以及享受这一切的生活态度。”这个橱柜由两个面板组成,上面的是玻璃,下面是木材。初看它像玻璃橱柜,这件特色家具用于展示瓷器、水晶玻璃和其他日用品,这一切看上去都是那么的小资安逸。
The Greek artist Vasilis Markostian presents his new artwork ‘I have two televisions, two remote controls, two landline phones, two mobile phones, two batteries, two clocks, two computers, two lighters, two cooking appliances, two radio tape players, and one life to enjoy them!’ — a cabinet, consisting of two panels made out of glass on the top and wood in the lower part. It resembles the vitrine at first sight, the characteristic furniture for displaying porcelain, crystal glasses and other everyday objects belonging to the world of petit-bourgeois coziness.
all images © leonidas germanopoulos and pipi
The open panels allow us to notice the bust of a man on the first shelf centrally placed and surrounding of trees. On the shelf below common industrial, utilitarian and high-tech products from the’90s , such as portable radio tape players, lighters, electric cookers, computers and laptops stand in pairs; they are thoughtfully arranged in a symmetrical way so that shapes, sizes and colors respond to each other and, at the same time, they serve a deliberate rhythmic compositional strategy.
关上门的橱柜。材料:搪瓷、丙烯酸、喷雾、木材、玻璃和塑料,212×92×41厘米/Closed cabinet. Materials: enamel, acrylic, spray, wood, glass and plastic, 212 x 92 x 41 cm
“艺术家把组合审美与直觉上的修养结合起来,否定消费品的审美化。”艺术史学家Konstantina Drakopoulou说,“另一个我想提出的问题是:在 Markosian整洁的世界里,工业产品都具有一定的符号特征,它们是虚度一生的象征。整个作品最为重要的标题列出了玻璃橱窗中繁琐的物件,然而在最后才点明重点,即独特的生活。”
‘The artist here combines the assemblage aesthetic with an intuitive sophistication, and negates the aestheticization of the consumer goods’, says art historian Konstantina Drakopoulou. ‘Another issue I would like to raise is that in Markosian’s tidy world industrial products operate semiotically; they are the signified of a wasted life. The title — an integral part of the work — lists tediously the pairs of the objects in the vitrine while the last line reminds the viewer of the one and only possibility to live, i.e. to live uniquely’.
中心放置的半身像被常用物件包围着/The centrally placed bust is surrounded by common objects