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爱在拉斯维加斯:丹尼斯•斯科特•布朗(Scott Brown)和文丘里(Venturi)的后现代浪漫
Love in Las Vegas: 99% Invisible Illuminates Robert Venturi and Denise Scott Brown’s Postmodern Romance


哪个建筑更好看,鸭子建筑还是装饰满满的棚子?更重要的是,普通美国人喜欢什么样的建筑?丹尼斯•斯科特•布朗(Scott Brown)和罗伯特•文图里(Robert Venturi)在1972年出版的《向拉斯维加斯学习》中,通过背弃家长式的现代主义来探讨这些问题,他们喜欢炫耀的、公开的媚俗和拉斯维加斯地带的象征性的麦加。他们在宾夕法尼亚大学美术馆举行的一次会议中偶然相遇,并共同研究这个领域,以批判塑造新一代建筑师的方式,从99%看不见的最新章节中发现浪漫和城市的隐藏细节,这是后现代主义的定义。

在一次讨论1890年宾夕法尼亚大学美术图书馆被毁问题的会议之后,Scott Brown和Venturi教授私底下进行交流,他们发现两人对历史和装饰有着共同兴趣。由于两人都喜欢装饰建筑,于是他们很快就开始分享研究,甚至互相教导。从宾夕法尼亚大学迁往伯克利后,Scott Brown偶然发现了拉斯维加斯地带的霓虹灯世界。他不断的问自己“这是爱还是恨?拉斯维加斯是一个灯红酒绿的地方……嘿,人们成群结队地去了。”1966年,她邀请Venturi前往参观。

Which building is better, the duck or the ornamented shed? More importantly, what kind of architecture does the average American prefer? In their landmark 1972 publication Learning From Las Vegas, Denise Scott Brown and Robert Venturi probed these questions by turning their back on paternalistic modernism in favor of the glowing, overtly kitsch, and symbolic Mecca of the Las Vegas strip. From a chance encounter during a meeting in the Library of Fine Arts at the University of Pennsylvania and shared trips to the strip to critically shaping a new generation of architects, discover the hidden details of the romance and city that defined postmodernism in this latest episode from 99% Invisible.
Following a clandestine interaction following a meeting to discuss the destruction of the 1890 Library of Fine Arts at the University of Pensilvania—where Scott Brown and Venturi taught—the pair discovered their shared interest in the historic and ornamental. Both were fond of decorative architecture and soon began sharing research and even teaching alongside one another. After relocating from the University of Pennsylvania to Berkley, Scott Brown stumbled upon the neon sea of the Las Vegas strip. “‘Is this love or is this hate?” Scott Brown remembers asking herself. “Las Vegas was a place people voted for with their feet…hey went there in droves.” In 1966, she invited Venturi for a visit.

© Robert Venturi

在四天的时间两位教授对建筑进行了游览好拍照,最终两人坠入爱河。斯科特•布朗(Scott Brown)最终向文丘里(Venturi)求婚,随后他们搬回东海岸并在耶鲁大学任职。然而两人仍对拉斯维加斯这个城市流连忘返,他们在拉斯维加斯策划了一个为期12周的临时工作室,在这12周的时间里他们做记录、采访、画地图、拍照、逛街、参加赌场的开幕。

The pair spent four days taking pictures, driving the strip and, ultimately, falling in love. Scott Brown would eventually propose to Venturi and move back to the east coast where they would both take up positions at Yale. Still enamored with the city, Scott Brown and Venturi planned a  twelve-week-long studio in Las Vegas where they made notes, conducted interviews, drew maps, took photos, walked the strip, and attended casino openings.

© Denise Scott Brown

1972年,斯科特•布朗(Scott Brown)和文丘里(Venturi)在助教Steven Izenour的帮助下编写了他们学生的作品,成为对拉斯维加斯的开创性学习。他们要求建筑师离开办公大楼,亲身到达现场走一走,考虑下人们喜欢的日常场所,走访一下日常普通的大街而不是香榭丽舍大街。

Scott Brown and Venturi compiled the work of their student’s with the help of teaching assistant Steven Izenour in 1972 to form the seminal Learning from Las Vegas. Their book asked architects to step down from their corporate towers and consider the everyday places people enjoy, to embrace Main Street instead of the Champs-élysées.

© Wikimedia user Beth Savage licensed under CC BY 2.0


虽然这本书对后现代主义运动是一种号召,但斯科特•布朗(Scott Brown)指出,《向拉斯维加斯学习》(Learning from Las Vegas)与其说是现象本身,不如说是对日常生活的批判。但是,也许我们可以说这本书和建筑一样,是关于爱的。

新闻来源于:99% invisible。

Perhaps the most famous inclusion in the publications was the discussion of the duck and the ornamented shed—a building symbolic of its program constructed by a modernist block that required signage to express its meaning. Venturi and Scott Brown wanted to make buildings legible. Thus, not every structure needed a sign or symbolic form but desperately needed to communicate beyond the impotent glazed modernist tower filling American cities.
While the book was a call to arms for the following postmodern movement, Scott Brown has noted that Learning from Las Vegas is less about the strip itself and more about critically engaging the everyday. But, perhaps we could say the book is as much about architecture as it is about love.
Learn more about this postmodern love story and the city that helped shape it in 99% Invisiblerecent investigation here.
News via: 99% invisible.




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