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哥伦比亚天赋 - 哥伦比亚设计的10个例子
Colombia’s Got Talent – 10 Examples of Colombian Design


让我们通过Mayré Rivero Bueno的文章继续走进世界系列,我们选择了10个代表哥伦比亚设计的项目。哥伦比亚是世界上生物多样性最丰富的国家之一,拥有40,000至45,000种植物物种,占全球物种总数的10%至20%,而鸟类物种数量之多也仅次于巴西。 这个国家是Rogelio Salmona(1929-2007)的家乡,他是一位哥伦比亚建筑师,1948年至1954年在巴黎的工作室与勒•柯布西耶(Le Corbusier)合作六年。Rogelio是哥伦比亚最著名的现代主义建筑师之一。他著有多个建筑和城市地标,其中大部分都在波哥大。 那么,让我们来看看哥伦比亚的一些已知(以及一些不为人知的)项目。

Article by Mayré Rivero Bueno Continuing on with our world series, we have selected 10 projects that represent Colombian design. Colombia is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world with 40,000 to 45,000 plant species, which is 10 to 20 percent of the total global species and holds the top spot for number of bird species—surpassed only by Brazil. The country is home to Rogelio Salmona (1929-2007) a Colombian architect that worked with Le Corbusier for six years at his studio in Paris from 1948 to 1954. Rogelio is among Colombia’s most celebrated modernist architects; he is the author of multiple architectonic and urban landmarks—most of them are found in Bogotá. So, let’s take a look at some known (and some not-so-known) projects in Colombia.

二百周年纪念公园/Bicentenario Park. Credit: GreenRoofs

10. 二百周年纪念公园(Bicentenario Park),由Mazzanti团队设计,波哥大桥梁是连接两个点的重要元素。Mazzanti团队采用了这一概念并将其提升,使其更加环保。为了做到这一点,他们利用了26大道的一部分,在其之上创建了一个4.6公顷(11英亩)的公园,旨在帮助振兴邻近的公园。该公园由八个小植被广场组成,这些广场上充满了原生和易于改造的植物。总共有41,000株植物。

10. Parque Bicentenario (Bicentenario Park), by The Mazzanti Team, Bogotá  A bridge is an element that connects two points. The Mazzanti Team took this concept and elevated it, making it greener. To do this, they took a section of 26 Avenue and covered it to create a 4.6-hectare (11-acre) park that was designed to help revitalize a neighboring park. The park consists of eight small vegetated squares full of native and easily adapted plants. In total, there are 41,000 plants.

公园沿着河边/Parks by the River. Credit: Antonio Maggiolo

9. 里欧公园(河边公园),由Latitud设计,这是麦德林市最雄心勃勃的大型城市项目。该项目的目的是通过人行天桥和线性公园连接河流的两侧。按照十年的计划表,它的第一阶段于去年刚交付,目前仍在进行中。预计将于2026年完工,它将成为该市最大的公共绿地。

9. Parques del Río (Parks by the River), by Latitud, Medellín With its first stage barely completed, this is the most ambitious mega-urban project in Medellín. Ultimately, the project’s intent is to connect both sides of the river through pedestrian bridges and linear parks. With a ten-year schedule, its first stage was delivered last year and it’s ongoing. Slated for completion in 2026, it will become the largest public green space in the city.

著名的Agueda Gallardo修复公园/Principal Park Agueda Gallardo Recovery. Credit: Sergio Gomez

8. 城堡公园,由Mazzanti团队与 AEV 建筑团队共同设计,圣玛尔塔这个项目是恢复圣玛尔塔曼萨纳雷斯河滨计划的一部分。通过城市的水文系统,设计团队在河边建立了一个休闲的空间网络。拥有足球场、游乐场、成人健身区、多功能区以及多个花园和人行道 - 这里是家庭活动场所的优选之地。

7. 著名的Agueda Gallardo修复公园,由 Arquitectura y Espacio与Carlos Puebla y Verónica Cruz共同设计,潘普洛纳的规模较小,该市决定使著名的Agueda Gallardo公园重新焕发活力,成为人们聚会和活动的场所。设计的概念是基于空间的线性特性及其简单性。所有城市家具都按照这一原则设计,采用木材、石材和黑金属等天然材料制成。绿色区域和露台包含了两个绿色区域和几何形态。

8. Park Citadel 29 of July, by The Mazzanti Team + AEV Architects, Santa Marta This project is part of a plan to recover the Manzanares Riverfront in Santa Marta. Through the city’s hydrological system, the design team crafted a network of recreational spaces across the riverfront. Featuring a synthetic soccer field, a playground, an adult gym area, a multi-purpose area, multiple gardens, and pedestrian walkways—it’s a popular spot for families.
7. Principal Park Agueda Gallardo Recovery, by Arquitectura y Espacio + Carlos Puebla y Verónica Cruz, Pamplona Despite its small size, the city decided to rejuvenate the Principal Park Agueda Gallardo as a place for people to meet and gather. The general design concept is based on the linear nature of the space and its simplicity. All of the urban furniture is also designed in accordance with this principle and made with natural materials like wood, stone, and black metal. The green areas and terraces include two green zones and strong geometric shapes.

临河大道/River Boulevard. Credit: Jorge Bela Kindelán

6. BulevardelRío(临河大道),由Elly Burckhardt设计,卡利位于城市历史悠久的市中心,哥伦比亚最长的城市隧道之上是临河大道。设计概念是通过消除密集的交通和污染,将这个地方交还给行人和骑行者。后来,仅有公共交通系统的一小部分可以以非常缓慢的速度在该区域行驶。2014年,哥伦比亚建筑师协会将这条林荫大道评为“全国最佳城市设计”。

6. Bulevar del Río (River Boulevard), by Elly Burckhardt, Cali Located in the city’s historic downtown and atop Colombia’s longest urban tunnel is River Boulevard. The main idea was to give this place back to pedestrians and cyclists by eliminating dense traffic and pollution. Subsequently, just a small part of the public transportation system now drives on this zone at a very slow pace. In 2014, the Colombian Society of Architects named the boulevard as “Best Urban Design of the Country”.

Sinú Riverfront. Credit: Alejandro Rincón

5. La Rondadel Sinú(SinúRiverfront),新蒙特里亚公园,哥伦比亚加勒比海岸最长的线性公园的建设改变了第一大道并将其重新连接到Sinú河。其上有一条人行道和一条自行车道,在巨大的遮荫树周围绵延,这有助于缓解城市热岛效应,使体验更舒适。这周边还陈列着一个艺术博物馆(The MUZAC),一个商业区,儿童游乐场和一个户外剧院。

5. La Ronda del Sinú (Sinú Riverfront), by Parques Nueva Montería, Montería The construction of the longest linear park on the Caribbean Coast of Colombia transformed First Avenue and reconnected it to the Sinú River. Throughout its length there is a pedestrian walkway and a bike lane that twists around the gigantic shade trees, which help reduce the urban heat island effect and makes the experience more comfortable. One will also find an art museum (The MUZAC), a commercial zone, children’s playgrounds, and an outdoor theater.

公共图书馆公园和文化中心/Public Library Park and Cultural Center Julio Mario Santo Domingo. Credit: Daniel Olarte

4. 公共图书馆公园和文化中心,由Diana Wiesner Ceballos 与Daniel Bermudez共同设计,波哥大这个图书馆拥有5.5公顷(14英亩)的公共空间,提供独一无二的阅读体验。该项目使用回收材料建设,旨在成为冲击力较低的建筑,最有趣的是其周围的绿色空间。图书馆坐落在一个片巨大的绿色区域之上,那里有着游乐场,树木繁茂的绿地和人行道。

4. Public Library Park and Cultural Center Julio Mario Santo Domingo, by Diana Wiesner Ceballos + Daniel Bermudez, Bogotá With a public space of 5.5-hectares (14-acres) this library offers an experience like no other. Aiming to be a low-impact construction, recycled materials were used but the most interesting work was done in the surrounding green spaces. The library is nestled in an immense green area where one can find playgrounds, wooded green space, and pedestrian walkways.

Orquideorama. Credit: Sergio Gomez

3. Orquideorama,由Plan B-Felipe Mesa,Alejandro Bernal , JPRCR-Camilo Restrepo与J. Paul Restrepo共同设计。Medellín植物园是建筑与自然融合的完美典范。Orquideorama是模块化“花树”结构的浮动网格。每个“花树”由七个六边形组成并相互配合,这有助于控制膨胀并允许连续生长的设计。设计是环境的一部分,它与植物相连,营造出森林般的氛围。

3. Orquideorama, by Plan B-Felipe Mesa, Alejandro Bernal + JPRCR-Camilo Restrepo, J. Paul Restrepo, Medellín Situated in the Botanic Garden of Medellín, Orquideorama is a perfect example of how architecture fuses with nature. Orquideorama is a floating meshwork of modular “flower-tree” structures. Each “flower-tree” is comprised of seven hexagons and fitted into each other, which helps control the expansion and allows for the option of continuous growth. The design is part of the environment and it links with the plants, creating a forest-like atmosphere.

Santalaia住宅楼/Santalaia Residential Building. Credit: Daniel Segura Photography

2. Santalaia住宅楼,由Exacta Proyecto Total 与 Paisajismo Urbano共同设计,波哥大Santalaia住宅楼位于波哥大以东,是该市人口最稠密的地区之一。该项目拥有世界上最大的垂直花园之一,占地33,551平方英尺,拥有超过115,000种植物,包括10种不同的物种。该项目不仅仅是以美化为目标,更是通过生态更替设计产生较好的作用。

2. Santalaia Residential Building, by Exacta Proyecto Total + Paisajismo Urbano, BogotáThe Santalaia Residential Building is located east of Bogotá, in one of the most densely populated areas of the city. The project boasts one of the largest vertical gardens in the world covering 33,551 square-feet and is home to more than 115,000 plants of ten different species. The project goes beyond a mere aesthetic goal and creates an impact through ecological alternatives.

Parque del Agua. Credit: rugB66’s via Flickr

1. Parque del Agua(水上公园),由Lorenzo Castro y Juan Santamaría 与Alfonso Leiva y Michel Cescas共同设计,Bucaramanga 在关闭十多年后重新向公众开放,公园活力的重新焕发使其区域重新融入城市结构之中。该设计是严格的正交几何形状,具有质朴的装饰,与土地的平面相互融合。此外,家具也遵循这种几何形状,而水描绘了通道并塑造了不同空间的特点。该公园已获得多项国际和国家奖项,哥伦比亚建筑师协会宣称它是过去25年来哥伦比亚建筑最重要的作品之一。

1. Parque del Agua (Water Park), by Lorenzo Castro y Juan Santamaría + Alfonso Leiva y Michel Cescas, Bucaramanga Reopened to the public in 2003 after being closed for over a decade, Parque del Agua was revitalized to reintegrate its area into the urban fabric. The design is a strict orthogonal geometry with rustic finishes that work collectively with the lay of the land. Additionally, the furniture also follows this geometry while water delineates the pathways and shapes the character of the different spaces. The park has been given multiple international and national awards and the Colombian Society of Architects declared it one of the most significant works of Colombian architecture from the last 25 years.


特色图片:Chorro de Quevedo en La Candelaria|哥伦比亚波哥大|Pedro Szekely|2010

Colombia is a multicultural country where we find many backgrounds, climates, and design styles. Whether it’s Santa Marta, Pamplona, or Medellín—each of the selected projects reflect the region’s context and current need.
Featured image: Chorro de Quevedo en La Candelaria |Bogotá, Colombia | Pedro Szekely | 2010




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