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Cinco Sólidos的哥伦比亚Aire小屋
Cinco Sólidos creates Casa Aire for J Balvin in Colombia


哥伦比亚建筑工作室Cinco Sólidos改造了一座位于Medellín郊区的一座山墙住宅,其客户是音乐家J Balvin,这座建筑如同一座“空中住宅”。


Colombian architecture studio Cinco Sólidos has renovated a gabled house in the mountains outside of Medellín for musician J Balvin to appear as a "house in the air".
The studio used the footprint of a previous construction when designing Casa Aire, which was designed to make the home appear separate from a steep site.

▲ Cinco Solidós为音乐家J Balvin设计了第二座住宅。摄影:Nick Wiesner
Cinco Solidós created a second home for musician J Balvin. The photo is by Nick Wiesner



"In terms of its conceptual development, the house revolves around the interest of expressing lightness and buoyancy as principles," said the studio.
"The design ensures that its interior and exterior are perceived as separate from the land on which it sits, as if it were a house in the air."

▲ 建筑的设计灵感来源于日式设计策略
The home includes features inspired by Japanese design



With 1,593 square metres of living area, the house was built parallel to a slope, having a series of rooms that connect to cantilevered pool decks.
The home was clad in concrete panelling with steel accents that were painted a light green and consists of a series of gabled volumes with large swathes of glazing.

▲ 住宅有着游泳池露台
The home has an expansive pool deck

Cinco Sólidos参考了日式建筑特征,其中应用了一系列水池和院落,在建筑的入口位置,一系列台阶穿过一个反射水池,这个水池结合了混凝土墙体,其中央有着一个圆形空腔,人们可以透过空腔看到一棵盆景树。

Cinco Sólidos说:“原始材料、水的镜面反射、枯山水、彩色灯光和家具,再结合一定的高度,让建筑和场地分离开,看似漂浮空中。”

Cinco Sólidos took cues from Japanese architecture and included a series of reflecting pools and courtyards. At the entrance, a series of steps leads across a reflecting pool transversed by a concrete wall with a circular void in the middle that acts as a window to a single bonsai tree in the middle of the pool.
"Raw materials, reflections against mirrors of water, dry gardens, colored light and furniture combined with the elevation of its geography makes the house an element that detaches from the earth and floats," said Cinco Sólidos.

▲ 建筑有着山墙屋面、混凝土,以及涂漆钢材
Gabled roofs, concrete and painted steel characterise the exterior




The front of the home has solid concrete walls that frame a recessed entryway with a prominent sliding door.
A glass-lined interior courtyard that hosts another tree can be seen from the front, opening a direct line of sight between the driveway and the landscape.
This courtyard is central to the interior spaces as it creates a focal point in the public areas, positioned between the living and dining rooms.

▲ 生活区域有着开放概念的厨房
The living area features an open-concept kitchen



From here, a hallway, glazed on one side to frame the bonsai reflection pool, heads away from the public areas towards the home's three bedrooms.
At the courtyard and entryway, the roofline is flat, so the gabled forms of the adjacent public and private programs could have clerestory windows.

▲ 涂漆钢延续于室内
The painted steel continues on the interior

客厅有着开放式概念厨房,高高的山墙天花板结合裸露的混凝土向下倾斜,似乎延伸向连接着起居室和露台的开口,弯曲的Pierre Paulin沙发应用于定制的咖啡桌周围。


In the living room, where there is an open-concept kitchen, the high gabled ceiling with exposed board-form concrete slopes down toward the floor-to-ceiling opening that connects the living room to the terraces. Curved Pierre Paulin couches were placed around custom, low-lying coffee tables.
At the far side of the room, another wall has floor-to-ceiling glass to further the floating sensation of the interiors.

▲ 起居空间面向露台
The living spaces open up to the deck






The light green accents on the exterior steel girders were continued on the inside, which also features hardwood flooring with natural finishes.
The green also appears on an expansive shading screen that can be pulled across the whole of the rear facade to shade the interiors and provide protection from the elements.
For the terraces, awnings with steel stilts provide a transition from the indoors to the outdoors. Wooden decks with a series of pools, garden boxes and recessed seating areas step down with the slope.
"Casa Aire becomes part of the client's architectural collection," said the studio.
"Its use depends on the place where he is and although it was planned as a secondary house, it has the equipment to become a permanent residence if desired."

▲ 整个后侧立面由屏风遮蔽,让空间分隔开
A shade can be drawn over the whole rear exterior, closing it off from the elements

这座建筑的专为Jose Balvin设计,这位音乐家在音乐方面的造诣受到了国际认可。

哥伦比亚的其他项目还包含有一座砖石度假小屋,该项目由Plan:b Arquitectos设计,除此之外还有一座由ZITA设计的木质住宅,这座建筑建造于脆弱的生态系统之中。

摄影:Anna Dave(除非特殊注明)

The house was designed for Jose Balvin, known by the moniker J Balvin, who is internationally recognised for his contributions to the Reggaeton music genre.
Other projects in Colombia include a brick vacation home in the jungle by Plan:b Arquitectos and a wooden home raised above a fragile ecosystem by ZITA.
The photography is by Anna Dave unless otherwise noted.





建筑与室内设计:Cinco Sólidos
客户:Jose Balvin
总承包商:Dream House

Project credits:
Architecture and interior design: Cinco Sólidos
Client: Jose Balvin
General contractor: Dream House




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