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召集所有讲故事的人:Blank Space第六届年度童话故事竞赛
Calling All Storytellers: Blank Space Launches Sixth Annual Fairy Tales Competition


Blank Space很高兴与ArchDaily、Archinect、Bustler以及AIAS合作举办2019年的童话故事竞赛。获奖者将由Tatiana Bilbao、Mark Foster Gage、Jürgen Mayer和Moshe Safdie等评审团成员共同选出。

在过去的5年里,童话故事竞赛激发了世界各地设计师和建筑师的想象力。去年的竞赛创下纪录,吸引了来自60多个国家的参赛选手和参赛作品,使得该竞赛再次成为世界上规模最大的年度建筑竞赛。Blank Space很荣幸能与ArchDaily、Archinect、Bustler和AIAS合作举办第六届童话故事竞赛。

“在我个人看来,我们都在不断地改变着自己的童年。对我来说,创造力与找回失去的纯真有很大关系。”评审团成员Jurgen Mayer说,“从社会层面来说,我们都会不断展望未来,但同时也存在着责任、警告和潜在风险等因素。我回想起过去的某些时刻,仍然充满兴奋、活力以及发掘事物的冒险精神。”

为了庆祝第六届童话故事比赛的开幕,所有的童话刊物,包括《童话故事》第一册、《童话故事》第二册和《童话故事》第三册将限时发售,届时可以从Blank Space网站购买。

“这些年来,我们收到的最佳参赛作品不仅在制作上显示出视觉的惊艳与新颖,而且通过共鸣激发了我们的灵感。”Blank Space网站创始人Francesca Giuliani表示,“从深入研究人们与周围环境的关系,以及对大规模社会反乌托邦的故事,童话竞赛的参赛者有能力在更广泛的建筑界点燃更有意义和更有必要的对话。”



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标题:召集所有讲故事的人:Blank Space第六届年度童话故事竞赛
组织者:Blank Space
报名截止日期:2019年01月04日  08:08
提交截止日期:2019年01月04日  08:08

Blank Space is thrilled to announce the 2019 Fairy Tales competition in partnership with ArchDaily, Archinect, Bustler, and the AIAS. The winners will be selected by a jury that includes Tatiana Bilbao, Mark Foster Gage, Jürgen Mayer and Moshe Safdie.
For the last 5 years, the Fairy Tales competition has captured the imagination of designers and architects around the world. Last year's record breaking competition drew entries from over 60 countries, making the competition once again the largest annual architecture competition in the world. For the sixth year of the competition, Blank Space is proud to partner with ArchDaily, Archinect, Bustler, and the AIAS.
“My personal little theory is that we’re all constantly reworking our childhoods. For me, creativity has a lot to do with recovering lost innocence,” says jury member Jürgen Mayer, “As a society, we’re definitely looking at the future again, but always in terms of responsibilities, cautions, and potential catastrophes. I refer back to this moment in the past where there was this excitement, energy, and risk of discovery.”
To celebrate the launch of the 6th year of the Fairy Tales competition- all Fairy Tales publications, including Fairy Tales Volume 1, Fairy Tales Volume 2, and Fairy Tales Volume 3 will be on sale for a limited time- available at the Blank Space website.
“The best entries we have received over the years are not just visually stunning and original in their execution, but they inspire us by striking universal chords,” says Blank Space founder Francesca Giuliani. “From deeply personal studies in how we relate to our surroundings, to tales of large-scale social dystopias, the entrants to Fairy Tales competition have the power to ignite meaningful and needed conversations in the wider architecture community.”
Fairy Tales is open to all, and invites architects, designers, writers, artists, engineers, illustrators, students and creatives to submit their own unique architectural fairy tales. A successful entry will craft a text narrative, along with 5 images, in the most spectacular way possible.
Participants can register for a $45 Early Bird Discount until September 28th. Following that, Regular Registration ($60) will be open until December 6th, and Late Registration ($75) until the Submission Deadline on January 4th, 2018.

To register for Fairy Tales 2019 and for more detailed information, please visit:
To download a copy of the brief:
For any questions please email:

Title:Calling All Storytellers: Blank Space Launches Sixth Annual Fairy Tales Competition
Type:Competition Announcement (Ideas)
Organizers:Blank Space
Registration Deadline:04/01/2019 08:08
Submission Deadline:04/01/2019 08:08
Price:EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION: Until September 28, 2018 ($45) REGULAR REGISTRATION: Until December 6, 2018 ($60) LATE REGISTRATION: Until Submission Deadline ($75) SUBMISSION DEADLINE: January 4, 2019




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