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Francis Kéré's Coachella installation comprises 12 colorful towers


每年在科罗拉多的沙漠里都会举办Coachella音乐节,Francis Kéré建筑事务所是参与其场地设计的设计师之一。而今年是音乐节创办的20周年,作为纪念,音乐节主办方委托设计师们创作一些大型艺术装置,提供包含视觉艺术、时尚、建筑实践在内的一系列沉浸式多媒体体验。

Architect Francis Kéré is one a number of creatives bringing their talents to the Colorado desert for the annual Coachella Festival. As part of the event, which this year celebrates its 20th anniversary, a number of specially-commissioned, large-scale, sculptural installations have been created, as well as a series of immersive, multimedia experiences that embrace the visual arts, fashion, and architectural practice.

Francis Kéré创作的艺术装置包含了12座彩色塔/Kéré’s installation comprises 12 colorful towers. Image by Lance Gerber, courtesy of coachella (also main image)


The Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival, commonly referred to as coachella, has featured a diverse program of artist installations since its inception in 1999. The works, by artists from around the world, combine to create a ‘pop-up city’ that can be enjoyed by the festival’s temporary community. The installations act as landmarks to help map and navigate the field, serving as gathering points, as well as places for respite and shelter away from the desert heat.

装置以布基纳法索的猴面包树为灵感/The structures reference the baobab trees of Burkina Faso. Image by lance gerber, courtesy of Coachella

Francis Kéré创作的艺术装置包含了12座彩色塔,灵感来自于他家乡布基纳法索的猴面包树。“在我家乡的文化中,猴面包树是最重要的树。” Kéré解释说,“它们树形巨大,可食用可药用。人们会在猴面包树下集会、庆祝和聊天。树还能吸引动物。它是一种精神象征,看到的人自然而然会想去亲近它。”

Francis Kéré’s installation comprises 12 colorful towers that reference the baobab trees of his native west african village of gando, burkina faso. ‘In my culture, the baobab is the most important tree,’ explains Kéré. ‘It’s giant, and it has multiple uses as food and medicine. It’s the place where you get together, celebrate, and discuss. It also attracts animals. It is spiritual. Naturally you will walk toward it.’

装置的名字叫“Sarbalé ke”,意为“庆典之家”/The project is titled ‘Sarbalé ke’, a phrase that translates as ‘house of celebration’. Image by lance Gerber, courtesy of Coachella

装置的名字叫“Sarbalé ke”,在Kéré的母语中是“庆典之家”的意思。这些装置颜色明亮,有的高过60英尺(18米),在沙漠中投下的阴影尤为可贵。光是另一重要的组成部分。“在我家乡没有照明,没有电力,如果我们看到光,我们会不由知足地注视光。”Kéré继续说道,“如果一直亮着,我们会朝光亮走去并开始庆祝。”

The project is titled ‘sarbalé ke’, a phrase that means ‘house of celebration’ in kéré’s native tongue. The structures, some of which are taller than 60 feet (18 meters), have been rendered in joyful colors, while their shadows provide valuable shaded spaces. Light is another important component. ‘In my culture where there is no light, no electricity, if we see a light we watch it for a while,’ Kéré continues. ‘If it stays illuminated we walk toward it, and there will be a celebration.’

一些塔的高度超过60英尺(18米)/Some of the towers soar higher than 60 feet (18 meters). Image by lance gerber, courtesy of coachella

Coachella 音乐节正庆祝它的20周年/Coachella is celebrating its 20th anniversary. Image by lance gerber, courtesy of coachella

“Pop-up城市”的氛围让参加音乐节的人们乐在其中/The ‘pop-up city’ can be enjoyed by the festival’s temporary community . image by lance gerber, courtesy of coachella

彩色塔在沙漠中投下的阴影尤为可贵/Shadows provide valuable shaded spaces. Image by lance gerber, courtesy of coachella

装置的颜色非常明亮/The structures have been rendered in joyful colors. Image by lance gerber, courtesy of coachella

12座彩塔的布局/The layout of the 12 colorful towers. Image courtesy of kéré architecture

标题:Sarbale ke,“庆典之家”
建筑设计事务所:德国柏林Francis Kéré — Kéré Architecture
设计团队:德国柏林Johanna Lehmann,Kinan Deeb,Andrea Zaia,Andrea Maretto-ke re Architecture
撰稿人:德国柏林N'Faly Ismae l Camara,Olani Ewunnet-Ke re Architecture
项目管理:Johanna Lehmann(Kéré Architecture)、Raffi Lehrer(Goldenvoice)
项目管理:Raffi Lehrer,副艺术总监
结构工程:Kyle Morris

Project Info:
Ttle: sarbalé ke, ‘the house of celebration’
Location: coachella, indio, USA
Type of project: large scale art installation
Size: 200 sqm (2,153 sqf)
Design: september 2018 – december 2018 (beginning – end)
Construction: january 2019 – april 2019 (beginning – end)
Status: completed
Architect: francis kéré — kéré architecture, berlin, germany
Design team: johanna lehmann, kinan deeb, andrea zaia, andrea maretto — kéré architecture, berlin, germany
Contributors: n’faly ismaël camara, olani ewunnet — kéré architecture, berlin, germany
Project management: johanna lehmann (kéré architecture), raffi lehrer (goldenvoice)
Client: goldenvoice, los angeles, california, united states
Construction: goldenvoice, los angeles, california, united states
Project management: raffi lehrer, associate art director, goldenvoice, los angeles
Structural engineer: kyle morris




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