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建筑的北侧折叠向街道,构成了坐凳和两翼的绿色花园,扩展了城市空间/The north side of the building folds to the street, creating public seating terraces and green wing gardens, expanding and contributing to the urban realm. Photography | Mark Skye

Pridham Hall | Adelaide, Australia | JPE Design Studio & Snøhetta



More than just a building, Pridham Hall represents a transformative strategic project for the University of South Australia. As the new social heart of the City West campus, the Hall is a vibrant space where recreation, celebration and urban transformation is central to the design.

如双翼的绿池和圆形剧场是阿德莱德城市西侧的地标性景观建筑/The northern green wings and amphitheatre present a new iconic form in the west end of Adelaide. Photography | Mark Skye


The hall and landscape welcome the public, providing an accessible external public realm including an amphitheatre and green terraced areas for students, visitors and community alike. The inclusive nature of the public interface invites participation and engenders a genuine sense of community ownership and engagement, making visible the vibrant cultural life of the University.

西侧的圆形剧场与地平面相连,扩展了公共领域,似乎在邀请人们与建筑进行互动/The western amphitheatre connects with the ground plane, expanding the public realm and inviting public interaction with the built form. Photography | Mark Skye


Building and landscape are one – the North-Western facade peels back to give priority to pedestrians and deliver an extension to the urban realm, while the adjacent roof folds to meet the street, creating two externally accessible terraces at the northern and western interfaces flanked with green wing gardens.

北面的绿色“翅膀”从屋顶降落到地面,给人惊人的视觉体验/The northern green wings give a stunning foreground from the upper level of the Hall to the streetscape below. Photography | Kate Dekok


The four iconic green wings ground and connect the building to the public realm and landscape context.

整个北立面被夸张的种植区柔化/The northern facade of the Hall is softened by the dramatic planted wings. Photography | Kate Dekok


The project team designed an innovative wing structure in liaison with civil and structural engineers to support a functioning, living system with integrated irrigation, drainage, waterproofing and maintenance. The unique application of bank stabilization and soil technology allowed planting on unprecedented grades of up to 43 degrees in a shallow soil depth.

北面的绿色“翅膀”从屋顶降落到地面,给人惊人的视觉体验/The northern green wings give a stunning foreground from the upper level of the Hall to the streetscape below. Photography | Kate Dekok


The landscape planting is designed to produce an exceptional year-round display of ever changing textures and colours that showcase species from Southern Australia, with emphasis on those from the Adelaide region. Seasonal flowering attracts native bird and butterfly species, enhancing local biodiversity and educating users through a dynamic experience.

Hindley 大街的种植搭配非常巧妙,层次分明/The Hindley Streetscape takes on a new dimension with the addition of a strong planted element. Photography | Kate Dekok

精心挑选的植物物种在场地中显得生机勃勃/Carefully selected plant species have flourished in the challenging conditions on site. Photography | Kate Dekok

精心挑选的植物物种在场地中显得生机勃勃/Carefully selected plant species have flourished in the challenging conditions on site. Photography | Kate Dekok

植物的色调经过精心搭配,与建筑形式相互作用,柔化和补充建筑立面/The planting palette has been curated to interact with the dynamic building form, softening and complementing the angular facade. Photography | Kate Dekok


An intentional gathering space, the western amphitheatre is integrated with the adjacent Høj Plaza and Jeffrey Smart Building, creating opportunities for outdoor cinema and events.

北侧的绿色翅膀和公共露台占据了整个街道,并成为了一张建筑名片/The northern green wings and public terrace occupy the entire street frontage and create the building address. Photography | Mark Skye


Opened in April 2018, the building and landscape have welcomed students and the public as a democratic place of celebration and renewal; a new public realm for Hindley Street and a benchmark for socially focussed development in the city. By transforming the on-campus student experience, Pridham Hall has become a civic landmark for the University, as well as the city.

北侧的绿色翅膀和傍晚的公共露台/The northern green wings and public terrace at early evening. Photography | Mark Skye

设计团队:JPE Design Studio&Snøhetta
种植工程:Graeme Hopkins、Fytogreen

Design Team: JPE Design Studio & Snøhetta
Client: University of South Australia
Planting System Input: Graeme Hopkins & Fytogreen
Engineer: Aurecon




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