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绿色与可持续的公共连接:I Ensanche的道路更新第1张图片

改造和连接——LEKU STUDIO在潘普洛纳的第一个 ENSANCHE重建项目




The architecture firm Leku Studio collects a series of ideas based on all its projects, establishing as design strategy the connection between the pre-existing, the old neighborhoods of large cities, with those of new construction, to propose an urban design that pay attention on pedestrian mobility.
Like other projects, the proposal emphasizes the reduction of vehicle use and replaces it with a new idea of ​​circulation, promoting the use of bicycles and offering new possibilities to public transport in these new urban locations, to which a new natural landscape, which reduces the initial austere anthropization of the city.

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Leku Studio's intervention focuses on reducing the use of private transport, as occurs in most large cities, and proposes the generation of a hybrid connection system between public transport and the expansion of green in the urban structure. In this way, the last three objectives become a key aspect to also connect with the oldest part of the city.

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工作分为两部分:第一,在城市层面对区域进行重新规划;第二,新扩建方案与潘普洛纳 Navas de Tolosa 和 Taconera 街道之间的交通网络的设计与实施。这两部分工作共同创造了全新且相互联系的具有创新意识的自然友好型城市地带。

The work is divided into 2 parts: the first, a good definition of the area at an urban level; and the second, the execution of the connection networks between the new expansion proposal and the streets of Navas de Tolosa and Taconera in Pamplona. The two differentiations together create a completely new, connected, innovative, more natural and friendly urban area.

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在潘普洛纳地区的 SUMP 框架内,该市正在朝着一种新的可持续发展模式迈进,即私家车作为城市主角的时代已经过去。这定义了一个新的城市景观建设的图景,通过增设步行路线、克服可达性问题、支持使用自行车、促进多式联运和公共交通供应以及减少私家车的使用,赋予公民权力。由此恢复的大面积的公共空间,有极大的潜力提高市民的生活质量。I Ensanche重建项目为新的城市景观奠定了基础,最终成为更健康、更友好、更绿色的潘普洛纳。

Description of project by Leku Studio
Within the framework of the SUMP of the Pamplona region, the city is moving towards a new sustainable urban model that leaves behind the reality in which the private vehicle has been the protagonist. This defines the roadmap for the construction of a new urban landscape that empowers citizens by promoting walking routes, overcoming accessibility problems, favoring the use of bicycles, promoting intermodality and the supply of public transport, and reducing the use of the private vehicle. Thus, a large area of ​​public space is recovered with enormous potential to improve the quality of life of citizens. The I Ensanche redevelopment project draws and lays the foundations for a new urban landscape and ultimately a healthier, friendlier, and greener Pamplona.

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绿色与可持续的公共连接:I Ensanche的道路更新第7张图片

I Ensanche 将旧城区与城堡以及城市的西南地区联系起来,是城市转型过程中的关键要素。直到最近,塔科内拉、纳瓦斯德托洛萨的街道,以及延至扬加斯和米兰达的街道构成了一条川流不息的公路。这造成了阻碍了行人和自行车从老城区到I enanche和城堡的横向连接的障碍。Avenida Pio XII 和 Calle Bosquecillo 刚刚形成了一条道路带,它限制和分离了旧城区和 I Ensanche 的城市现实,在步行、互动和创造协同作用等层面上都有负面影响,同时也消极影响了诸如商业、社会、经济等其他层面。

The I Ensanche as an urban system that articulates and connects the Old Town with the Citadel and consequently with the southwest area of ​​the city (Iturrama neighborhood, hospitals, universities ...) is a key element in the transformation process of the city. Until recently, the streets of Taconera, Navas de Tolosa, and its continuation through Yanguas and Miranda constituted a highway with an incessant flow of cars. This has created a barrier that hampered the transversal and sustainable connectivity of pedestrian and bicycle flows from the Old Town to the I Ensanche and the Citadel. Avenida Pio XII and Calle Bosquecillo had just formed a road belt that limited and separated the urban realities of the Old Town and the I Ensanche with negative implications not only at the level of mobility but also at the level of loss of interaction and creation of synergies through other levels: commercial, social, economic...

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为促进和巩固 I Ensanche 模式的变化,建筑师确定了优先级,并重新分配街道,在Casco Antiguo和I Ensanche之间的过渡轴线以及后者的内部道路上,建筑师大幅减少车辆流量,为行人恢复了大量的自由空间。按照同样的行动方针,设计方案很好地促进公共交通的发展,建筑师在位于城市中心的新轴线上设置了新的公交线路和中央车站。

To promote and consolidate the change in the model of the I Ensanche, the project re-establishes priorities and redistributes the streets, recovering a large area of ​​free spaces for pedestrians with the drastic reduction of car traffic both in the transition axes between the Casco Antiguo and I Ensanche as well as the internal roads of the latter. Along the same lines of action, a firm commitment is being made to promoting public transport with the location of new bus lines and central stops on the new axis located in the heart of the city.

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该项目基于 2 个近似尺度进行部署,第一层建立了整个 I Ensanche 的总体框架,定义了新城市模型的标准和指导方针;第二层,即在纳瓦斯德托洛萨和塔科涅拉街道组成的新城市轴线的再开发项目中进行具体应用。行动框架为I Ensanche的再开发和模式改变建立了3条战略行动路线:


它致力于利用I enanche作为老城和城堡之间的连接结构,很好地强调了连接性和横向可达性。

The project is deployed based on 2 approximation scales: a first level that establishes the general framework throughout the I Ensanche defining the criteria and guidelines of the new urban model and a second level with its concrete application with the development of the redevelopment project of the new civic axis made up of Navas de Tolosa and Taconera streets. The action framework establishes 3 strategic lines of action for the redevelopment and modal change of the I Ensanche:

It is committed to decisively reinforcing connectivity and transversal accessibility using the I Ensanche as an articulating fabric between the Old Town and the Citadel.

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Rehabiting the public space
Beyond the connectivity and mobility functionality of the streets, the proposal seeks to emphasize the need to inhabit the public space of the city, understanding the streets as civic spaces where citizens share, learn, know, meet, enjoy...

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复兴的I Ensanche

设计方案的目标是通过新的I Ensanche绿色走廊将城堡的绿色空间延伸到老城,这将扩大和巩固城市的生态基础设施。让城市重回自然,即通过改善水平衡、调节诸如污染、温度、噪音等各种环境参数,建立有利于植物生长的条件,同时也是对城市与自然融合发展的回应。

Renaturation of the I Ensanche
The objective of the proposal is to extend the green of the Citadel to the Old Town through the new green corridors of the I Ensanche that will expand and consolidate the ecological infrastructure of the city. The desire to re-naturalize the city responds to the benefits that vegetation provides by improving the water balance, regulating various environmental parameters such as pollution, temperature, noise...

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建筑设计:Leku工作室 - Jokin Santiago, Marta Sola。
面积:构建区域- 14.560平方英尺
摄影:Aitor Estévez.

Architects: Leku Studio.- Jokin Santiago, Marta Sola.
Client: Pamplona City Council.
Area: Built area.- 14.560 sqf.
Dates: 2019.
Location: Pamplona.
Photography: Aitor Estévez.




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