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波光粼粼的画廊——Ordrupgaard 博物馆扩建空间第1张图片

Snøhetta 为 Ordrupgaard 博物馆扩建了反光地下画廊
Snøhetta adds reflective underground extension to Ordrupgaard Museum


建筑工作室 Snøhetta 近日完成了对丹麦 Ordrupgaard 艺术博物馆的扩建工作,将原有的乡村庄园建筑和 2005 年扎哈·哈迪德(Zaha Hadid)扩建的建筑用一条地下画廊连接在一起,并成为景观中突出的雕塑小品。

Ordrupgaard 艺术博物馆位于哥本哈根北部,靠近 Jægersborg Dyrehave 森林公园,馆内主要展示 19 世纪和 20 世纪初的法国和丹麦艺术。

Architecture studio Snøhetta has completed an extension to Denmark's Ordrupgaard Museum, uniting the original country manor building and a 2005 Zaha Hadid addition with new subterranean galleries that make a sculptural protrusion into the landscape.
Located north of Copenhagen near the forest park Jægersborg Dyrehave, the Ordrupgaard Museum is dedicated to French and Danish art from the 19th and early 20th century.

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Snøhetta为Ordrupgaard 艺术博物馆设计的扩建部分位于地下,但有一部分露在地面上
Snøhetta's Ordrupgaard Museum extension is subterranean but partially protrudes into the landscape



Its original world war one-era building is a three-winged neoclassical country mansion that houses the permanent collection, while special exhibitions are presented in the adjacent Zaha Hadid-designed modern extension, which is made of glass and black lava concrete.
Snøhetta's new addition links these two buildings with five new underground gallery spaces and several landscape interventions, all intended to provide a "holistic and continuous path" throughout the museum and its grounds.

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The extension includes a semi-sunken area where people can sit

其中,有三处新画廊专门用于陈列 Ordrupgaard 艺术博物馆收藏的一个主题,即法国印象派绘画,而Snøhetta 正是参考了这种艺术风格,才设计了可以从地面突出的结构。


Three of the new gallery spaces are dedicated to one of the Ordrupgaard Museum's drawcards, its collection of French impressionistic paintings — an art style that Snøhetta references in the section of the structure that can be seen from outside.
This steel-coated structure is cut into multiple facets that are polished in different directions. They create a play of light that the Norwegian architecture firm intended to reflect the impressionists' preoccupation with capturing the changing qualities of light.

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The protruding section is coated in steel that glitters in the light

设计团队把这种钢结构 “Himmelhaven”(“天堂花园”),它在昼夜和不同季节都有不同的视觉效果。


The steel structure, dubbed "Himmelhaven" ("Heaven’s Garden") by the architects, has a different look throughout the day and in different seasons.
The studio also tried to give it the appearance of an object that has been semi-excavated from the ground below.

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The extension is meant to resemble a semi-excavated object

Snøhetta 描述道:“钢结构像在挖掘出的隐藏宝藏一样,在景观空间中闪闪发光。”



结构一侧是一处英式公园,种植落叶乔木,另一侧是更正式的法式玫瑰园,Snøhetta 在施工期间对其进行了精心的维护。

"Just like a hidden treasure that reveals itself as it appears during excavation, the structure glistens in the landscape," said Snøhetta.
Through this structure, there is a diagonal cut — a bridge, paved in natural stone, that intuitively leads visitors from the garden to the main entry.
Around it, a half-sunken "mini-atrium" with steps welcomes visitors to sit, rest and enjoy the views of the century-old grounds around it.
On one side is an English-style park with deciduous trees and on the other, a more formal French-inspired rose garden, which Snøhetta took care to safeguard during construction.

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The extension sits in between a wooded area and a formal rose garden


Snøhetta 设计的扩建部分内部,有两个画廊空间作为扎哈设计的特别展厅的延续,采用了相同色调的深色混凝土材料。

The firm also added to the landscape, particularly in the area around Hadid's extension, which it says it has "excavated somewhat" from the landscape, while planting meadow flowers on the surrounding hillside.
Inside Snøhetta's extension, two gallery spaces serve as a continuation of Hadid's special exhibition space, and extend its dark concrete materiality palette.

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Some of the galleries continue the dark concrete palette of Zaha Hadid's extension



The three new impressionism-focused galleries feature lighter, warmer colours and materials. Oak is a key element, extending across floors, walls and ceilings.
Gypsum boards are mounted over the walls to allow the museum to easily change the artworks and colour palette in the space.

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另三处画廊主要展示Ordrupgaard 博物馆的印象派收藏,采用较浅的颜色和材料
Others are dedicated to the Ordrupgaard Museum's collection of Impressionism and feature lighter colours and materials

Snøhetta 将这个扩建项目形容为 “对所有人都是可达的、有形的一次舒适、直观的博物馆之旅”。

“通过这种柔和却有力的设计,Snøhetta 对Ordrupgaard 艺术博物馆所做的扩建部分与现有的环境融为一体,无论是植物还是建筑,历史还是现代,在添加对时空的诠释的同时,将所有元素聚为整体,提供闭环的、让未来后代更享受的博物馆体验。”建筑师说。

Snøhetta describes its overall extension as providing "a comfortable and intuitive museum journey that is accessible and tangible for all".
"Through its subdued yet powerful design, the Ordrupgaard extension by Snøhetta respectfully blends in with its existing surrounding, whether vegetal or built, historic or contemporary, all while adding its own interpretation of time and space and bringing all elements together in a circular and enhanced museum experience for future generations to enjoy," said the architecture firm.

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The extension connects what were previously separate buildings

Snøhetta 是一家国际建筑设计工作室。它由建筑师 Kjetil Trædal Thorsen 和 Craig Dykers 于 1989 年创立,总部位于挪威。


摄影:Laura Stamer

Snøhetta is an international architecture and design studio. It was founded by architects Kjetil Trædal Thorsen and Craig Dykers in 1989 and is headquartered in Norway.
It has recently completed another glittering building — the Le Monde Group headquarters in Paris — while its Children's Museum in El Paso features a barrel-vaulted roof that almost resembles a drawing of a cloud.
Photography is by Laura Stamer.

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波光粼粼的画廊——Ordrupgaard 博物馆扩建空间第15张图片

波光粼粼的画廊——Ordrupgaard 博物馆扩建空间第16张图片

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波光粼粼的画廊——Ordrupgaard 博物馆扩建空间第18张图片

波光粼粼的画廊——Ordrupgaard 博物馆扩建空间第19张图片

波光粼粼的画廊——Ordrupgaard 博物馆扩建空间第20张图片

波光粼粼的画廊——Ordrupgaard 博物馆扩建空间第21张图片

波光粼粼的画廊——Ordrupgaard 博物馆扩建空间第22张图片

波光粼粼的画廊——Ordrupgaard 博物馆扩建空间第23张图片

波光粼粼的画廊——Ordrupgaard 博物馆扩建空间第24张图片

波光粼粼的画廊——Ordrupgaard 博物馆扩建空间第25张图片

波光粼粼的画廊——Ordrupgaard 博物馆扩建空间第26张图片

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波光粼粼的画廊——Ordrupgaard 博物馆扩建空间第28张图片

波光粼粼的画廊——Ordrupgaard 博物馆扩建空间第29张图片




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