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David Adjaye以肯定塔的提议创造历史

一个由黑人建筑师、开发商、承包商和投资者组成的团队正计划创造历史,他们将建造由非洲裔美国人设计的曼哈顿第一座摩天楼,也是西半球最高的建筑。这座1663英尺高的塔楼由David Adjaye设计,其特点是塔身具有一系列阶梯式的悬挑。如果获得批准,新摩天大楼将建在K地块,距离高架线、哈德逊庭院和纽约地铁7号线只有一个街区。

a team of black architects, developers, contractors, and investors is planning to make history with manhattan’s first skyscraper built by african americans and the western hemisphere’s tallest building. designed by david adjaye, the 1,663-foot tower is characterized by a series of stepped cantilevers. if approved, the new skyscraper would be built on ‘site K’, one block from the high line, hudson yards and NYC’s number 7 subway line.

images courtesy of david adjaye

除了阿贾耶,该项目团队还包括Peebles Corporation、建筑公司Mckissack集团,还有确切的资金来源。房地产投资者Steven Charles Witkoff,是Witkoff集团的创始人,也是该项目团队的一员。

Peebles Corporation的首席执行长Peebles说:“这个项目作为真正公平发展的象征,它是所有来到纽约人的象征,用砖块和砂浆证明了纽约对经济包容性的重视态度。”


in addition to adjaye, the project team includes real estate firm, the peebles corporation; construction firm, the mckissack group, and exact capital. real estate investor steven charles witkoff, founder of the witkoff group, is also a member of the team.
‘this project is emblematic of true equity in development,’  said don peebles, CEO of the peebles corporation. ‘a symbol for all who visit new york, cementing in brick and mortar that new york is serious about economic inclusion.’
the team made its presentation to the empire state development corporation on thursday, october 14, 2021 in response to the RFP for the 1.2 acre lot, which will not only change new york city’s skyline and landscape, but will be a powerful economic engine for minorities and women with the team’s commitment of 35 percent in contracts to people of color totaling more than a billion dollars.




纽约旅馆和汽车旅馆贸易公司的前总裁Peter Ward说:“这个项目不仅对城市的劳动力,而且对旅游业都是一个非常必要的经济刺激。”


the project will include a 1,663-foot tower, two hotels, an observation deck and skating rink as well as commercial office spaces with the NAACP headquarters.
more than 30,000 new yorkers will be hired over six years including 15,000 permanent jobs, bringing in more than $5 billion in new tax revenue for the city and state over 30 years.
peter ward, former president of new york’s hotel and motel trades, said the project will be a well-needed economic boost not only to the city’s workforce, but also the tourism industry.
‘this project will provide $4.4 billion of new economic output per year, bringing thousands of jobs in the construction, design and development as well as millions of people across the globe who will be excited to see this iconic skyscraper,’  said ward.



橄榄山浸信会教堂(Mount Olivet Baptist Church)牧师、纽约跨宗教住房平等委员会(NY Interfaith Commission)主席Charles Curtis博士说:“不幸的是在纽约历史上的大部分时间里,美国黑人和有色人种都被描绘成纯粹的经济游客,他们饱含学识,仰望着世界上最伟大的天际线,他们将永远无法参与到真正让纽约独一无二的事情中去。”


the project’s inclusive team has not only attracted citywide support from the african-american business and civic communities, but also the black clergy.
‘unfortunately for most of new york’s history, african-americans and people of color have been rendered as mere economic tourists who gaze upward at one of the greatest skylines in the world with the intrinsic knowledge they will never be able to participate in what really makes new york unique,’  said rev. dr. charles curtis, sr., pastor mount olivet baptist church and head of NY interfaith commission for housing equality.
‘the awarding of this project to this team will send a statement across the globe that architects, developers, engineers and financial professionals of color are now full participants in this great miracle of global capitalism called new york city.’




名称:affirmation tower
建筑师:david adjaye

project info:
name: affirmation tower
location: new york city, the US
architect: david adjaye




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