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由WXY 和 Situ 合作的纽约户外餐饮样板设计
WXY and Situ lead design of New York outdoor dining prototypes


当地建筑公司 WXY Architecture 和 Situ 与政府机构合作,为纽约市的户外餐饮亭制定了标准化格式。其目的是改善健康和安全状况,同时实施新的指导原则。


Local studios WXY Architecture and Situ have collaborated with government agencies to create standardised formats for outdoor dining pavilions in New York City to improve health and safety along with new guidelines.
Following a decision to keep outdoor dining pavilions as a permanent fixture on New York streets, the city launched a public competition for studios to standardise the materials and formats of the structures – many of which were hastily built during the Covid-19 pandemic.

▲ WXY 建筑设计公司和 Situ 设计了纽约户外餐饮亭的样板间
WXY Architecture and Situ created prototypes for outdoor dining pavilions in New York

这项名为“纽约市户外就餐”(Dining Out NYC)的计划更新了新冠疫情高峰期实施的户外就餐协议。新指南允许路边建筑在四月至十一月期间提供季节性户外餐饮,而通常附属于建筑物的人行道凉亭则可以全年开放。

WXY 建筑设计公司(WXY)和 Situ 受邀启动一项为期三个月的工作,测试并建造各种形式的标准化凉亭。该团队与来自多个政府机构的顾问合作,建造符合不同城市条件的路边凉亭。

Called Dining Out NYC, the program updated the protocols for these structures implemented during the height of the pandemic. The new guidelines allow roadside structures to have seasonal outdoor dining between April and November. Sidewalk pavilions, which are usually attached to buildings, are allowed to stay open year-round.
WXY Architecture (WXY) and Situ were chosen to launch a three-month process to test and construct various formats to standardise the pavilions. Working with consultants from multiple government agencies, the team constructed roadside pavilions that adhered to different urban conditions.

▲ 样板间考虑到了安全和清洁问题
The prototypes took into account safety and cleanliness

“参与、设计和制造相结合是一种创新。”WXY 负责人Weisz说。


"We combined engagement, design and fabrication, which is, I think, pretty innovative," WXY principal Claire Weisz told Dezeen.
"The three that got built and funded by the city were supposed to represent some typical but very different conditions."

▲ 对路边亭的三种不同类型进行了测试
Three different typologies were tested for the roadside pavilions





Corner locations, mid-block locations and slopes were the three prototype areas, covering an array of possible street conditions.
The studios' base-line design incorporates a steel-grid frame with feet that lift the whole structure off the street. The structures are also clad in metal panels that are easy to remove and clean.
From here, restaurants can customise the base structures, adding different types of cladding and canopies. The prototypes also featured additional options, such as storage and demountable flooring for easy access to the street.
"In a lot of ways, they're really malleable," said Weisz.

▲ 这些结构由可定制的网格状金属底座制成。
The structures consist of a gridded metal base that can be customized


Weisz表示,设计的出发点是干净和安全,同时也考虑到了社区的愿望。设计团队与社区参与促进者Nikoa Evans合作,确保满足该市不同社区的需求。

The team designed the structures to interact with the urban environment – especially with the flow of traffic since the pavilions are constructed off the curb and sit in what was previously street parking. The structures were also crash-tested to account for car accidents.
Weisz added that cleanliness and safety were "driving forces" in the design, but that the desires of the community were also taken into account. To this end, the team worked with community engagement facilitator Nikoa Evans to make sure that the needs of various communities in the city were being met.

▲ 餐厅可申请加入该计划
Restaurants can apply to be part of the program



Weisz 补充说:“你可以用水管把整个建筑冲洗干净,这一点非常重要。”



Weisz hopes that the standardised design or the new structures will help alleviate existing conflicts.
"It's been a great combination of design and planning," she said. "Hopefully, it's going to ameliorate the kinds of conflicts you're seeing,"
"You can hose the whole thing down, which is really important," Weisz added.
Currently many of the existing pavilions in the city do not conform to the new guidelines, but Weisz hopes that these mostly wooden structures and their adornments can be reused to clad and decorate the new, metal structures.
She also noted that she hopes the design team will be able to provide technical assistance to construct revamped pavilions.

▲ 新指南不允许建造全封闭式凉亭
Fully enclosed pavilions will not be allowed under the new guidelines



去年,创意总监John Tymkiw拍摄了自新冠疫情以来纽约建造的各种户外餐饮建筑。

The team also worked to develop an online platform, where restaurants can apply for permits as part of the program and view schematics and requirements.
Under the new guidelines, fully enclosed structures will not be allowed.
Last year, creative director John Tymkiw photographed a variety of different outdoor dining structures that were built since the pandemic in New York.





照片由 WXY 和 SITU 提供。

The photography is courtesy of WXY and SITU.




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