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Herzog & de Meuron Designs an Unlikely Pair of Buildings for a Venerable Art School


巴特西的新皇家艺术学院(RCA)办公楼绝对是对上一代建筑师的无声谴责。从赫尔佐格和德梅隆(Herzog&de Meuron)工作室设计的建筑四楼阳台向北看,看不到河流的景色。相反,当在现存的RCA校园(包括其绘画和应用艺术工作室)的顶部往外看时,你所看到的是福斯特建筑事务所(Foster + Partners )在其总部附近设计建造的豪华公寓楼的巨大尾部部分,这两座大楼使得泰晤士河这一段的银行看起来是一个臃肿的玻璃幕墙豪华建筑。

然而,伦敦南部并非没有希望。赫尔佐格和德梅隆的两座新RCA建筑体量并不小,总共提供了167000平方英尺的车间、工作室和研究空间,是英国领先教育机构190年历史上最大的一次扩建。作为一对组合,工作室大楼和它所附加的新研究大楼展示了现代主义的兼容性,建筑在材料和细节上的细微差别,以及可步行的街道模式的创造。该事务所完成了泰特现代美术馆(Tate Modern)及其扩建项目,建筑师吸收了伦敦的文化特征,并巧妙地将其融入建筑中,使伦敦这座城市形象再次得到了极大的改善。

The new Royal College of Art (RCA) buildings in Battersea are a quiet rebuke to the gargantuas of a previous generation of architects. Looking north from the fourth-floor balcony of Herzog & de Meuron’s studio building, one does not find a view of the river. Instead, all that one sees when peering over the top of the pre-existing RCA campus, which contain its painting and applied art studios, is the vast rump of the luxury apartment block that Foster + Partners built next to its own headquarters—both buildings that helped make the banks along this segment of the Thames an architectural free-for-all of bloated, glass-fronted luxury.
South London is not without hope, though. Herzog & de Meuron’s two new RCA buildings are not small, together providing 167,000 square feet of workshop, studio, and research space and representing the largest expansion in the 190-year history of one of Britain’s leading educational institutions. As a pair, the studio building and the new research building to which it is appended demonstrate the compatibility of modernism, architectural nuance in material and detail, and the creation of a walkable street pattern. The city of London has again been improved immeasurably by the work of the Swiss practice (designers of the Tate Modern and its extension), which has absorbed the city’s material culture and added to it so ingeniously.


Herzog & de Meuron's studio building at the Royal College of Art. Photos © Iwan Baan




The studio building, which runs the length of Howie Street and is legible as three staggered brick balconies on a plinth, is a straightforward success. It is not fussy or overly clever, but, instead, is generous and enriched by small details that give this tough building coherence and humanity. On the ground floor, entrances on the north and south sides provide multiple access points, enabling students to pass through the building on their way to the rest of the campus. Inside, the building’s heart is a 3,800-square-foot, double-height space with a burnished asphalt floor, called “the hangar.” Book-ended by enormous garage doors, the hangar can be opened up for exhibitions and public days and, in so doing, completely reinstates the severed Radstock Road.  
The building is not structurally sophisticated: it has a narrow concrete core and is supported on its flanks by concrete-filled steel columns that enable a relatively uninterrupted floor plate. The workshops are located on the ground floor with windows to the east, facing the busy Battersea Bridge Road and giving the public tantalizing glimpses of students using industrial equipment. Sculpture students, who occupy the floor above, said they “didn’t want to be in a goldfish bowl,” so this level has a ring of clerestories and several windows that are shaded by a brick trellis. The two floors above, which house fine art and design, are more extensively glazed.
Within these studios, the impact of the brick is subtly felt. The material evokes all manner of London structures, particularly the city’s ubiquitous 1930s apartment buildings with units that are accessed from exterior walkways. These elements serve multiple functions, providing not just social space but full circulation around the studios. Also important: the balustrades provide a sunscreen for the students working at the desks closest to the windows.


The studio building at the Royal College of Art. Photos © Iwan Baan




The bond that the designers used for the masonry is quirky and clever, too, and offers a lesson in how the most simple material can be manipulated to create delight or intrigue: not so much what the brick wants to be, but how the brick can be fun. The wall’s headers are all pulled outward, creating an undulating effect on the inside of the balcony that provides an extra layer of visual interest for the students who will look at it daily. The treatment also provides the right kind of rough exterior for a street that was once lined with garages. What Herzog & de Meuron have done in detail is the same subtle game of push and pull that they have played with the volume of the building at a bigger scale. The central balcony protrudes to the west and is recessed to the east. The hangar space is effectively created by extending the street into the building. It’s a lesson for any student.
More tricky, though, is the research building, which is just as integral to RCA’s mission as the studio wing. Begun in the 1830s as a design school and encouraged to be even more of one when it moved to South Kensington (the area was planned by Prince Albert to provide historical insight that would help raise the standard of British industrial production), RCA has always been home to innovative design and this new building seeks to continue that legacy.
The square-plan, seven-story research building is appended to the studio building, but is clearly distinguished from it with its greater height and recycled aluminum fins adorning its exterior. These fins run across all four of the building’s facades, and are designed both to shade the interior and to aid its natural ventilation system. From a distance, the fins place the structure well in the cityscape, giving it both presence and texture, but the effect when one is adjacent to it—there is a raised terrace on the fourth floor which connects the buildings—is slightly disappointing. The aluminum is thin and lacks the heft of the studio building’s brickwork.

A robotics facility on the new campus. Photo © Iwan Baan



Thanks in part to the shading, the research building is more introspective than its counterpart. A floor of start-up studios and offices rings the central elevator core and communal kitchen. It is a place where a range of distinct activities occur (these are kept more separate than in the studio building), and it is generously spaced and bathed in natural light. The robotics studio is on the ground floor, ensuring that equipment doesn’t have to be carted upstairs—but it is a shame to deprive the rest of the building of the drama of these moments. After all, the long, open spaces in the studio building, which are only partially divided, provide a theater of creativity that is a key part of the art school.
Taken together, the new buildings are overall a success—although, at $223 million, a pretty expensive one. It is perhaps at the institutional level that their effect is most keenly felt, however. Despite the school’s having three separate campuses (one at the Darwin Building in South Kensington and another near the BBC Studios in northwest London), there was no real masterplan for how they would develop. Herzog & de Meuron’s project, by co-opting several qualities from Darwin—a robust appearance and the use of shared internal space as a kind of creative and social condenser—has created cohesion across the school’s disparate parts. And, no less important, the two buildings have also made the Battersea campus infinitely easier and more pleasant to be in.

Photos © Iwan Baan

Photos © Iwan Baan

Photos © Iwan Baan

Photos © Iwan Baan

Photos © Iwan Baan


建筑师:Herzog & de Meuron — Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Ascan Mergenthaler(主管合伙人); John O’Mara(助理/项目总监); Giuseppe Giacoppo(项目经理); Carmo Montalvão(项目建筑师); Stuart Hill(运营经理)

顾问:The Planning Lab(规划); Mott MacDonald (结构、服务、成本); David Bonnett Associates(包容性设计)

总承包商:Kier Group

砌体:Ibstock Brick
混凝土:Byrne Bros
金属格栅:Lang + Fulton


Architect: Herzog & de Meuron — Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Ascan Mergenthaler (partners in charge); John O’Mara (associate/ project director); Giuseppe Giacoppo (project manager); Carmo Montalvão (project architect); Stuart Hill (operation manager)
Consultants: The Planning Lab (planning); Mott MacDonald (structural, services, cost); David Bonnett Associates (inclusive design)
General Contractor: Kier Group
Client: Royal College of Art
Size: 181,275 square feet
Cost: $170 million
Completion Date: August 2021

Masonry: Ibstock Brick
Concrete: Byrne Bros.
Metal Grille: Lang + Fulton
Elevators: Kone




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