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© César Béjar

Sustainability: The New Aesthetic Order





In the history of architecture the concept of beauty has always been linked to different factors that represent, mainly, the values of society in a given period. The zeitgeist is certainly crucial to these definitions, so something that was once considered beautiful in the past is likely to be given another connotation nowadays. In this sense, aesthetic preferences in architecture seem to be linked to symbolic references implicit in the construction itself and in its relation with the world. They are preferences that express convictions, ideologies and positions, as well as moral, religious, political feelings and, of course, class status symbols.
For some time now, most wealthy architectures have been expressing their ideology through imported materials, flashy coatings, exuberant techniques and exquisite details. However, it is possible to perceive a paradigm shift with regard to the definition of luxury in the last few years.
The concern with sustainability and the future of the planet has become a key point in all human activities, and architecture is not exempt. Nowadays, realizing the vulnerability of natural resources and the imminence of irreversible climate change has become a luxury. Today, luxury is being able to cycle to work, living in the city without polluting the environment, having a large garden and harvesting your own vegetables, building a house with minimal impact on the natural environment, with low carbon emissions and using local materials and labor. This appreciation of sustainability is so latent that large high-end enterprises use it as a slogan for their marketing strategy — which does not always correspond to reality.

© Carolina Mossin



In this sense, construction elements and techniques that were previously related to limited budgets began to occupy another level, becoming not a mandatory choice, but a deliberate one. This restructuring of high-end aesthetics has been going on for some time with the incorporation of certain elements that in some contexts denote an ideology, while in others they may be a need.
Anyway, whether it is a genuine act or not, it is important to notice the incorporation of simple elements and even vernaculars in high-end buildings, modifying the conception of beauty and re-signifying the ideal of architecture.

© Manuel Sá


Within these elements, rammed earth walls undoubtedly occupy a great place. Considered an economical, sustainable and low-impact solution, rammed earth has conquered high-end architecture through its numerous applications. In the Brazilian project of House in Mantiqueira, the rammed earth walls dialogue with symmetrical balances and a wooden structure. In the Mexican example of Earth House, the rammed earth walls were used with the intention of creating harmony between vernacular and contemporary architecture, as a bridge between the past and the present. Still in this language, Layer House also uses local earth in its walls built by native artisans, as does Vineyard House, in Portugal.

© Shannon McGrath & Cortesia de ATKA arquitectos & Alexandre Gemper

茅草作为另外一种建筑材料,作为解决可持续性建造目标的绝佳案例,被赋予新的定义,同时在舒适的环境营造方面效果显著。正因为如此,它一直在高端建筑领域占据一席之地。墨西哥Punta Caliza酒店以茅草作为屋顶的主要自然元素,融入绿色景观,与日本的Wabi住宅一样,衍生于日式建筑的恬静之美,暗示出一种新的审美理想,则是在自然的不完美、无常和深邃中发现美,最主要的体现来源于自然的茅草屋顶。

Thatch is another element that has been re-signified as an excellent example of a sustainable constructive solution, and yet efficient in terms of environmental comfort. Precisely for this reason, it has been conquering its space in high-end constructions. Punta Caliza Hotel in Mexico blends in with the green landscape using thatch as the predominant natural element, in the same way that Wabi House, derived from the Japanese term wabi sabi, suggests an aesthetic ideal that finds beauty in the imperfection, impermanence and depth of nature, translated above all by the natural thatch roof.

© Edmund Sumner

竹屋,顾名思义,主要的亮点是由这种材料制成的建筑楼板、外立面等,以不同寻常的人字形进行排列。这座房子是为一对一生都在地中海航行的夫妇而建造的,它结合了混凝土块、天然石材和竹子等材料。无论是用作覆盖层(如Residência EA的内衬编织),还是用作外部结构(如Casa Petro),竹子也承担了不同的角色,超出了通常的范围并赢得了新的拨款。

At Bamboo House, as the name implies, the main highlight is the panels made of this material, arranged in an unusual herringbone shape. Built for a couple who spend their lives sailing in the Mediterranean, this house combines concrete blocks and natural stone with bamboo. Whether applied as a covering, as in the braiding in the lining of Residência EA, or as a brise, as in the case of Casa Petro, bamboo has also assumed different roles that go beyond the usual scope and create new appropriations.

© Maira Acayaba

© Denilson Machado – MCA Estúdio

最后但同样重要的是另一种被纳入高端建筑的常用材料库的软木。就其本质而言,软木是可回收以及可再生的,就像树木能够再生自己的树皮一样。软木几乎不受采伐过程的影响,由软木建造的建筑项目呈现出强大的视觉力,其同时也是打造可持续环境的不二选择。该材质还被应用于2012年的蛇形画廊展馆中,由Herzog & de Meuron 和Ai Weiwei设计。软木作为一种建筑材料,其在建筑建造中能够发挥不同的用途、建造出不同的形状,如Bonjardim住宅、Villa Extramuros或NH住宅等。

Last but not least, another popular material that has been incorporated into high-end buildings is cork. By its very nature, cork is recyclable and renewable, as the tree regenerates its own bark. Without suffering from the harvesting process, cork presents itself as a visually powerful and environmentally sustainable option for architectural projects. Used in the 2012 Serpentine Gallery Pavilion, designed by Herzog & de Meuron and Ai Weiwei, cork has taken on different uses and shapes, as seen at Bonjardim House, Villa Extramuros, or NH House.

© Jaume Prat

© Denilson Machado – MCA Estúdio

© Manuel Sá

© Edmund Sumner

© Shannon McGrath

© Maira Acayaba

© Alexandre Gemper

© Edmund Sumner

© Jaume Prat

© Carolina Mossin

© João Morgado

Cortesia de ATKA arquitectos & © Leo Espinosa

© João Morgado

© João Morgado

© Maira Acayaba

© Leo Espinosa

© Jaume Prat

© Alexandre Gemper

© Shannon McGrath

© Shannon McGrath




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