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泰国Sasipawan 冥想中心 / Architects 49
Sasipawan Wisdom Center / Architects 49



“Sasipawan” is a meditation center located in Khao Yai, along Thanarat Road. It was established as a place of Buddhist study and meditation for monks and Dharma Teachers. The complex of buildings is designed to be unique, elegant, and distinct, with a natural form that merges art and architecture imbued with the Thai spirit. The contemporary architectural design focuses on minimalism and the philosophy of sufficiency which promotes the teachings of Buddhism for the good of society.





设计此类建筑没有硬性规定,方案完全取决于个人的理解。设计师可以自由地通过设计来表达他们的信仰与观念。 “Sasipawan”不是一个礼拜场所,而是一个精神静修处,修行者可以来这里学习冥想,沉浸在佛陀的教诲以及泰国的价值观、艺术和文化中。在此宁静的氛围中修炼心灵,给人以精神上的毅力去面对日常生活的挑战。

There are no hard and fast rules for designing such buildings, and their designs are up to individual interpretation. The designer has the freedom to express their beliefs through their designs. “Sasipawan” is not a place of worship but, rather, a spiritual retreat where practitioners can come to study meditation and immerse themselves in the Buddha’s teachings, as well as Thai values, arts, and culture. The center’s serene atmosphere cultivates the soul, giving people the spiritual fortitude to face the challenges of daily life.



一座玻璃塔位于该地的最高点。这座宝塔由多层玻璃板建造而成,透明轻盈且通风,营造出独特的纯洁象征。佛舍利供奉于塔基和塔尖。按照传统,放置在宝塔尖顶上的多层伞由金属制成,从底部到最顶层都镀有金箔。宝塔下方的大厅有 4 个前庭,供冥想或向会众讲道。举办大部分活动的主楼有一个经过改造的泰式山墙屋顶,就像一朵含苞待放的莲花。

A glass pagoda is positioned at the highest point of the site. Constructed from layers of glass sheets, the pagoda is airy and translucent, creating a distinctive symbol of purity. The Buddha’s relics are enshrined within the base and spire of the pagoda. A many-tiered umbrella that traditionally rests atop the pagoda’s spire is made from metal gilded with gold leaf from the base to the topmost tier. Beneath the pagoda lies a large hall with 4 vestibules, for meditation or for preaching to congregations. The main building, where most activities are held, has an adapted Thai gable roof that resembles a budding lotus flower.



选择铜作为屋顶材料是因为它们的耐用性以及随着时间的推移而变色的独特品质。延伸的屋檐可以防晒和防雨,提供凉爽的庇护,建筑的弧度与周围环境相互应和。内殿的拱形天花板上设有四根百年柚木柱,并列两排,落地窗则提供了一览无余的宝塔美景。一尊拉玛九世的雕塑矗立在圆形大厅中,开有天窗,旨在每年 12 月 5 日上午 9 点 39 分或 10 点 39 分将光线准确地照射到拉玛九世的雕像上。

Copper roofing materials were selected for their durability and unique quality of changing color as it ages. Extended eaves offer protection from the sun and rain, creating a cool sanctuary, and the curvature of the building is in harmony with its surroundings. The vaulted ceiling of the interior hall is lined with century-old teak columns in two rows of 4 columns, while floor-to-ceiling glazing offers an unobstructed view of the pagoda. A sculpture of Rama IX stands in the circular hall with a skylight designed to shed light precisely onto Rama IX’s likeness at exactly 09:99, or 10:39, on the morning of December 5th each year.


另一个重要建筑是僧侣和法师在修行期间的住宿和食堂。建筑周围环绕着花园,花园里种满了佛教历史上著名的各种植物和乔木。整个建筑群和玻璃塔可以让游客感受到泰国精神,让人联想起在他们面前供奉的佛陀的教义。当代泰式建筑设计,通过极少的建筑装饰,在建筑的各个部分都洋溢着泰式精神。建筑群整体的美学是简洁、平静、柔和和深刻的,将单个建筑和谐地链接起来,让游客不虚此行,按照项目创始人 Khunying Sasima Srivikorn 的设计思路,在此地饱受震撼,并流连忘返。

Another important building is the accommodation and dining halls for monks and Dharma Teachers during their spiritual retreat. This is surrounded by gardens featuring various plants and trees which are prominent in Buddhist history. The entire complex and glass pagoda give visitors a sense of the spirit of Thailand and reminds them of the teachings of the Lord Buddha enshrined before them. Contemporary Thai architectural design, with minimal architectural embellishments, is imbued with the Thai spirit in various parts of the buildings. The overall aesthetic is simple, calming, mellow, and profound, and harmoniously connects the buildings together with the aim to support the visitors’ objectives and create a memorable impression as intended by the project’s founder, Khunying Sasima Srivikorn.










建筑设计所:Architects 49
面积:1941 m2
摄影:Krisada Boonchaleow
制造商:BEL VEDERE, Bluescope, Conwood, Crystal View, Danpalon Korea, FIBEROCK ตราช้าง, JIRAWATN GLASS STUDIO, Jorakay, L'aquatech, Stone Age
结构工程:Architectural Engineering 49
照明设计:49 Lighting Design Consultants
设计团队:Architects 49
客户:Khunying Sasima Srivikorn
系统工程师:M&E Engineering 49
城市:Pak Chong

Architects: Architects 49
Area: 1941 m2
Year: 2021
Photographs: Krisada Boonchaleow
Manufacturers:  BEL VEDERE, Bluescope, Conwood, Crystal View, Danpalon Korea, FIBEROCK ตราช้าง, JIRAWATN GLASS STUDIO, Jorakay, L'aquatech, Stone Age
Structural Engineering: Architectural Engineering 49
Lighting Design: 49 Lighting Design Consultants
Design Team: Architects 49
Clients: Khunying Sasima Srivikorn
System Engineer: M&E Engineering 49
City: Pak Chong
Country: Thailand




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