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伊丽莎白二世女王在位 70 年间开启的 20 座重要建筑第1张图片

Twenty significant buildings opened by Queen Elizabeth II during her 70-year reign


当世界各地的人们哀悼已经去世,享年 96 岁的伊丽莎白二世女王时,我们回顾了她在位 70 年期间开设的 20 座最重要的建筑,这是英国历史上最长的纪录。

伊丽莎白二世于 1952 年 2 月 6 日即位,时年 25 岁,并在位时担任英国和其他 14 个英联邦国家的女王,直到她于 2022 年 9 月 8 日去世。

今年早些时候,英国庆祝了她的白金禧年,这标志着她加冕 70 周年。


在此期间,建筑风格发生了巨大变化。 女王开启了由 Basil Spence 和 Frederick Gibberd 设计的现代主义建筑,Powell & Moya 和 Denys Lasdun 的野兽派建筑,Richard Rogers 和 Norman Foster 的高科技作品,以及 Herzog & de Meuron 和 WilkinsonEyre 的现代建筑。

请继续阅读女王时代正式开启的 20 座最重要的建筑作品,其中包括五个博物馆、两个机场、一座大教堂、一座歌剧院和不少于四座议会大楼。

As people around the world mourn the death of Queen Elizabeth II, who passed away yesterday at the age of 96, we look back at 20 of the most significant buildings she opened during her reign of 70 years, the longest in British history.
Elizabeth II came to the throne on 6 February 1952 at the age of 25 and reigned as Queen of the United Kingdom and 14 other Commonwealth countries until her death on 8 September 2022.
Earlier this year, the UK celebrated her Platinum Jubilee, which marked 70 years since her coronation.
In her record-breaking time on the throne, Queen Elizabeth II cut her fair share of red ribbons, opening numerous public buildings across the UK, Australia and New Zealand in her role as head of state.
Architecture styles have changed dramatically during this time. The Queen opened modernist buildings designed by Basil Spence and Frederick Gibberd, brutalist structures by Powell & Moya and Denys Lasdun, and high-tech creations by Richard Rogers and Norman Foster, as well as more recent contemporary structures by Herzog & de Meuron and WilkinsonEyre.
Read on for 20 of the most significant pieces of architecture officially opened by the Queen, including five museums, two airports, a cathedral, an opera house and no fewer than four parliament buildings.

伊丽莎白二世女王在位 70 年间开启的 20 座重要建筑第2张图片
Photo by Thomas Nugent

弗雷德里克·吉伯德(Frederick Gibberd)的女王大厦,英国希思罗机场(1955)

女王于 1955 年在伦敦机场开设了现代主义的中央客运大楼,其中包括由英国建筑师弗雷德里克·吉伯德设计的皇后区大楼,其中包括机场的主要乘客入口以及航空公司办公室、电影院、屋顶花园和“烧烤室”。


皇后区大楼后来被并入更名为希思罗机场的 2 号航站楼,并于 2009 年被拆除,为 Foster + Partners 设计的航站楼让路。 女王将于 2008 年返回机场,开放由 Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners 设计的 5 号航站楼。

The Queen's Building, Heathrow, England, by Frederick Gibberd (1955)
The Queen inaugurated the modernist central passenger terminal at London Airport in 1955 including the Queens Building designed by English architect Frederick Gibberd, which contained the main passenger entrance to the airport along with airline offices, a cinema, roof gardens and a "grill room".
"We may say with pride that [the airport] ranks among the foremost in the world," she said at the opening.
The Queens Building would later be incorporated into Terminal 2 at the renamed Heathrow airport and was demolished in 2009 to make way for the Foster + Partners-designed terminal. The Queen would later return to the airport in 2008 to open the Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners-designed Terminal 5.

伊丽莎白二世女王在位 70 年间开启的 20 座重要建筑第3张图片
Photo courtesy of the Twentieth Century Society


英联邦研究所大楼由 RMJM 的 Robert Matthew 和 Stirrat Johnson Marshall 设计,旨在举办一个永久性展览,向英国公众介绍英联邦其他地区的生活。

这座现代主义混凝土建筑坐落在覆铜的双曲线抛物面屋顶下,于 2016 年由 OMA 和 John Pawson 改建为设计博物馆。


The Commonwealth Institute, London, England, by RMJM (1962)
The Commonwealth Institute building was designed by Robert Matthew and Stirrat Johnson Marshall from RMJM to hold a permanent exhibition informing the British public about life in the rest of the Commonwealth.
The modernist concrete building, set under a copper-covered, hyperbolic parabaloid roof, was converted into the Design Museum by OMA and John Pawson in 2016.
UK heritage campaign group the Twentieth Century Society was unhappy with the renovation, which saw the exterior kept intact but the interior completely rebuilt, claiming that a "magnificent post-war masterpiece" had been lost.

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Photo by DeFacto

考文垂大教堂,英国考文垂,巴兹尔·斯宾塞(Basil Spence)(1962 年)

1962 年,女王出席了考文垂一座现代大教堂的奉献仪式,该大教堂由苏格兰建筑师 Basil Spence 设计,以取代之前在第二次世界大战期间被炸毁的 14 世纪大教堂。

战后现代主义的关键例子就在其哥特式前身的废墟旁边——只有斯宾塞在设计竞赛的 200 多名建筑师中提出了这一要求。

斯宾塞为大教堂委托了许多主要艺术品,包括雅各布·爱泼斯坦(Jacob Epstein)的大天使迈克尔战胜魔鬼的大型雕塑,约翰·派珀(John Piper)和帕特里克·雷蒂恩斯(Patrick Reyntiens)的抽象彩色玻璃窗以及格雷厄姆·萨瑟兰(Graham Sutherland)的挂毯,这些挂毯一度被认为是一个大型世界。

Coventry Cathedral, Coventry, England, by Basil Spence (1962)
In 1962 the Queen attended the consecration of a modern cathedral in Coventry that was designed by Scottish architect Basil Spence to replace the previous 14th-century cathedral, which had been destroyed in bombing during world war two.
The key example of post-war modernism stands alongside the ruins of its Gothic predecessor – a demand that only Spence made among the 200-plus architects in the design competition.
Spence commissioned a number of major artworks for the cathedral including a large sculpture of Archangel Michael triumphing over the Devil by Jacob Epstein, abstract stained glass windows by John Piper and Patrick Reyntiens and a tapestry by Graham Sutherland believed at one time to be the largest in the world.

伊丽莎白二世女王在位 70 年间开启的 20 座重要建筑第5张图片
Photo by Stephen Richards

新西兰之家,英国伦敦,RMJM(1963 年)

这座 15 层高的新西兰之家被设计为新西兰在英国的官方存在,在 1963 年女王开放时是伦敦第三高的建筑。

作为二战后在伦敦市中心建造的第一座高大写字楼,由 RMJM 设计的现代主义 78 米高的大楼在当时颇受争议,但在 1990 年被列为二级保护建筑。

New Zealand House, London, England, by RMJM (1963)
Designed as New Zealand's official presence in Britain, the 15-storey New Zealand House was the third-tallest building in London when the Queen opened it in 1963.
As the first tall office block built in central London after the second world war, the modernist 78-metre-tall block designed by RMJM was controversial at the time, but was grade II-listed in 1990.

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Photo by The Carlisle Kid

尤斯顿站,英国伦敦,William Robert Headley和Ray Moorcroft(1968)

由William Robert Headley和Ray Moorcroft与理查德·塞弗特(Richard Seifert)& Partners 协商设计的现代车站因维多利亚大礼堂和标志性的尤斯顿拱门被拆除而引起争议。

现在 50 年后,有计划重新开发车站,建筑工作室 Grimshaw 和 Haptic 为 HS2 高速铁路设计了一个带有“大胆几何屋顶”的终点站。

Euston station, London, England, by William Robert Headley and Ray Moorcroft (1968)
Designed by William Robert Headley and Ray Moorcroft in consultation with Richard Seifert & Partners, the modern station was controversial as it saw the demolition of the Victorian Grand Hall and iconic Euston Arch.
Now 50 years later there are plans to redevelop the station, with architecture studios Grimshaw and Haptic designing a terminal for the HS2 high-speed railway with a "bold geometric roof".

伊丽莎白二世女王在位 70 年间开启的 20 座重要建筑第7张图片
Photo courtesy of Sydney Opera House

悉尼歌剧院,澳大利亚悉尼,Jørn Utzon(1973)

据报道,1973 年有 100 万人参加了悉尼歌剧院的正式开幕式,女王将这座标志性建筑描述为“工程和建筑的辉煌成就”。

这座建筑由丹麦建筑师 Jørn Utzon 和工程师 Ove Arup 设计,在开工 14 年后完工,是工程师主导的晚期现代主义的一个重要例子。


Sydney Opera House, Sydney, Australia, by Jørn Utzon (1973)
One million people reportedly attended the official opening of the Sydney Opera House in 1973, where the Queen described the landmark building as a "splendid achievement of engineering and architecture".
Designed by Danish architect Jørn Utzon and engineer Ove Arup, the now-iconic building was completed 14 years after construction began and is a key example of engineer-led late modernism.
"The Sydney Opera House has captured the imagination of the world, though I understand that its construction has not been totally without problems," noted the Queen.

伊丽莎白二世女王在位 70 年间开启的 20 座重要建筑第8张图片
Photo courtesy of Museum of London

伦敦博物馆,英国伦敦,Powell & Moya(1976)


建筑师Philip Powell和Hidalgo Moya在当时采用了一种创新的博物馆设计方法,将画廊布置成只有一条路线通过展品。


2015 年,博物馆宣布计划从巴比肯(Barbican)遗址搬到附近史密斯菲尔德市场(Smithfield Market)的新家,而在今年年底关闭现有建筑并将其重新开发为音乐厅的计划在 2021 年因冠状病毒而被取消。

Museum of London, London, England, by Powell & Moya (1976)
Opened by the Queen alongside the Barbican Estate, the Museum of London is the largest urban history collection in the world charting the social history of the UK's capital from prehistoric to modern times.
Architects Philip Powell and Hidalgo Moya adopted what was an innovative approach to museum design at the time, laying out the galleries so that there was only one route through the exhibits.
From street level the structure is bastion-like, with the museum only accessible via raised walkways on the first floor.
In 2015, the museum announced plans to move from the Barbican site to a new home in the nearby Smithfield Market, while plans to close the existing building at the end of this year and redevelop it into a concert hall were scrapped in 2021 amid the coronavirus pandemic.

伊丽莎白二世女王在位 70 年间开启的 20 座重要建筑第9张图片
Photo by Tom Parnell

英国伦敦皇家国家剧院,Denys Lasdun(1976)


由于资金问题,这座建筑在女王在伦敦南岸的遗址上奠基 25 年后正式开放。



Royal National Theatre, London, England, by Denys Lasdun (1976)
Famously described by Prince Charles as looking like a "nuclear power station", the brutalist Royal National Theatre was designed by English architect Denys Lasdun.
Beset by funding issues, the building officially opened 25 years after the Queen laid a foundation stone on the site on London's South Bank.
"It stands as a tribute to all those who dreamt of it; to those who argued and fought for it; to those who designed and built it; and to those who founded and developed its famous company," said the Queen at the opening.
"I know it is the determination of the National Theatre Company to fill this building with that special type of magic that only the theatre can provide."

伊丽莎白二世女王在位 70 年间开启的 20 座重要建筑第10张图片
Photo by Ulrich Lange

蜂巢,新西兰惠灵顿,Basil Spence(1977)

这座野兽派建筑的官方名称为新西兰议会大厦的行政翼,因其独特的形状和屋顶而被称为蜂巢,由 20 吨手工焊接和缝合的铜制成。

与考文垂大教堂一样,它由巴兹尔·斯宾塞 (Basil Spence) 构思,由新西兰政府建筑师弗格斯·谢泼德 (Fergus Sheppard) 和工程部进行详细设计工作。

这座 10 层高的建筑包含内阁室和部长办公室,而地下室则是政府的国家危机管理中心,其中包括宿舍和设施,让人们在国家紧急情况下可以在那里长期生活和工作。

The Beehive, Wellington, New Zealand, by Basil Spence (1977)
Officially called the Executive Wing of the New Zealand Parliament Buildings, this brutalist structure is commonly known as the Beehive thanks to its distinctive shape and roof, made from 20 tonnes of hand-welted and seamed copper.
Like Coventry Cathedral it was conceived by Basil Spence, with detailed design work carried out by New Zealand government architect Fergus Sheppard and the Ministry of Works.
The 10-storey building contains the cabinet room and ministers' offices while the basement houses the government's National Crisis Management Centre, which includes dormitories and facilities to allow people to live and work there for long periods during a national emergency.

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Photo courtesy of Barbican Centre

巴比肯中心,英国伦敦,Chamberlin、Powell 和 Bon(1982)

被女王描述为“现代世界的奇迹之一”的巴比肯中心在 1982 年开业时是西欧最大的艺术中心。

艺术中心包含一个为伦敦交响乐团提供的 1,943 个座位的音乐厅和一个为皇家莎士比亚剧团提供的 1,156 个座位的剧院,以及几个画廊空间、电影院、咖啡馆和一个图书馆,艺术中心也属于巴比肯住宅区。

它由英国工作室 Chamberlin、Powell 和 Bon 设计,是英国最知名的野兽派建筑。

Barbican Centre, London, England, by Chamberlin, Powell and Bon (1982)
Described by the Queen as "one of the wonders of the modern world", the Barbican Centre was the largest arts centre in western Europe when it opened in 1982.
Containing a 1,943-seat concert hall for the London Symphony Orchestra and a 1,156-seat theatre for the Royal Shakespeare Company along with several gallery spaces, cinemas, cafes, and a library, the arts centre forms part of the wider Barbican housing estate.
Designed by UK studio Chamberlin, Powell and Bon it is one of the UK's most recognisable brutalist buildings.

伊丽莎白二世女王在位 70 年间开启的 20 座重要建筑第12张图片
Photo is by Richard Bryant

劳埃德大厦,英国伦敦,理查德·罗杰斯(Richard Rogers)(1986 年)

1986 年,女王开设了由建筑师理查德·罗杰斯 (Richard Rogers) 设计的劳合社大楼。作为高科技建筑的一个重要早期例子,伦敦金融城的激进建筑被设计成其所有的建筑服务和电梯都在外面,以在内部创造出清晰的空间。


在接受 Dezeen 采访时,罗杰斯回忆起在该项目工作时被“所有人攻击”。

Lloyd's building, London, England, by Richard Rogers (1986)
In 1986 the Queen opened the Lloyd's building, designed by architect Richard Rogers. A key early example of high-tech architecture, the radical addition to the City of London was designed with all its building services and lifts on the outside to create clear spaces within.
"The building is, without doubt, a landmark both in terms of the skyline of the city and in the history of Lloyd's," said the Queen.
In an interview with Dezeen, Rogers recalled being "attacked by everybody" while working on the project.

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Photo by Thennicke

澳大利亚堪培拉国会大厦,Mitchell Giurgola and Thorp Architects(1988)

作为澳大利亚 200 周年庆典的一部分,纪念第一批英国船队抵达澳大利亚 200 周年,女王正式启用了议会大厦。

这是自 1901 年澳大利亚联邦宣布成立以来的第一个常设议会,这座位于堪培拉的建筑由 Mitchell Giurgola 和 Thorp Architects 工作室设计。

Parliament House, Canberra, Australia, by Mitchell Giurgola and Thorp Architects (1988)
As part of Australia's bicentenary celebrations, which marked 200 years since the arrival of the first fleet of British ships in the country, the Queen officially opened Parliament House.
The first permanent parliament since the proclamation of the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901, the building in Canberra was designed by studios Mitchell Giurgola and Thorp Architects.

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Photograph by Ken Kirkwood

英国斯坦斯特德机场,Foster + Partners(1991)

由 Foster + Partners 设计,以挑战“机场航站楼设计的所有规则”,斯坦斯特德机场的航站楼于 1991 年由女王正式启用。该建筑是最早出现在上世纪70年代后期的英国。

“这是我生命中的一个伟大时刻。”Foster + Partners 的设计主管 Spencer de Gray 告诉 BBC,“这座建筑的设计付出了很多努力,看到女王和她一起完成了这一切,这是一个美妙的时刻。”

Stansted Airport, Stansted, England, by Foster + Partners (1991)
Designed by Foster + Partners to challenge "all the rules of airport terminal design", the terminal building at Stansted Airport was officially opened by the Queen in 1991. The building is a key example of the high-tech architecture style that first emerged in the UK in the late 1970s.
"It was a great moment in my life," Foster + Partners head of design Spencer de Grey told the BBC. "A lot of hard work went into the design of the building and to see it all finished with the Queen there was a wonderful occasion."

伊丽莎白二世女王在位 70 年间开启的 20 座重要建筑第15张图片
Photo by Sean Bell

苏格兰博物馆,爱丁堡,苏格兰,Benson + Forsyth(1998)

苏格兰博物馆覆盖着金色的海鳗砂岩,由 Benson + Forsyth 设计,作为 19 世纪爱丁堡市中心苏格兰皇家博物馆的延伸。

凭借其圆柱形入口塔,爱丁堡老城区的现代建筑包含讲述苏格兰历史的收藏品,并于 1998 年 11 月在圣安德鲁节公开开放之前由女王正式开放。

Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland, Benson + Forsyth (1998)
Clad in golden Moray sandstone, the Museum of Scotland was designed by Benson + Forsyth as an extension to the 19th-century Royal Scottish Museum in central Edinburgh.
With its cylindrical entrance tower, the modern addition to Edinburgh's old town contains a collection that tells the history of Scotland and was officially opened by the Queen in November 1998 ahead of its public opening on St Andrew's Day.

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Photo courtesy of British Library

大英图书馆,英国伦敦,Colin St John Wilson 和 MJ Long(1998 年)

经过长时间的拖延和查尔斯王子称该设计看起来像“秘密警察学院”后,女王于 1998 年正式开放了大英图书馆。

该建筑由建筑师 Colin St John Wilson 和 MJ Long 设计,比预期晚了十多年完工,并引发了一系列争议。 谈到开幕式的延迟,女王说:“这种爱的劳动有时似乎是无止境的。”


British Library, London, England, by Colin St John Wilson and MJ Long (1998)
After extensive delays and Prince Charles referring to the design as looking like "an academy for secret police", the Queen officially opened the British Library in 1998.
Designed by architects Colin St John Wilson and MJ Long, the building was completed over a decade later than expected and was the subject of a series of controversies. Referring to the delay at the opening the Queen said: "This labour of love must have seemed at times to be endless."
However, she praised the building noting that, "this is the largest public building erected in Britain this century, and it is entirely fitting that it should be a library."

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Photo by Acabashi

泰特现代美术馆,英国伦敦,赫尔佐格和德梅隆(Herzog & de Meuron)(2000 年)

2000 年,女王在伦敦泰晤士河南岸开设了由瑞士建筑工作室 Herzog & de Meuron 设计的泰特现代美术馆。

艺术画廊的设计目的是占据前 Giles Gilbert Scott 设计的 Bankside 电站,该电站是女王 37 年前于 1963 年开放的。

Tate Modern, London, England, by Herzog & de Meuron (2000)
In 2000 the Queen opened the Tate Modern, which was designed by Swiss architecture studio Herzog & de Meuron, on the South Bank of the River Thames in London.
The art gallery was designed to occupy the former Giles Gilbert Scott-designed Bankside Power Station, which the Queen had opened 37 years earlier in 1963.

伊丽莎白二世女王在位 70 年间开启的 20 座重要建筑第18张图片
Image courtesy of Foster + Partners

英国伦敦大英博物馆的大法院,Foster + Partners(2000)

现在正式称为伊丽莎白二世女王大法院,大英博物馆的中央庭院顶部是由建筑工作室 Foster + Partners 与工程工作室 Buro Happold 合作创建的镶嵌玻璃屋顶。

作为博物馆大修的一部分,法院进行了重新设计,为该机构增加了 40% 的空间,并于 2000 年由女王开放。

Great Court at the British Museum, London, England, by Foster + Partners (2000)
Now officially called the Queen Elizabeth II Great Court, the central courtyard at the British Museum was topped with a tessellated glass roof created by architecture studio Foster + Partners in collaboration with engineering studio Buro Happold.
The court was redesigned as part of an overhaul to the museum that added 40 per cent more space to the institution and was opened by the Queen in 2000.

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Photo courtesy of WilkinsonEyre


由建筑工作室 WilkinsonEyre 设计,连接纽卡斯尔和盖茨黑德,千禧桥具有独特的形状,由两个相连的拱门组成,这些拱门可以旋转以允许船只通过。


Gateshead Millennium Bridge, Newcastle, England, by WilkinsonEyre (2002)
Designed by architecture studio WilkinsonEyre to connect Newcastle and Gateshead the Millennium Bridge has a distinctive shape formed of two connected arches that rotate to allow boats to pass. This form has been likened to a blinking eye.
The bridge was officially opened by the Queen in May 2002 and won the Stirling Prize, the most significant award in UK architecture, in October that year.

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Photo courtesy of Scottish Parliament

苏格兰爱丁堡的苏格兰议会大厦,EMBT & RMJM(2004)

高度复杂和冒险的苏格兰议会大厦由工作室 EMBT & RMJM 设计,以参考苏格兰的遗产和景观,同时也拒绝传统的制度主义。

EMBT 负责人 Enric Miralles 在项目完成前去世,他利用附近海岸上翻船的形式,并从苏格兰建筑师 Charles Rennie Mackintosh 的花卉画中汲取图案来创建结构。


然而,建筑师和建筑评论家对这座建筑给予了广泛的评价,并获得了多个奖项,包括 2005 年的斯特林奖。

Scottish Parliament Building, Edinburgh, Scotland, by EMBT & RMJM (2004)
The highly complex and adventurous Scottish Parliament Building was designed by studios EMBT & RMJM to reference Scotland's heritage and landscape while also rejecting traditional institutionalism.
EMBT principal Enric Miralles, who died before the project's completion, drew on the forms of upturned boats on the nearby seashore and took motifs from the flower paintings of Scottish architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh in creating the structure.
The project was controversial, particularly because of costs and delays but also due to the selection of a non-Scottish architect and the building's abstract design, and became the subject of a major public inquiry that criticised the management of the construction.
However, architects and architecture critics have widely praised the building and it has won multiple awards, including the 2005 Stirling Prize.

伊丽莎白二世女王在位 70 年间开启的 20 座重要建筑第21张图片
Photo by Katsuhisa Kida

Senedd Cymru,威尔士加的夫,RSHP(2006)

理查德罗杰斯的 RSHP 工作室,后来被命名为理查德罗杰斯合作伙伴关系,被选中设计威尔士国民议会,当地称为 Senedd。



主图展示了女王在悉尼歌剧院、巴比肯中心、斯坦斯特德机场、大英图书馆、大英博物馆、盖茨黑德千禧桥和 Senedd Cymru 的开幕式上。

本文最初发布于6 月 1 日,纪念女王的白金禧年。

Senedd Cymru, Cardiff, Wales, by RSHP (2006)
Richard Rogers' studio RSHP, then named the Richard Rogers Partnership, was selected to design the National Assembly for Wales, known locally as the Senedd.
The building's shape is dominated by a large roof of steel and wood overhanging its glass facade, with the architects keen to convey a sense of openness to the Welsh public.
Special attention was paid to the building's sustainability, with extensive use of local materials, a ground source heating system, a biomass boiler and rainwater harvesting.
The main image shows the Queen at the openings of the Sydney Opera House, Barbican Centre, Stansted Airport, British Library, British Museum, Gateshead Millennium Bridge and Senedd Cymru.
A version of this article was originally published on 1 June to mark the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.




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