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打破刻板印象----Kriskadecor 用铝材打造出“温馨宜人”的室内环境
Kriskadecor uses aluminium to create "warm and inviting" interiors


金属链制造商 Kriskadecor 通过一系列作品来挑战人们对铝材冰冷的刻板印象,尝试用铝点亮室内空间。

Kriskadecor 利用其制造铝制金属链装饰公共建筑和住宅建筑的内部,营造出轻松温馨的空间,从酒吧到联合住宅,不一而足。

Promotion: metal-chain manufacturer Kriskadecor is challenging the perception of aluminium as a cold material with a series of projects where it is used to brighten an interior.
Kriskadecor has used its aluminium metal chains to adorn the interiors of public and residential buildings to create relaxing and welcoming spaces, ranging from bars to co-housing

▲ Kriskadecor 使用其铝制链条装饰一系列室内装饰
Kriskadecor has used its aluminium chains to adorn a range of interiors. Photo by Lucía Gorostegui


例如,Kriskadecor 专门生产多功能铝链,可用于空间隔断、墙面装饰、雕塑照明和装置等各种用途。

According to the brand, using aluminium to create an inviting interior comes down to the shapes and colours with in the material is finished and paired.
For example, Kriskadecor specialises in versatile aluminium chains, designed to be used for everything from space dividers and wallcoverings to sculptural lighting and installations.

▲ 它还将铝链安装在马德里的一个联合办公空间内
It also installed them in a co-working space in Madrid

Kriskadecor 表示:“尽管铝是一种看似冰冷的金属材料,但如果与其他元素结合起来,通过构思来巧妙地使用,这种材料就能在室内设计中发挥重要作用。”

Kriskadecor 解释说:“为了消除这种冷冰冰的感觉,我们运用了两个概念:色彩和形状。”

"Despite being a metallic and seemingly cold material, aluminium can play a fundamental role in interior design when used strategically and in conjunction with other elements," said Kriskadecor.
"To counteract this perceived coldness, at Kriskadecor, we play with two concepts: colour and shape," it explained.

▲ 该品牌正在挑战人们对铝冷冰冰材料的看法
The brand is challenging the perception of aluminium as a cold material. Image by Petit Oiseau


Kriskadecor 用铝链条作为装饰的主要室内设计案例包括智利机场的 LATAM 航空公司休息室。在这里,该品牌在吧台上方悬挂了一个由三个古铜色圆柱体组成的雕塑装置。

According to the brand, its team of experts approaches "each project in a completely personalised manner" to ensure the products are used in the best way possible.
Key examples of interiors where Kriskadecor has installed its aluminium chains include the LATAM Airlines lounge in an airport in Chile designed by local studio Grupo Arquitectos. Here, the brand suspended a sculptural installation formed of three bronze-hued cylinders above the bar area.

▲ 它们悬挂在 LATAM 航空公司休息室的吧台上方
They are suspended above a bar in a LATAM Airlines lounge. Photo by Aryeh Kornfeld

“Arquitectos工作室为智利圣地亚哥机场的 LATAM 航空公司设计的贵宾休息室是一个温馨宜人的空间,乘客可以在这里放松身心,享受愉快的旅程。”Kriskadecor 说。


在法国,Kriskadecor 为 Chantal Peyrat 工作室设计的 Ecla Paris Villejuif 合租公寓打造了“为学生和年轻工作人士而营造出的健康宁静的氛围”。


"Grupo Arquitectos conceived the design of the VIP lounge for LATAM Airlines at Santiago de Chile's airport as a warm and inviting space where passengers could relax and have a more enjoyable journey," said Kriskadecor.
"The floating effect of all the elements, in addition to the light reflecting on the chains, softens and provides a more pleasant and balanced ambience."
In France, Kriskadecor contributed to "an atmosphere of wellbeing and serenity for students and young professionals" at the Ecla Paris Villejuif co-living residences by Studio Chantal Peyrat.
Colourful aluminium chains are used as part of a wider lighting scheme intended to "add dynamism" to the common areas and reception.

▲ 在工作区,它们被用作隐私窗帘
In the workspaces, they are used as privacy curtains. Photo by Lucía Gorostegui

与此同时,在西班牙,一系列绿色的铝制链条窗帘已不仅仅是装饰品。在马德里一家由当地工作室 Ballarín Mendoza 设计的联合办公空间中,在玻璃封闭式会议室里,这些窗帘也被当作衬里来装饰。

Krisakdecor 说,这些窗帘“在不妨碍视线的情况下”增加了私密性,同时允许光线进入。

Meanwhile, in Spain, a series of green-toned aluminium chain curtains have been used as more than decoration – lining the glass-enclosed meeting rooms of a coworking space in Madrid by local studio Ballarín Mendoza.
They are used to add privacy "without obstructing the visual field" while allowing light to enter, Krisakdecor said.




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