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鲁迅先生的这篇散文叙写自己从无限乐趣的百草园到全城最严厉的书塾的历程,从那个年代的书塾模式到如今的新校园模式, 校园的设计思维在不断的进化中,在如今这个“开放,自由,共享,多元”的时代,我们希望通过设计将“鲁迅先生”从“三味书屋”带回到无限乐趣的“百草园”。

Green are the plots where vegetables grow, Smooth are the railings by the well of stone, Tall are the pagoda trees that cast their shade, Purple-red are the mulberries that tempt the taste, Fat are the yellow wasps that buzz around, Nimble are the magpies that call out loud…
--From the Herb Garden to the Sanwei School.

Mr Lu Xun's essay describes his journey from the infinitely enjoyable Herb Garden to the city's toughest school. From the school model of that era to the new campus model of today, the design thinking of the campus is constantly evolving, and in today's era of "openness, freedom, sharing, and plurality", we hope to bring Mr Lu Xun from the "Sanwei School" back to the infinitely enjoyable "Herb Garden" through the design.

▼ 项目视频,video



本项目位于成都市锦江区中生科创谷片区,北侧贴临贯穿交子公园、中生科创谷的城市绿廊,生态资源丰富,距林家坝TOD站点约300米,周边公共交通优势明显;本次设计包含一所9班幼儿园, 54班小学和96班完全中学,其中幼儿园项目占地约4000平方米、小学占地约20000平方米、中学(高完中)占地约81000平方米。



The project is located in Jinjiang District, Chengdu City, Zhongsheng Science and Technology Innovation Valley area, the north side of the city adjacent to the green corridor through the Jiaozi Park, Zhongsheng Science and Technology Innovation Valley, rich in ecological resources, about 300 meters from the Linjiaba TOD site, the surrounding public transport advantages; the design includes a 9-class kindergarten, 54 classes of primary school and 96 classes of complete secondary school, including kindergarten project occupies an area of about 4,000 square meters, the primary school occupies an area of about 20,000 square meters, the secondary school (high school) occupies an area of about 81,000 square meters. The kindergarten project occupies about 4,000 square meters, the primary school occupies about 20,000 square meters and the secondary school (high school) occupies about 81,000 square meters.

Design Concept and Strategy
We hope to create a green campus that is more in line with the future concept of teaching and learning, and then put forward the concept of "Borderless Campus", the so-called "Borderless Campus" is actually to achieve the "four breaks", that is, to break the community boundaries, to break the spatial boundaries, to break the communication boundaries and to break the ecological boundaries.

1. 打破社区边界,重构对话城市,活力共享的校园。

1. Breaking down community boundaries, reconfiguring the dialogue city, and vibrantly sharing the campus.

▼ 沿街鸟瞰

▼ 沿街透视



The overall planning layout of the campus forms a spatial cross skeleton through the north-south shared axis and the east-west eco-axis, with the primary school and secondary school all the way apart, setting up the campus service facilities along the north-south shared axis, realising the openness and sharing of the campus facilities through time-sharing and control, and creating a variety of open spaces and off-campus pick-up and drop-off spaces on the community's shared and vibrant cultural block, and hoping to provide students with safe walking and walking paths to school through the precise management of transportation. We hope to provide students with safe walking routes to school through precise traffic management. At the same time, we have also made specific ideas for the parent pick-up and drop-off system, kindergartens near the city park to borrow the public car park, non-motorised parking area adjacent to the waiting area; primary school drop-off motor vehicles set up stop-and-go parking island, the next school motor vehicle parking set up in the ground floor, open in time, non-motorised parking area adjacent to the waiting area; secondary schools near the city park to borrow the public car park, the sub-entrance set up adjacent to the TOD to encourage public transport to and from school, giving full play to the TOD, the secondary school will be able to provide a safe walking path for students. Encourage public transport to go to and from school, giving full play to the advantages of TOD traffic. The non-motorised parking area is arranged at the main and secondary entrances adjacent to the waiting area, which is convenient for parents to pick up and drop off and manage.

▼ 社区共享设施

▼ 街角空间营造

▼ 交通管制措施

▼ 家长接送系统


2. 打破空间边界,重构资源整合,功能复合的校园。

2. Breaking down spatial boundaries and reconstructing a campus with integrated resources and composite functions.

▼ 小学看向中学绿谷鸟瞰

▼ 中学主入口效果

▼ 中学运动场效果



The playgrounds of the primary school and the secondary school are located next to each other, using the sky corridor to link each other, and conveniently realising the sharing of sports and cultural facilities. Breaking through the relatively independent mode of the traditional campus functional layout, it reshapes the functional organisation and creates an integrated and efficient spatial experience; the kindergarten's service rooms are arranged on the ground floor, the children's activity rooms are set up on each of the 1-3 floors for three classes, and the hobby classrooms are set up on the third floor, with the roof serving as a venue for class activities. There is a circular ramp inside and outside the courtyard, which can realise the interoperability of the spaces on each level, and the internal and external circular ramps connect a number of elevated spaces; in the design of the primary school, it is hoped to create a composite functional layout, with the south side as the general teaching area, the north side as the comprehensive teaching and aiding area, and the playground as a whole raised, the public spaces such as the lecture hall, cafeteria, and gymnasium are placed on the ground floor, and the teaching and aiding buildings are connected seamlessly by the second-floor platform and the terraces of each level, creating an indoor-outdoor intersection, which is a good way to connect the indoor and outdoor spaces. Through the large platform on the second floor and the terrace on each floor, the teaching building and the teaching-aid building are seamlessly connected, creating a space for indoor and outdoor learning activities, in addition, rich overhead space is also implanted, and combined with the courtyard, flexible and diverse thematic spaces are organised; in the functional layout of the secondary school, the public service facilities are centrally arranged along the west side of the road, which facilitates the opening up of the community for sharing and the formation of composite multi-functional spaces through the elevated space on the first floor, with the teaching cluster located on the east side of the site, and the accommodation area located on the north side of the site, and Steam The Steam axis, as the core of the campus public space, organically connects the various teaching function groups, and at the same time systematically organises the overhead space to create a three-dimensional space, creating a rich and diverse range of activities for the children.

▼ 幼儿园复合功能布局

▼ 幼儿园教学功能重塑

▼ 小学复合功能布局

▼ 小学教学功能重塑

▼ 中学复合功能布局

▼ 中学教学功能重塑

▼ 架空、庭院空间重塑-幼儿园

▼ 架空、庭院空间重塑-小学

▼ 架空、庭院空间重塑-中学


3. 打破交流边界,重构场景营造,创新多变的校园。

3. Breaking down communication boundaries, reconstructing scene creation, and innovating a varied campus.

▼ 幼儿园沿街透视

▼ 阶梯式生态庭院

▼ 架空活动空间



Through the study of activity units of the same size, the fan-shaped activity units can provide children with a broader vision, create a mixed-age learning and communication environment through the flexible separation of unit modules and weakening of the boundaries of the teaching units, so that the communication in kindergartens is not only confined to the horizontal direction, but also vertically connects indoor and outdoor spaces, the ground level and the rooftop activity areas through the ring-shaped ramps. We have also studied the "classroom system" teaching model, which focuses on solving the differences in the combination of different students' choices of classes, transforming the original "classroom" into a "subject classroom" by studying the "classroom unit", selecting the classroom units, and selecting the classroom units to be used in the classroom. Through the study of classroom units, the hexagonal classroom was selected, which shortens the maximum visual distance compared with the rectangular classroom, and allows for flexible arrangement of scenarios to adapt to different learning modes, as well as the creation of zigzagging and changeable spatial interfaces in the corridor. The above is our research on formal learning space, for informal learning space, we are in the overhead space we implanted a small theatre, multi-functional innovation space, indoor gymnasium, science exhibition and other functions, the STEAM axis as the core of the campus public space, the organic articulation of the teaching function group, which is arranged with different functions of the informal learning space, the use of the campus green valley system organised a large number of overhead space, The campus green valley system is used to organise a large number of elevated spaces, retreat spaces, ecological courtyards, etc.

▼ 幼儿园教学单元模块

▼ 常规教学模式

▼ STEAM创新空间-小学

▼ STEAM创新空间-中学


4. 打破生态边界,重构绿色低碳,生态智慧的校园。

▼ 东南侧鸟瞰效果


The design introduces urban green corridors into the campus, forming wind channels between the teaching and auxiliary function bodies and teaching groups, and rich green ecological spaces are interspersed and interwoven in various places on the campus. At the vertical level, we infiltrate the concept of a three-dimensional park into all corners of the campus, and we simulate the wind environment of the building, and through the series of organisations such as the layout of the building, the setup of elevated spaces, and three-dimensional greenery, in the summer, it is basically avoided to be No wind zone; in winter, the maximum wind speed is controlled within 3M/S, and a good natural ventilation environment is created through ecological green valleys, elevated and other spatial organisations. Through the analysis of Chengdu's solar radiation, in summer, it is necessary to take vertical shading on the west side of the building, and horizontal shading on the south side; in the kindergarten's façade design, we adopt the self-adaptive vertical louvre system, where the angle of the louvres will rotate to follow the sun's path, and the architectural The shape of the building can be large and small to achieve horizontal self-shading, the façade of the primary and secondary school teaching building adopts a combination of horizontal shading and vertical shading, and composite folded perforated aluminium panels are adopted in the façade design of the offices and flats; at the same time, through the simulation and analysis of solar energy on the available roofs, it is expected that the power generation will be about 4.7 million kilowatt-hours per year, and the solar energy input payback period is expected to be 10 to 13 years; in the east side of the site, within the noise control line of 80 metres, the teaching and auxiliary facilities are laid out. On the east side of the site, 80 metres from the noise control line, the teaching and auxiliary function rooms are arranged. After software simulation, without any noise reduction measures, the maximum noise on the east façade of the building is about 70 decibels, for which we have taken three measures that can reduce the noise to below 37 decibels; at the same time, we have also considered a series of technical measures, such as sponge city design, in the hope of establishing an ascending circulation system for the campus. These are the green measures we have taken in the building, through the wind, light, sound, green system and other aspects of the study, passive priority, active as a complementary strategy, to create a green campus in line with the regional characteristics of Chengdu.

▼ 城市绿轴的延申

▼ 绿色生态空间结构解析

▼ 立体公园生态渗透

▼ 立体退台花园空间

▼ 建筑风环境模拟

▼ 建筑光环境模拟

▼ 幼儿园立面被动式遮阳

▼ 中小学立面被动式遮阳

▼ 建筑声环境模拟-功能隔音

▼ 海绵城市设计

▼ 绿建措施总览




Borderless Campus as our design goal, we hope to make this project an ideal paradigm of future campus with the perspective of vibrant sharing, functional complexity, innovative versatility, ecological wisdom and multi-dimensional integration.

▼ 物理模型






▼ 总图

▼ 幼儿园1层平面图

▼ 小学1层平面图

▼ 小学2层平面图

▼ 中学1层平面图

▼ 中学2层平面图

▼ 中学4层平面图

▼ 中学5层平面图







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