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汽车超人— 金固中心第1张图片
▲ 西南侧街景 Street View on the Southwest Side of the Building ©零壹城市 LYCS

由零壹城市建筑事务所为金固集团设计的“汽车超人”——金固中心现已正式落成。项目位于杭州银湖科技新城核心,总建筑面积 92,010.23 ㎡,包含总部,办公,商业,接待等功能。

"AutoFuturist Complex"—Jingu Center, designed by LYCS Architecture for Jingu Group, has officially been completed. Located in the heart of Hangzhou's Yinhu Science and Technology New Town, the project spans a total construction area of 92,010.23 square meters. It includes facilities for headquarters, office spaces, commercial areas, and reception services.

汽车超人— 金固中心第2张图片
▲ 建筑北侧视角 North Side Perspective ©山间影像Inter_mountain images

汽车超人— 金固中心第3张图片
▲ 远景鸟瞰 Distant  Birds Eye View ©山间影像Inter_mountain images


Jingu Group (002488) is a high-tech enterprise specializing in producing automobile wheels, focusing on the research, development, and manufacturing of lightweight wheels for many years. The company's products are exported to Europe, America, Southeast Asia, and other countries and regions. It has been recognized by the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers as the "Leading Enterprise in China's Auto Parts Wheel Industry."

汽车超人— 金固中心第4张图片
▲ 建筑北侧视角North Side Perspective ©DONG建筑影像 DONG Image


The sleek lines of automobile waistlines inspired the design of the project's main building. The silver structure is boldly sliced with vibrant, dynamic red curves, adding a unique and striking color accent to the urban texture of Yinhu Science City.

汽车超人— 金固中心第5张图片
▲ 塔楼东南侧立面 Southeast Facade of the Tower©山间影像Inter_mountain images

Between the City and Nature

汽车超人— 金固中心第6张图片
▲ 正上方鸟瞰 Birds Eye View Directly Above ©零壹城市 LYCS


Yinhu Sci-tech City, Binjiang High-tech Zone, and Future Sci-tech City are hailed as Hangzhou's three major high-tech industry hubs. Situated in the core area of the Fuyang Economic and Technological Development Zone, it acts as the "golden backbone," leading Fuyang's integration into Hangzhou's metropolitan development. The picturesque Yinhu Park is located at the heart of the Science City, with Jingu Center prominently positioned on its southern side.

汽车超人— 金固中心第7张图片
▲ 公园侧建筑视角 Park Side Architectural View ©山间影像Inter_mountain images

汽车超人— 金固中心第8张图片
▲ 公园侧建筑视角 Park Side Architectural View ©零壹城市 LYCS


The Jingu Center comprises two main sections: the tower and the podium. The tower, designated for headquarters and office use, is strategically located on the southern side of the site, adjacent to China's Zhigu and a large urban TOD complex currently under construction. This placement maximizes the building's visibility and prominence within the cityscape.

汽车超人— 金固中心第9张图片
▲ 塔楼强烈地昭示性 Prominent Visibility of the Tower ©零壹城市 LYCS

汽车超人— 金固中心第10张图片
▲ 建筑北侧全景 Panoramic View of the North Side of the Building©山间影像Inter_mountain images


The podium, located on the north side of the tower, is available for external leasing. The building volume diminishes east to west, adopting a tiered layer reduction towards Yinhu Park. This design not only reduces the mass of the building but also offers expansive views, creating a visually open landscape. The flexible partitioning of the floor plan is particularly favorable for small and medium-sized enterprise clients, facilitating industrial clustering.

汽车超人— 金固中心第11张图片
▲ 东北侧塔楼视角 Northeast Side View of the Tower ©零壹城市 LYCS

Curves Release Dynamic Energy

汽车超人— 金固中心第12张图片
▲ 先锋,动感地建筑曲线 Avant-garde, Dynamic Architectural Curves ©山间影像Inter_mountain images

项目地块建筑限高 80 米,设计团队从汽车腰线获得灵感,对塔楼体量进行切削,八边形主楼显得挺拔有力,丰富的立面朝向呈现出多视点的自然山水。

The project site has a height limit of 80 meters, and the design team drew inspiration from car waistlines to sculpt the tower's volume. The octagonal main building stands tall and robust, with a richly faceted facade presenting a multi-perspective view of the natural landscape.

汽车超人— 金固中心第13张图片
▲ 建筑西南侧街景 Street View on the Southwest Side of the Building ©山间影像Inter_mountain images

汽车超人— 金固中心第14张图片
▲ 塔楼丰富地立面设计 Rich Facade Design of the Tower©零壹城市 LYCS

主楼转角分裂成凹凸有致的层叠片状铝板, 以热烈的红、银上色,纵向的向量进一步强化了主楼挺拔的视觉形象,带来强烈的视觉冲击力。

The building's corners are split into contoured, layered aluminum panels painted in vibrant red and silver. These vertical vectors further enhance the tower's statuesque visual image, delivering a strong visual impact.

汽车超人— 金固中心第15张图片
▲ 塔楼立面局部 Partial View of the Tower Facade ©零壹城市 LYCS

汽车超人— 金固中心第16张图片
▲ 塔楼入口 Tower Entrance ©山间影像Inter_mountain images


Beyond their aesthetic contribution, the aluminum panels also serve a practical purpose as "Hidden Strength Faction." Ventilation ducts and equipment rooms are cleverly concealed within them, integrating functional utility with sculptural aesthetics.

汽车超人— 金固中心第17张图片
▲ 挺拔地塔楼 Tall Tower©DONG建筑影像 DONG Image


The Tower and Building 1 along the road share a unified design language. Their tops and sides are outlined by red curves, creating a prominent main entrance for the park. This design forms a striking urban landscape that captures the attention of passersby along the main thoroughfare.

汽车超人— 金固中心第18张图片
▲ 园区主入口街景 Street View at the Main Entrance of the Park ©山间影像Inter_mountain images

汽车超人— 金固中心第19张图片
▲ 统一地造型语言 Unified Design Language ©山间影像Inter_mountain images

汽车超人— 金固中心第20张图片
▲ 园区主入口 Main Entrance of the Park ©山间影像Inter_mountain images

Layered Ecological Park

汽车超人— 金固中心第21张图片
▲ 层叠错落的裙房 Staggered, Layered Podium Buildings ©山间影像Inter_mountain images


Beneath the tower, five podium buildings stretch out like fingers towards Yinhu Park, allowing the park's landscape to permeate deeply into the complex. This design transforms the area into an office park nestled in a scenic environment.

汽车超人— 金固中心第22张图片
▲ 裙房向公园叠落 The Podium Cascades Towards the Park ©山间影像Inter_mountain images

汽车超人— 金固中心第23张图片
▲ 建筑与自然互相渗透 Mutual Permeation of Architecture and Nature ©山间影像Inter_mountain images

汽车超人— 金固中心第24张图片
▲ 东北侧裙房视角 Northeast Side View of the Podium ©山间影像Inter_mountain images


Upon entering the park, the silver sunshade aluminum panels create a lively atmosphere through varying angles. The podium buildings are connected by aerial corridors, forming courtyards of different shapes and sizes, enhancing the spatial experience.

汽车超人— 金固中心第25张图片
▲ 裙房屋顶鸟瞰 Birds Eye View of the Podium Rooftop ©山间影像Inter_mountain images

汽车超人— 金固中心第26张图片
▲ 园区局部 Partial Parts of the Park ©零壹城市 LYCS

汽车超人— 金固中心第27张图片
▲ 园区内部视角 Internal Perspective of the Park ©山间影像Inter_mountain images


The podium buildings are terraced towards Yinhu Park, with the planting landscapes creating relaxed and well-defined rest areas on the rooftop terraces. Continuous pathways transform these rooftops into an accessible and enjoyable aerial garden, offering playful and scenic experiences above the park.

汽车超人— 金固中心第28张图片
▲ 塔楼东北侧公园视角 Northeast Park View of the Tower ©DONG建筑影像 DONG Image

汽车超人— 金固中心第29张图片
▲ 裙房东北侧公园视角 Northeast Park View of the Podium ©DONG建筑影像 DONG Image

汽车超人— 金固中心第30张图片
▲ 裙房屋顶花园 Podium Rooftop Garden©山间影像Inter_mountain images


The reception center on the site's northwest side draws attention with its distinctive avant-garde design. Smooth silver cladding is intersected by glass curtain walls, creating a series of overlapping, similar volumes that imbue the building with a fluid, dynamic beauty.

汽车超人— 金固中心第31张图片
▲ 园区东南侧鸟瞰 Birds Eye View of the Southeast Side of the Park©山间影像Inter_mountain images

汽车超人— 金固中心第32张图片
▲ 接待中心局部 Partial of Reception Center ©零壹城市 LYCS

汽车超人— 金固中心第33张图片
▲ 流动地雕塑感 Fluid Sculptural Feel ©零壹城市 LYCS


汽车超人— 金固中心第34张图片
▲ 东南侧塔楼局部 Partial View of the Southeast Side of the Tower ©山间影像Inter_mountain images


As you travel from Hangzhou's main urban area to Yinhu Sci-tech City and exit the Yunchuang Tunnel, a modern, vibrant, and avant-garde building stands prominently at the end of the road. With its light and pleasant demeanor, Jingu Center injects new energy and vitality into the city. It resembles a timeless sculpture and has become a classic symbol of the Jingu Group.

汽车超人— 金固中心第35张图片
▲ 总平面图_Site plan ©零壹城市 LYCS

汽车超人— 金固中心第36张图片
▲ 一层平面_First floor plan ©零壹城市LYCS

汽车超人— 金固中心第37张图片
▲ 二层平面_Second floor plan ©零壹城市LYCS

汽车超人— 金固中心第38张图片
▲ 标准层平面_Standard floor plan ©零壹城市LYCS

汽车超人— 金固中心第39张图片
▲ 八层平面_Eighth floor plan ©零壹城市LYCS

汽车超人— 金固中心第40张图片
▲ 西立面_West elevation ©零壹城市 LYCS

汽车超人— 金固中心第41张图片
▲ 南立面_South elevation ©零壹城市 LYCS

汽车超人 | 金固中心

AutoFuturist Complex | Jingu Center
Location: Hangzhou,  China
Client: Jingu Group
Area: 92,010.23 ㎡
Design Date: 2017/06—2020/03
Construction Date: 2020/03 — Present
Architecture Design: LYCS Architecture
Design Team:RUAN Hao, CHEN Wenbin; Zhang Baojun, Gong Zijun, Wu Tao, Bai Ma Yang Zong, Chen Qi, Kong Shifeng, Bian Tao, Wang Haoran, Huang Xiaoying, Chen Haote, Ma Guangyu, Nie Yueliang, Cui Chen, Liu Dongyuan
Local Design Institute: Architectural planning and design Institute of Zhejiang University of Technology
Curtain Wall Design Consultant : Zhejiang Classic Building &  Decoration Co., LTD
Construction Contractor : Zhejiang Zhongnan Construction Group(Architecture)、ZheJiang YASHA Decoration Co.,Ltd(Curtain Wall).
Photography: Inter_mountain images、Kangren Liu、DONG Image
Video: Inter_mountain images





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