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由Steven Holl建筑事务所设计的Ostrava音乐厅在捷克共和国破土动工
Ostrava Concert Hall by Steven Holl Architects Breaks Ground in Czech Republic


由 Steven Holl 建筑事务所设计的Ostrava音乐厅近期在捷克共和国破土动工。为了纪念工程的开工,这座城市有着丰富的音乐遗产,音乐厅则成为当地人及游客的目标场所。这个音乐厅为Janacek爱乐乐团设计,新旧建筑对比鲜明,旨在打造一座文化地标。

新音乐厅可容纳 1300 人,毗邻原有的 20 世纪文化中心。建筑北面朝向公园,最大限度地减少了来自南面主干道的噪音。此外,建筑师还采用了一个悬浮在长廊上的新入口,使用者可从文化宫上方进入一个镂空大厅。建筑外立面由钢材浇铸而成,长条形空间布局结合混凝土和枫木。建筑师从捷克作曲家Leos Janáček的时间理论中汲取灵感,墙壁的内部几何形状由墙板决定,分为发声、计数和求和三个部分。

The Ostrava Concert Hall, designed by Steven Holl Architects, has just broken ground in the Czech Republic. Commemorating the start of construction, the concert hall “promises to be an inspiring venue for both locals and internationals who cherish Ostrava’s rich music heritage.” Designed for the Janacek Philharmonic Orchestra, it creates a dramatic contrast between old and new, aiming to create a cultural landmark.
The new 1,300-seat concert hall is adjacent to the existing 20th-century Cultural Center. Facing north towards the existing park, the design strategically minimizes the noise from the main boulevard to the south. Additionally, the design features a new entrance hovering over the promenade that provides access above the historic House of Culture into a sky-lit lobby. The facade is cast in steel and designed in an elongated plan featuring concrete and maple wood. Drawing inspiration from Czech composer Leoš Janáček’s theories on time, the interior geometry of the wall is guided by wall panels and organized into sounding, counting, and summing.


我们的设计如同“完美的声学仪器”,经过很多的细节设计,现在将在形式和声音栩栩如生地呈现出来。这标志着音乐与建筑交汇的激动人心的时刻。-- Steven Holl



Our design, likened to a 'perfect acoustic instrument in its case,' has been meticulously detailed and is now set to come to life in both form and sound. This marks a profoundly exciting moment for the intersection of music and architecture." -– Steven Holl
Featuring clear glass for the entrance and lightweight zinc cladding for the mass, the materials used throughout the design are minimal. In fact, they seek to offer a complementary contrast to the travertine bas of the House of Culture. Blue-grey zinc was chosen for the hall’s curved geometry for flexibility and its environmental sustainability. Maple wood enhances acoustics for the interior, complemented by sound-absorbing plaster and raw crinkled concrete in communal areas.
Natural light floods the building through glass walls and skylights, reducing reliance on non-renewable energy sources. In fact, this infusion of daylight creates a constantly evolving atmosphere through the day and seasons. At night, the Concert Hall illuminates from within, casting light onto the surrounding built environment, further enhancing its presence in the cultural landscape of Ostrava.


这是一座文化地标,表演厅则发挥着至关重要的作用。建筑注重声学、空间设计、功能性和文化意义,能够提升艺术家、当地人和国际观众的整体体验。在其他类似新闻中,GRAFT 建筑事务所刚刚赢得了柏林新卡尔-贝希斯坦音乐校园的设计竞赛,它的目的是成为一个致力于钢琴音乐的文化中心。同样,BIG事务所 也于 2022 年 5 月公布了伏尔塔瓦爱乐音乐厅的最新设计方案,预计将于 2032 年建成开放。最后,由 MAD 建筑事务所设计的中国北京中国爱乐音乐厅也即将完工。

Architecture plays a crucial role in creating cultural landmarks, specifically performance halls. With a deep focus on acoustics, spatial design, functionality, and cultural significance, architecture has the ability to enhance the overall experience for artists, locals, and international audiences. In other similar news, GRAFT Architects has just won the competition to design the new Carl Bechstein Music Campus in Berlin, with a goal to become a cultural hub devoted to piano music. Similarly, BIG has revealed the updated designs of the Vltava Philharmonic Hall in May 2022, expecting to open in 2032. Finally, the China Philharmonic Concert Hall in Beijing, China, designed by MAD Architects, is nearing completion.



图片:Steven Holl Architects




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