The Living Places experiment: how can architecture foster future wellbeing?
“Living Places哥本哈根”研究计划通过探索室内舒适度与可持续建筑标准,拓展当代住宅与城市设计中的健康理念。
Research initiative Living Places Copenhagen tests ideas around internal comfort and sustainable architecture standards to push the envelope on how contemporary homes and cities can be designed with wellness at their heart
建筑中的健康理念(Wellness in architecture)已然成为热议焦点。从仿生设计(biophilic design)到包容性建筑(inclusive architecture),再到科技在居所中的应用,种种元素交织成21世纪促进健康的多维实践。而光线与通风及其对室内舒适度的影响,正是这幅拼图中的关键一块。
在此背景下,“Living Places哥本哈根”研究项目应运而生。这座建于丹麦首都的实验性微型社区,通过测试设计对日常舒适度的影响,目的是定义理想的当代生活环境。
Wellness in architecture is a hotly debated topic. From biophilic design to inclusive architecture and the role of technology in our homes, it encompasses different elements that translate into varied aspects and practices, promoting well-being in the 21st century. Studying light and ventilation, and their effect on interior comfort is a key piece in that puzzle.
In this landscape, Living Places Copenhagen, a research project out of a dedicated, purpose-built mini neighbourhood in the Danish capital, is an experiment that attempts to address the subject by measuring design's impact on our daily comfort in an attempt to define what makes the perfect, contemporary living environment.
Living Places哥本哈根:缘起与方法
“2023年,丹麦窗业专家Velux公司以实践践诺,启动了Living Places哥本哈根项目——这一研究计划与实地试验旨在切实验证设计如何提升个人、群体及其所处自然与城市环境的生活品质。”项目选址哥本哈根Jernbanebyen街区一处宽绰的细长地块,公司与Artelia地产顾问和EFFEKT建筑师事务所合作,营造了一组建筑群落——两座样板房与四座半开放式亭,后者作为储藏、辅助空间和展览区,支持项目运行。
两座住宅各具特色,均采用木构建筑(wood architecture)理念,秉承可持续建筑(sustainable architecture)原则——一座采用实木结构,配备自然通风;另一座则采用交叉层压木材(CLT)结构,融合自然与机械通风。两座建筑均装配最新科技,使用者可调节窗户与遮阳系统的开启时长,控制室内采光与通风。
Living Places Copenhagen: who, what, why and how
In 2023, Danish window specialists Velux decided to put its money where its mouth is, kick-starting Living Places Copenhagen - a research project and live test site intent on proving exactly how design can help us live better: alone, together, and within the natural and urban context. Taking over a generous, long and narrow plot in Copenhagen's Jernbanebyen neighbourhood, the company worked with property consultancy Artelia and EFFEKT Architects to create a family of structures - two model homes and four semi-open pavilions (the latter acting as storage and auxiliary spaces, and exhibition areas, supporting the project's function).
Each of the two homes is slightly different. Both made in wood architecture, they were designed using sustainable architecture principles - one in solid timber featuring natural ventilation, and the other in CLT (cross-laminated timber) and hybrid natural/mechanical ventilation. Both are kitted out in state-of-the-art technology which allows the user to control and adapt when windows and sunshades open and for how long, both in terms of regulating sunlight and ventilation inside the home.
At the same time, all structures share a distinct, cosy and minimalist Nordic aesthetic - spaces clad in light-coloured timber, flowing interiors, tall ceilings, pitched roofs and clutter-free detailing. A garden outside - all the structures are arranged across a timber-lined deck that defines the 'neighbourhood' - ensures windows open to greenery which includes a vegetable garden. Guests are encouraged to pick its fruits to use in cooking.
The aim? To highlight the positive impact of 'a healthy indoor climate' and help prove how architecture can be sustainable on different levels in an efficient, scalable and affordable way (each of the homes, the project's representatives say, can be built in the equivalent amount of the typical Danish family home). So if you can afford a house, why not make it one that supports health and wellbeing too, they suggest.
同时,研究方法论借鉴了Bernd A. Wegener与Peter Schmidt发表于《Journal of Housing and the Built Environment》(2021年)的科学论文《Well-being at home: a mediation analysis of residential satisfaction, comfort, and home attachment》。
The method? Inviting guests (one of which was this writer) to stay at one of the homes for a few days. The experiment included several visits taking place over the course of a few months. Each visitor experienced the environment and specific settings in the ventilation and daylight window systems, recording levels of comfort, offering feedback and implementing adjustments along the way. Surveys were filled in, questions were answered and the results were fed through to the programme's team to be collated and translated into measurements.
Meanwhile, the methodology used draws on the model proposed in the scientific paper Well-being at home: a mediation analysis of residential satisfaction, comfort, and home attachment by Bernd A. Wegener and Peter Schmidt, published in the Journal of Housing and the Built Environment in 2021.
Living Places哥本哈根:研究成果
项目启动一载有余,实验成果渐次呈现。Living Places哥本哈根团队指出,尽管“舒适”一词内涵广泛,因人而异,但家居环境中的几个要素——自然采光、热环境、室内空气质量、声学效果以及与自然的联系——已被确认为影响使用者健康的关键因素。
“新数据清晰表明,高品质室内环境与人类健康福祉存在显著关联。”项目团队如是写道,“2024年7、8月间,Velux集团邀请来自12国的近百位建筑师、企业家、设计师与记者体验Living Places哥本哈根。这一实验建立在Velux集团多年科研基础之上,通过科学监测不同样板房,以深入理解建筑设计对居住者的舒适度与满意度的影响,同时评估室内环境品质及其对人类健康的作用。”
Living Place Copenhagen: the results
Now, a little over a year on from its launch, the scheme has revealed its learnings. To that end, the Living Places Copenhagen team confirms that while comfort is a broad term and can mean different things to different people, the home environment and its daylight, thermal conditions, indoor air quality, acoustics, and connection with nature, are identified as key factors in user wellbeing.
'It is clear that there is a strong correlation between a high-quality indoor climate and human well-being, according to new data,' the project team writes. 'In July and August 2024, Velux Group invited nearly 100 architects, entrepreneurs, designers and journalists from 12 countries to live at Living Places Copenhagen as part of an experiment that builds on years of research led by Velux Group in scientifically monitoring different model homes to better understand how building design impacts residents' comfort and satisfaction while assessing indoor environmental quality and its effects on human well-being.'
研究同时确认,每座Living Places哥本哈根单体住宅的年碳排放仅为3.85千克二氧化碳当量/平方米(经AAU BUILD建成环境部门第三方验证)。
'Designed to optimise daylight and natural ventilation, 83% of all guests favoured spending time in rooms with more natural light while 90% also found it easy to adjust the shadings to ensure an optimal indoor environment. As part of creating well-being at home, functional factors like design, layout, temperature, lighting, and indoor climate can invoke immediate feelings of physical comfort in a building. During their stay, 85% of the guests perceived the houses to fit their functional needs.'
It was additionally determined that each of the Living Places Copenhagen single-family homes emits only 3.85 kg CO2 eq/m2/year (a fact with third-party verification from AAU BUILD - Department of the Built Environment).
“我们九成时光在室内度过,建筑营造与生活方式直接影响着身心健康。报告指出,Living Places不仅探索如何为地球创造更宜居的环境,更致力于开辟一条通向未来的道路,提升人类生存品质’”
“Living Places展现了一种住宅营造之道——不仅让我们远离病痛,更能积极改善健康状况。机械通风与室外空气高效过滤系统,结合门窗自然通风,即使在室外温度骤降时,也能全年维持健康的室内气候。”实验考察了影响霉菌与污染物的诸多指标,包括湿度、新风及二氧化碳浓度等。
'We spend 90% of our time indoors, so the way we build and live directly affects our physical and mental health. Living Places focuses not only on how we create a better living environment for our planet but also on creating a path towards a future-oriented society that enhances living conditions for people as well,' the report highlights.
'Living Places showcases how we can build homes that don’t just make us less sick but actually contribute to improving our health. Combining mechanical ventilation and effective filtration of outdoor air with natural ventilation through windows and doors secures a healthy indoor climate through the whole year, even when the outside temperature drops.' The tests covered areas such as humidity and fresh air and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations that affect mould and pollutants.
- Living Places展示了可持续建筑的典范——设计具有经济竞争力和可复制性,采用标准材料,呼应当代生活趋势与美学。
- 健康建筑源于整体性方法,关注舒适度、能源与环境参数。建筑应从理念构思、建造、运营到生命周期后期都贯彻这一理念。
- 住宅设计显著影响居住者健康与生活方式。数据显示:3.1三分之一的欧洲人面临至少一种室内环境隐患(如采光不足、寒冷、潮湿或噪音);超过70%的Living Places访客报告情绪改善、放松感增强,与自然联系更紧密,负面影响微乎其微。
- Living Places哥本哈根优化采光与自然通风的设计获得访客广泛好评。
- Living Places哥本哈根依据欧洲标准,实现了舒适范围内的室内热环境,获评“一级室内气候”。
A conclusion summarised in five key themes
- Living Places can inspire and showcase how to build sustainably, in designs that can be financially competitive and scalable, use standard materials and follow contemporary lifestyle trends and aesthetics.
- Healthy buildings that are good for people and the planet can be achieved by applying a holistic approach focusing more on comfort, energy and environmental parameters; a no-brainer, perhaps, that architecture should be addressed from concept to building, operation and afterlife.
- Additionally, the way we design our homes can significantly influence residents' well-being and their way of living ('1 out of 3 Europeans is exposed to at least one indoor climate hazard such as lack of daylight, cold, damp or noise,' the team reports. 'Over 70% of Living Places guests reporting improved mood, increased relaxation, and a sense of connection to nature while experiencing minimal negative effects')
- The design of Living Places Copenhagen, which optimizes daylight and natural ventilation, has been well-received by guests, they add
- Finally, Living Places Copenhagen has achieved an indoor thermal environment within the comfortable range according to the European Standard (being awarded a 'first-class indoor climate'
图片:Adam Mork