To meet the challenge of building a stadium at the edge of a forest in Clamart, France, SCAU architecture has proposed a compact design by entwining all programs.They are covered by a green mass of vegetation that stretches along the forest edge.
From its green facade, only skylights are extracted, sometimes light channels, sometimes open bays. Their mirrored screen-printed glass surface emits reflections of the events or the environment, allowing visitors to see fragments of landscape, sports matches or the sky. At night, however, the embankment lights up and the mirror is reversed.
建筑与周围森林的鸟瞰图/aerial view of the project and the surrounding forest
To tend to compactness whilst preserving the views towards the forest and into the distance, french based agency SCAU architecture chose to occupy the hollow of the natural slope.
The most important volumes — bowling, games room, gymnasium, athletics hall and car park — are buried underground.The visual impact of the building on the environment is minimized.
The different functional entities are connected to create a synergy between them.Rejecting the system of autonomous boxes in favor of a more organic system, each sporting or recreational activity finds its place in a multifunctional site.
The proposal should be finished in 2024 and will surely be among the facilities for the olympic games in paris.
室外透视图——一座隐藏在绿色植被之下的体育馆/outside view — new stadium disappearing under vegetation
体育馆室内透视图/interior view of the stadium
体育馆将被掩埋在地下,大部分的采光来自于玻璃屋顶/the gymnasium is buried underground — a lot of lights comes from the glass roof