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Beaumont欧洲建筑群 / Atelier Kempe Thill + Atelier 56S
Beaumont Eurorennes Buildings / Atelier Kempe Thill + Atelier 56S


城市规划 - 法国城市RENNES启动了多个大型城市发展项目,其中最引人注目的是RENNES欧洲联合管理区(ZAC)对火车站周边的改建项目,包括对火车站的重建。RENNES与 350 公里外的巴黎通过 TGV 高速铁路网相连,列车每小时一班,全程仅需 100 分钟。因此,火车站片区的价值大幅提升,推动了RENNES的城市发展。法国国营铁路公司(SNCF)已在铁路沿线腾出了大片土地,并逐步将其出售给出价最高的项目开发商。

RENNES成立了一家半公开的城市开发公司,通过竞赛的方式,征集设计方案,这样做是为了确保城市规划和建筑质量。由Philippe Gazeau和Louis Paillard组成的FGP团队与Agence Ter合作,受邀进行整个地区的总体规划师。在总体规划中,单体建筑相邻而立,类似于城市别墅和小型高层建筑,因此,尽管城市密度很高,但仍能营造出开放的整体形象,这些建筑通过限定空间勾勒出经典的街道和广场。此外,总体规划要求所有建筑在平面和剖面需要呼应,立面则设计成像岩石一样的悬挑结构,营造有机的雕塑效果。受客户 Legendre Immobilier 的邀请,Atelier Kempe Thill 与雷恩建筑事务所 Atelier56S 一起参与了火车站正对面Beaumont项目场地的设计竞赛。

Formal Urban Planning - Rennes, France, the capital of Brittany, has initiated several large urban development projects, the most spectacular of which is the reorganization of the entire train station area with the ZAC (Zone d’aménagement concerté) EuroRennes, including the completely new construction of the main train station. This development is the logical consequence of the connection of Rennes to the TGV high-speed railway network to Paris, 350 kilometers away, with a journey time of just 100 minutes and trains running every hour. The station area has therefore increased significantly in value and given a real boost to the city’s urban development. The French railway company SNCF has freed up a wide swathe of ​​land along the tracks and is gradually selling it to the highest-bidding project developers.The city has founded a semipublic urban development company that links the allocation of land to competitions in which the design of the team of architects plays a decisive role. This is an attempt to ensure urban and architectural quality. The FGP team of Philippe Gazeau and Louis Paillard, in collaboration with Agence Ter, was chosen as the master planner of the entire area. The master plan assumes that individual buildings stand next to each other as loose volumes similar to urban villas and smaller high-rise buildings, thereby creating an open city impression despite high urban density. The buildings form classic streets and squares. In addition, the master plan requires all buildings to have façades that slope in both plan and section, including façades that are designed to overhang in a “rock-like” manner to create an organic and sculptural effect. Atelier Kempe Thill, together with the Rennes-based architectural firm Atelier56S, were invited by the client Legendre Immobilier to the competition for the Beaumont construction site directly opposite the train platforms.




混合性建筑方案 - Beaumont项目的总建筑面积约为3.1万平方米,大致分为公寓和办公室两部分。整个场地由一座高层住宅和两座中层办公楼组成,所有建筑都通过底层相连。住宅塔楼由不同类型的住房混合组成。前五层有121间期酒店式公寓,租期为几周,出租对象主要是商务旅客,房间的面积在16至22平方米之间。上面的四层被移交给RENNES住房协会,有41套社会公寓住宅,居住面积在44到112平方米之间。最上面的八层有46套公寓,面积从36平方米到155平方米不等。办公楼的面积每层约450至900平方米的面积,这样能够满足租赁办公市场的需求。在该项目中,开发商以半层为单元,应用了很多截然不同的分隔方案。为了能够充分满足众多不同的功能需求,三座建筑都采用了功能中立、灵活划分的平面设计,结构由外墙和核心筒承重。所有隔墙,包括公寓之间的隔墙,都采用轻质结构。一楼设置了几家餐厅、一家健身俱乐部和一个带维修车间的大型自行车库,建筑群设有一层地下室,作为停车场。建筑与人行道相连的中间区域都是户外公共空间,那里种满植物。

Hybrid Program - The program for the Beaumont project includes a total of about 31,000 square meters of gross floor area, which is roughly divided by half into apartments and offices. These areas are to be realized with a residential high-rise and two medium-rise office buildings, all of which are connected on the ground floor. The residential tower contains a very hybrid constellation of different types of housing. On the first five floors, there are 121 studios in a kind of long-term hotel for rentals lasting several weeks, for example to business travelers. These units are between 16 and 22 square meters in size. The four floors above were handed over to the Rennes housing association as a total of forty-one social apartments with living spaces between 44 and 112 square meters. The top eight floors contain forty-six apartments between 36 and 155 square meters. The office buildings are designed to create areas of between about 450 and 900 square meters per floor, thus meeting the requirements of the rental office market. Here the developers assume very different division options, starting with the smallest unit of half a floor. To be able to respond adequately to the widely divergent programmatic requirements, all three buildings are designed with functionally neutral and flexibly divided floor plans. The construction consists of load-bearing façades in combination with load-bearing access cores. All partition walls, including those between the apartments, are made of lightweight construction. The ground floor offers space for several restaurants, a fitness club, and a large bicycle storage room with a repair workshop. The entire complex has a one-story basement for an underground car park. Between the building volumes, intermediate zones linked to the footpath will be created, each of which will function as expanded public spaces outdoors and will be designed as terraces with plants.



锥体形状的建筑 - 建筑师们都在思考如何定位该项目,尤其针对城市规划,这两家事务所都主张基于逻辑和理性的设计策略,认为不应该从外部强加纯粹形式。经过研讨会和几次临时汇报,建筑师构思了多种设计方案,例如以多层建筑为基础的横向分层设计,从而使上面的建筑体量之间有更大的间距,但是这种想法不被接受,在与评审团的讨论中,建筑师产生了一个想法,就是利用斜面,使其不仅可以满足规定的形式,而且还能提高建筑内的空间使用质量。倾斜的平面布局极大地改善了建筑之间的狭窄距离,将建筑物之间的空间向室外开放,还为室内空间带来了更多光线,并且在公寓中营造了良好的视觉关系。对于想要的垂直坡度采用同样的策略:建筑的外墙略微倾斜,在建筑内部开天窗也能提供更多的光线。为了实现这一点,在建筑立面开出了约15厘米深的凹陷,从而产生了金字塔效应。这样的建筑形式可以适应大都市密度,同时满足大量的复杂功能需求,还拥有较高的城市通透性,营造良好的视觉连接,使建筑之间能获得更多的光线和阳光。

Conical Buildings - The architects were faced with the question of how to position themselves in this project, especially concerning the urban planning requirements. Both offices stand for architecture based on logic and rationality, which finds a purely formal corset imposed from outside problematic. Thanks to a workshop-like competition process with several interim presentations, it quickly became clear that alternative designs which, for example, are layered more horizontally with multistory bases—therefore allowing more distance between the building volumes above—would not be accepted. The discussions with the jury gave rise to the idea of using the required slopes in such a way that they not only create a formal gesture but also increase the quality of life within the project. The narrow distances between the buildings are greatly improved by sloping floor plans, which open the spaces in between to the outside and thereby bring more light between the buildings and relax the visual relationships, especially in the apartments. The same strategy is used for the required vertical slope: the buildings have slightly inclined façades that open the spaces toward the sky and also provide more light. This is achieved through approximately 15-centimeter-deep recesses in the façades, which gives rise to a slightly pyramidal effect. The result is a morphology that creates a physically tangible metropolitan density, accommodates great programmatic complexity, and at the same time enables high urban porosity, good visual connections, and as much light and sun as possible between the buildings.



混凝土外框架 - 在法国,住宅和办公楼最经济有效的建筑方式仍然是混凝土结构的承重外墙与同样由混凝土制成的结构核心筒相结合。许多法国建筑公司为这种连接天花板和外墙的系统研发了合适的隔热策略,以经济有效的方式控制热桥。混凝土的美观度不高,所以通常会叠加覆层。Beaumont项目的客户是 Legendre Immobilier 公司,这是一家专门从事混凝土结构的中型建筑公司,他们有自己的预制件工厂。建筑设计团队以这些不凡的环境条件为出发点,将法国常见的建筑逻辑转化为精致的外框架,外墙完全由混凝土预制构件制成。对外立面进行美学设计,这样就不需要覆层,结构框架就是建筑本身。之所以能用这种方法,是因为设计工作采用了“设计与建造”,通过各种模拟,从图纸到工厂的规划,与建筑公司直接合作,不涉及公开招标这些复杂环节。

Exoskeleton in Concrete - The fundamentally most cost-effective construction for residential and office buildings in France is still a load-bearing façade made of structural concrete in combination with a structural core, also made of concrete. Many French construction companies have developed their own thermal break for this system for connecting ceilings to façades in order to keep thermal bridges under control cost-effectively. The concrete is of rather low aesthetic quality and is usually covered. The client for the Beaumont project is Legendre Immobilier, the development department of a medium-sized construction company specializing in concrete structures, which also owns its own precast factory. The architectural team took these remarkable circumstances as a design starting point and translated the construction logic common in France into a refined version of an exoskeleton with a façade made entirely of precast concrete elements. The idea is to design the shell aesthetically so that no cladding is required. Construction directly becomes architecture. This approach was made possible thanks to the design work as “Design & Build” in direct collaboration with the construction company with various mock-ups and “file-to-factory planning,” without the complicated conditions of a public tender.



The system is designed to be relatively simple in terms of columns and beams. Visually, the beams span from one column to the next, but in reality, the system has been rationalized and the beams largely span over two supports, but then have a visually important false joint above the middle support. Columns and beams are designed with inward bevels, again in continuation of the large, beveled shape of the buildings, here with the aim of allowing more light into the apartments. The beveling of the finished parts also creates a tapering in the external view, which gives the inherently heavy components more lightness and elegance. The corner columns are mitered so that the façade runs evenly all around. In contrast to most other European countries, the risk of thermal stresses with possible dangerous cracks due to this externally placed support structure, as well as the water tightness, especially of the structural nodes, which at first glance seems difficult, are seen as manageable. The setbacks of the façade on each floor are ensured by the receding supports, which, despite the receding, still have plenty of overlap with the support underneath so that enough reinforcing material can be passed through. The concrete is removed and remains untreated apart from a water-repellent impregnation. The quality of the concrete is the decisive element for the final appearance of the building. As a conscious design strategy, the architectural language of deep concrete elements helps to respond to various unforeseeable things, such as occasionally differing window systems, while still maintaining a robust design backbone.




平等的空间概念 - 就空间而言,假设办公室和公寓的空间条件大致相同,这为平面布局创造了很大的灵活性,同时也保证了宽敞的空间品质。由于每间公寓都有大面的落地窗,使整个空间都可以向室外开放,因此没有额外的阳台或室内露台。柱网的尺度适中,因此开窗的大小也十分合适,在高层住宅建筑中,每个窗户都与阳台结合设计,类似于巴黎豪斯曼林荫大道上的阳台。办公室和住宅楼层有标准高度。地面层的平均层高约为5米,给人营造一种很宽敞的印象,可以为许多活动提供空间。办公室和公寓的入口大厅宽敞而舒适。在法国,室内的设计通常由“室内设计师”决定,他们主要遵循室内的时尚趋势,那么建筑师则更专注于外立面。

Egalitarian Spatial Concept - In terms of space, the project assumes approximately the same spatial conditions between offices and apartments. This starting point creates great flexibility in terms of floor plan layout while maintaining a similar generous spatial quality. Due to the large number of floor-to-ceiling windows per apartment, which ultimately allowed the entire interior to be opened to the outside, there were no extra balconies or winter gardens. The supports provide a neutral grid with similar window sizes everywhere. In the high-rise residential building, each window is combined with a narrow balcony, similar to the balconies along the Haussmann boulevards in Paris. Office and residential floors have standard heights. The ground floor has an average gross height of about 5 meters throughout. This creates a spacious impression that can offer room for many activities. This means that both the entrance halls of the offices and the apartments are spacious and relaxed. The design of the interior is, as is often the case in France, determined by a “decorator” who mainly follows superficial fashion trends, which means that the architects can only concentrate on the external appearance.


整体性与精细化 - 对于建筑师团队来说,这个项目的各个方面都表达了非凡的智慧。就纯粹的实用主义角度而言,这个项目也彰显了建筑设计策略的重要作用,除此之外,设计与施工技术的结合,也能够很大程度地实现建筑师的概念创意。对建筑师来说,这是大型城市建筑综合体的完美代表,设计目标是在三座建筑中实现最大可能的统一性和整体性。项目的不同部分和不同的生活形式通过办公楼和住宅楼之间的不同尺度得以表达,这也给与不同的内部功能空间多方位的自由选择,而在外部形式上又十分统一,这样做的目的是避免项目因不同部分和不同的居住安排而在设计上分崩离析。从这个意义上说,设计方法是反功能主义的。从城市规划中延伸出来的建筑体块斜面策略,只有通过其自身的统一性才能真正成为一种可识别的设计工具,而这正是它具有强烈表现力的原因。

Monolithics and Refinement - For the team of architects, the project has proven intellectually remarkable in different respects. In purely pragmatic terms, the project shows what scope for architecture can arise when working directly on behalf of a construction company, and also to what extent a design-and-build constellation for architecture and construction technology can be conceptualized. For the architects, it was the first large-scale urban building ensemble to be realized. The design goal was to achieve the greatest possible uniformity and monolithic architecture in the three buildings. The different parts of the program and the varying forms of living are expressed in different dimensions of the columns and beams between the office and residential buildings, which offer the respective parts of the program the necessary freedom but only vary the unity in a subtle and enriching way in terms of design. The aim was to avoid the project falling apart in terms of design due to the different parts of the program and the varying living arrangements. The design approach is anti-functionalist in this sense. The strategy of volumetric bevels, which grew out of urban planning, only really becomes legible as a design tool through its uniformity, and this is precisely why it develops a strong expression.


这个建筑群坐落于Rennes火车站正对面,对这里的规划具有重要意义,同时也考虑到这里强烈的纪念性标识。从历史上看,这座建筑试图在形式语言和材料方面继承法国传统的表达形式。建筑的设计有意识地参考了哥特式时期新兴的垂直建筑,以及水平和垂直之间的特殊关系,就像奥古斯特·贝瑞(Auguste Perret)的城市现代主义一样,采用了立窗,使用裸露的混凝土作为外墙材料。目的是建造一座坚固耐用的野兽派建筑,同时也是一座优雅精致的建筑,无论设计方案如何,它都能适应多种变化,最好能赋予它永恒的意义,比如通往Rennes市中心的一座桥梁。建筑师借鉴了现代主义建筑师乔治·马约尔斯(Georges Maillols)富有诗意的建筑风格,他对二战后Rennes市的重建产生了持久的影响。

Located directly at Rennes train station, the complex has great importance for the formation of the address, a correspondingly strong, monumental identity that takes the place into account. Historically, this architecture attempts to build on the great French traditions in terms of its language of form and materiality. The vertical, emerging architecture of the Gothic period, with its specific relationship between horizontality and verticality, is included as a conscious reference in Beaumont’s design, just like the urban modernism of Auguste Perret with its standing windows and exposed concrete as a façade material. The aim is a robust, almost brutalist and at the same time elegant and refined architecture that can accommodate many changes regardless of the program, in the best case developing a timeless beauty and building a bridge to Rennes’ city center. The design also draws on the poetic architecture of the modernist architect Georges Maillols, who had a lasting influence on the reconstruction of the city after World War II.
















建筑师:Atelier 56S, Atelier Kempe Thill Atelier 56S, Atelier Kempe Thill
面积:25319 m²
年份:2023 年
摄影:Ulrich Schwarz
景观建筑师:DOTS Paysage
混凝土结构:Legendre construction
景观设计:​Jean-François Seage (​DOTS Paysage)
客户:​Legendre Immobilier
城市工程:OGI, AMCO
Atelier Kempe Thill竞赛团队:André Kempe, Oliver Thill, Marisa Brunner, Helena Kounitzky, Pauline Quintart, Barbara Lechner, Kento Tanabe
​Atelier 56 S竞赛团队:​Fanny Landeau, José Prieto, Jordan Froger, Hugo Falaise
​Atelier Kempe Thill项目团队:André Kempe, Oliver Thill, Pauline Trochu, Pauline Merlet, Marisa Brunner, Mikaël Pors, Estelle Barriol, Pauline Quintart, Clara Roussel, Maxence Heidet, Kento Tanabe
Atelier 56 S项目团队:Fanny Landeau, José Prieto, Jordan Froger, Pierre-Alexandre Lemarié, Pauline Dupart, Mathias Deniaud, Hélène Rouppert, Alexandre Marchandot, Anthony Clochard
城市景观:​Agence TER
防水:Armor Etanchéité
窗户:Alu Rennais

Architects: Atelier 56S, Atelier Kempe Thill
Area: 25319 m²
Year: 2023
Photographs:Ulrich Schwarz
Urban Architect: FGP
Landscape Architects:​DOTS Paysage
Concrete Structure:​Legendre construction
Landscape Architect: ​Jean-François Seage (​DOTS Paysage)
Client: ​Legendre Immobilier
Urban Engineering: OGI, AMCO
Design Team Competition ​Atelier Kempe Thill: André Kempe, Oliver Thill, Marisa Brunner, Helena Kounitzky, Pauline Quintart, Barbara Lechner, Kento Tanabe
Design Team Competition ​Atelier 56 S: ​Fanny Landeau, José Prieto, Jordan Froger, Hugo Falaise
Project Team ​Atelier Kempe Thill: André Kempe, Oliver Thill, Pauline Trochu, Pauline Merlet, Marisa Brunner, Mikaël Pors, Estelle Barriol, Pauline Quintart, Clara Roussel, Maxence Heidet, Kento Tanabe
Project Team Atelier 56 S: Fanny Landeau, José Prieto, Jordan Froger, Pierre-Alexandre Lemarié, Pauline Dupart, Mathias Deniaud, Hélène Rouppert, Alexandre Marchandot, Anthony Clochard
Urban Landscape: ​Agence TER
General Engineering: Egis
Metallic Structure: OMS
Waterproofing: ​Armor Etanchéité
Windows: ​Alu Rennais
City: Rennes
Country: France




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