In the area Hatert, at the edge of the city of Nijmegen, the housing corporations Portaal and Talis organize a great renewa operation. For this operation the developers and the city of Nijmegen worked towards a masterplan in which most of the present houses are renovated or renewed. Besides this upgrading, the open areas in the neighborhood will be filled with several new housing projects.
A twelve storey apartment tower has been built in the very center of Hatert. The building is meant to become the new ‘crown’ of Hatert.
24H>architecture designed a sturdy tower with free formed balconies around, which make a recognizable sculpture from all directions. The parking for the apartments is organized underneath a raised deck that will function as a new public space for the citizens of Hatert. Underneath the housing program the ground floor will be used as a community health center.
在Hatert地区,荷兰古城奈梅亨城郊,Portaal and Talis公司正在组织一次城市更新计划。这项计划要求翻新奈梅亨城市大多数建筑,同时将建造更多房屋,城市空地也将得到有效利用。
于是一座12层高的住宅式公寓将在Hatert市中心拔地而起,届时,这座公寓毫无疑问将成为城市的显著地标。 由24H设计完成的这座棱角分明阳台造型自由的塔式建筑,从各个角度看整座建筑像雕塑般屹立,线条笔直刚挺。停车场建造在木制地板之上,作为Hatert的公共活动空间。住宅楼的底层将被用作社区康复中心
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