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urban swimming pool in lisbon's river tagus doubles as amphitheater and solarium




As a proposal for the city of Lisbon, X Atelier and Atelier BAUM have joined forces to design an urban swimming pool on the River Tagus. The idea for the Loop Pool Tejo came about in response to the need for an immediate bathing option within the city center, without having to spend hours in traffic jams. Although Lisbon is very close to the sea, there is no planned structure to connect its inhabitants to the river, and the large beaches in the vicinity are often overcrowded on the hottest days. 
For this reason, the rounded Loop Pool echoes the effect of a drop of water whose movement generates a form that houses various functions from the starting point of a pier: a self-filtering pool on the river, an amphitheater and solarium area, and direct river access.

all images courtesy of X Atelier

Tagus河曾经也被人们当做沐浴游玩的场地,但是环形泳池Tejo的建立使得城市市民可以更加便捷地到达此地,以便更好地服务市民。这是因为除建设泳池外,还将原有的brao de Prata浮桥重新进行规划,它成为了连接城市和河流的纽带。总部位于里斯本的X工作室和BAUM工作室合作设计的Loop Pool Tejo项目有一种雕塑感,类似于莫比乌斯环。该项目的建立使得海滩的静和河流的动之间产生了对话。Tejo项目采用的是混凝土桩地基,这样才能够支撑起整个平台,给人一种漂浮感。


If the River Tagus was once used for bathing, the Loop Pool Tejo project seeks to bring Lisboners closer to the waters again. This involves the redevelopment of the existing Braço de Prata pontoon and its subsequent transformation into a platform linking the city to its river, with the aim of giving the inhabitants access to public swimming pools as well as a variety of water activities. The architectural vision of Lisbon-based practices X Atelier (see more here) and Atelier BAUM (see more here) presents a sculptural element that seeks to establish an analogy between the pragmatic and rigid form of the existing pier with the inherent fluidity of the river. This dialogue of forms reacts imperceptibly to the needs of the practices seen here as a structure founded on concrete piles in continuity with the pier that keeps this element floating on the water.
The circle is the centerpiece of the project, outlining the pool tank, and resulting of a ring that draws the circulation flow around it. To the north, the object rises to create a solarium and amphitheater area facing west. To the south, with its back to the hustle and bustle of the pool, a second slope defines a resting and seating area with an entry point directly into the river itself suitable for activities such as rowing or stand up paddle. The highest point of the Loop Pool west wing serves as a diving jump point into the tank, promoting a youthful and fun atmosphere. At the water level of the pool there is another ring that passes underneath, creating a shaded rest area under slope to protect the users from the sun.

▲ 该环形构筑物使得城市与Tagus河建立了联系
the loop establishes a connection from the city to the River Tagus, one of the widest of Europe

▲ 人们可以通过一个桥梁达到环形泳池
users walk through a path that takes them into to the loop in the river

▲ 该环形泳池犹如一个莫比乌斯环,与其周边的河流产生联系
the shape of the Loop bends itself creating a Möbius-like sculpture that connects to the River in different levels

▲ 圆形泳池的台阶呈弧形设计,在其上可以看到波光粼粼的海景
the view from the amphitheater evokes a rippling water drop effect, where the steps create radial shapes

▲ 里斯本天气炎热,因此,在环形泳池的下方设计有休闲空间,可供游客遮阴纳凉
the lower level brings shadow to the loop, perfect for the users to hide from the Lisbon heat

▲ 环形泳池旁边设计有一系列的集装箱,为游客提供各种服务
a set of containers, already present at Braço de Prata, should house the different needs of the Loop Pool

▲ 环形泳池周边可以进行多种娱乐活动,如潜水、游泳、划桨、划船等
the loop envisions many activities, from diving to swimming in the pool but also paddle board and rowing in the river




位置:葡萄牙 里斯本

project info:
name: Loop Pool Tejo
architect: X Atelier | @x_atelier, Atelier BAUM | @atelier.baum
location: Lisbon, Portugal




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