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Villarci Residence / Get Architects


Villarci是位于爪哇西部博加峰的经典宽敞别墅。它展示了对独特自然价值的深思熟虑运用,同时拥抱从萨拉克山、茂物市的景色以及场地本身广阔地形的壮丽和令人敬畏的360度全景。客户被周围环境的独特品质所吸引,选择了这个家庭度假胜地的位置,甚至愿意推迟他在雅加达的住宅的规划,该住宅也是由GeTs Architects设计的。

Site -Villarci is a classic and spacious villa located at the peak of Bogor in the western region of Java. It is an illustration of the thoughtful use of distinctive natural values while embracing the breathtaking and awe-inspiring 360-degree perspective from Salak Mountain, a scenic view of Bogor city, and the vast terrain of the site itself. The client was motivated by the distinct qualities of the surroundings to select this location for this family retreat and was even willing to postpone the planning of his Jakarta home, which was also being designed by GeTs Architects.




This project aimed to create a retreat family villa that falls into place and forms part of the landscape, capturing the view outward and inward over the surrounding panoramas of the site. Villarci is built by understanding and honoring the slope of the land: to efficiently articulate the architecture as a part of the landscape and effectively execute it as a functional and liveable place. A lightweight white rectangular mass with thick arches of long exterior arcades seems to harmoniously sit within the surroundings as it was made to compliment the location. It rises gently above the contour and becomes a significant point of reference.





Since the terrain is still lush and uncultivated, it is not unusual to come across natural animals in the construction site vicinity such as snakes, eagles, and scorpions. The client uses their vast and fertile acreage to further pursue his interest in farming. Moreover, an engrossing experience is created by the harmonious infiltration of tropical mountain scents such as wind breeze, wet earth, and grass. The current circumstances, which include erratic weather that can be hot or foggy at times, provide a different view as a background of the house: in hot and dry weather, the mountains are clearly visible, yet in cloudy and rainy weather, it’s enigmatic as the mountain covered in mist. Villarci creates a unique by balancing human scale, architectural shapes, and connection to place. This means that the built form and architectural articulation respond directly to the client’s need for a timeless, practical, liveable, and setting-in family villa.




Arc at Ciapus从客户所喜爱的视觉风格——18世纪末至19世纪初的西班牙传教士复兴建筑运动——中汲取灵感,Villarci采用了它的显著特点。设计进一步呈现了客户对那种建筑运动传统特征的迷恋的当代版本。

Arc at Ciapus -Taking a brief look at the visually adored by the client: the late 18th and early 19th century Spanish Mission Revival architecture movement, Villarci takes notable hallmarks of it. The design furthermore presents a contemporary version of the client’s enchantments towards the conventional characteristic of that architectural movement.



The architectural composition displays a deceptive adherence to simple forms. A light-weight white rectangular mass with thick arches of long exterior arcades—despite aesthetically representing a contemporary update—also favors air circulation, solar shielding of interior openings, outdoor shades for heavy rain, and, on top of that, providing space for relaxation and social interaction. It becomes a strong visual anchor for the surrounding natural landscape. It also sweeps through and responds directly to site conditions to blur the distinction between “front facade” and “back facade”. On the other hand, the contrast solid black stonework is chosen with a nuance of Bogor’s Dutch Colonial architecture that favors stonework material and serves as a transition to the villa’s natural background.



With its solid rectangular characteristic and dominant silhouette, the soft shapes within the arches do not shy away from their existence. Additionally, it echoes on a more comfortable scale throughout the internal spaces, particularly in the arched carved wooden doors. The oversized faux wooden beams complement the rest of the Spanish Mission Revival-inspired architecture with its worn, aged, yet warm feel. With restrained materials used across the exterior architecture, the material in interior spaces complemented it: the terracotta and Talavera-patterned tiles provide a splash of color and personality to a rather broad and unadorned white plaster surface. With the usage of veneered timber products and the colored tiles here and there, the whole atmosphere is introduced towards softness, warmth, and comfort. The large paned windows are ideal for counteracting the overall atmosphere and help to imbue a humanizing element to the solid black-and-white architectural structure. Villarci's overall architecture had to find a careful balance between the sanctuary and embracing the stunning vista that the entire sides of the villa are vastly exposed to, all while reflecting the imagined lifestyle of the villa with the refined furnishing.




Spaces -Originally intended to be a modest villa for a single family, the brief evolved over the design and construction phases in response to changes in the client’s family needs. The functional planning and problem-solving of Villarci meant that the performance of this design is tested to be adaptable as the owner’s family develops, necessitating occasional adjustment.


GeTs Architects将建成别墅的总面积600平方米处理在6公顷的土地上:分别为底层面积177平方米和楼上面积439平方米。在Villarci中,内部和外部水平的微妙变化创造了一系列宽敞的虚空和充满光线的空间。坚实的黑色石砌既作为基座又作为挡土墙,混凝土屋顶使其能够兼作聚会座位区。地面设计为车库和服务区,专用虚空形成一个朝向广阔室外区域的诗意半开放庭院,同时仍提供一种保护感。从到达地面到楼上,沿着坡度有一系列阶梯等景观元素。

GeTs Architects processes the 600 square meters total area of the built villa in 6 hectares of land: 177 sqm on the ground floor and 439 sqm on the upper floor, respectively. In Villarci, subtle changes in internal and external levels create a sequence of expansive voids and light-filled spaces. Solid black stonework serves as both a base and a retaining wall, and the concrete roof allows it to double as a get-together seating area. While the ground floor is designed for a garage and service area, the dedicated void forms a poetic semi-open courtyard that orients towards the vast outdoor area while still providing a sense of protection. From arrival to the upper floor, there are interstitial landscape elements, such as a series of stepped-up steps along the slope.





The distinct thick arches of long exterior arcades instantly snare the attention, flowing to the entrance as the solid black stonework anchors with the flowing vegetation. Villarci was conceived as a habitable sculptural piece with simple architectural programs that prioritize communal space for family gatherings. It’s broken into a linear form: kitchen, dry food storage, and powder room are concealed behind a wall with a centerpiece. The sleeping wings, composed of three ensuite bedrooms, extend out and away from the entertaining space to support a growing family staying within. The thick arches create the necessary void for an enclosed courtyard, providing an oasis with a pleasant microclimate. It concentrates the core of the work, a vibrant space that allows for interesting views from inside and outside the architecture.



In essence, the building exists as a stacked arches shell, balanced carefully upon stonework that binds into the sloping topography below. Everything is positioned as telescopes perpendicular to the contour and connecting it to other masses so that the whole space has unique vantage points in between. By employing local workers, different construction knowledge was intertwined, strengthening the connection of the work with the Ciapus landscape. The participatory process led to a new constructive language, instilling a sense of achievement, pride, and identity in the local community.















建筑设计:Gets Architects
摄影:Mario Wibowo
主创建筑师:Gerard Tambunan
主管设计师:Aleicia Vidya, Joshua Raharjo
设计团队:Reza Fadillah, Farhan Fadillah
室内风格设计:Diana Pardede

Architects: Gets Architects
Area: 617 m²
Year: 2021
Photographs: Mario Wibowo
Lead Architect: Gerard Tambunan
Designers In Charge: Aleicia Vidya, Joshua Raharjo
Design Team: Reza Fadillah, Farhan Fadillah
Interior Styling: Diana Pardede
City: Bogor
Country: Indonesia




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