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碰撞活动中心比赛/ Ignacio Gias, Jesus Lorenzo Garvln, Ana Vida/Collider Activ...第1张图片

建筑师:Fissure团队(Ignacio Gias, Jesus Lorenzo Garvln, Ana Vida)
面积:8,000平方米;建设规划+ 20,000平方米的户外公园项目
•        Ana Vida Bulgaria Ignacio GiasJesus Lorenzo Garvln Sofia,小型体育建筑
Architects: Fissure Team  (Ignacio Gias, Jesus Lorenzo Garvln, Ana Vida)
Location: Sofia, Bulgaria
Program: Climbing center
Project Name: Break on through to the other side
Area: 8,000 sqm; building program + 20,000 sqm of outdoor park program
Year: 2013
•        mini Sports Architecture Ana Vida Bulgaria Ignacio GiasJesus Lorenzo Garvln Sofia

碰撞活动中心比赛/ Ignacio Gias, Jesus Lorenzo Garvln, Ana Vida/Collider Activ...第2张图片

碰撞活动中心(Collider Activity Center)位于两个不同的两极,彼此之间具有较大的张力。建筑师sIgnacio Gias, Jesus Lorenzo Garvln, 和Ana Vida (Fissure团队)设计了该项目,使其成为该地的连接建筑。通过这种做法,他们成就了从城市到自然的过渡,从殖民地到野生领土的过渡。此处通过有机几何,通过冒险,通过自然世界的再现被打破,这将建筑分割开,使得用户‘打破它,打通到另一侧’成为一扇冒险之门。本段后有更多图片和建筑师描述。
Located between two very different poles that have a great tension between them, architectsIgnacio Gias, Jesus Lorenzo Garvln, and Ana Vida (Fissure Team), designed the building of the Collider Activity Center to appear as a flow connector in the territory. In doing so, they create a transition from the urban to nature, from the stability to the unpredictable, from colonized to wild territories. It is broken by an organic geometry, by the adventure, by the representation of the natural world, that cuts the building and makes the users ‘break it, break it through, to the other side’ as a door to adventure. More images and architects’ description after the break.

碰撞活动中心比赛/ Ignacio Gias, Jesus Lorenzo Garvln, Ana Vida/Collider Activ...第3张图片

Climbing is about discovering, about exploring the environment, and searching new ways of understanding your physical context. When we first analyzed the project environment, on one side is a natural territory with no sign of human life except for some plants, which express the aim of people exploring their context. (They have been created with no planification the result of the continuous movement of anonymious people across the year following uncertain direction). This is the attitude Walltropia users search for in life, to explore and discover the unknown places in order to fully experience them.
As a climbing wall, the artificial realization and construction of a natural environment should limit or transition between an urban context to a natural one. In order to express this bipolarity, the building acquires a rigid, geometrical and massive character, that by the use of a grid pattern, pretends to represent the human world, the city, the knowledge and the stability.

碰撞活动中心比赛/ Ignacio Gias, Jesus Lorenzo Garvln, Ana Vida/Collider Activ...第4张图片

floor plan 楼层平面图
In architectural terms, the building’s central space, the soul, is the climbing area. The building functions around the central core. This climbing area is also the exterior image of the project and consists of a 19 m high wall, which is naturally lit by the glass facade.

碰撞活动中心比赛/ Ignacio Gias, Jesus Lorenzo Garvln, Ana Vida/Collider Activ...第5张图片

section 01 截面图01
The climbing area divides the building in two. The west side contains the public programs, such as Spa, Fitness, Funtopia, Coffee shop or the multifuntional Hall. The other side, the east, houses the daily functions, such as offices, parking and restaurant. All the programs have permanent visual connections to the climbing hall across the climbing wall.

碰撞活动中心比赛/ Ignacio Gias, Jesus Lorenzo Garvln, Ana Vida/Collider Activ...第6张图片

section 02 截面图02
The exterior skin is a prefabricated metal that allows natural light to filter into the building. In order control the luminosity, a vertical garden its placed between the skin and the building. The vegetation acts as natural shading to various parts of the building.

碰撞活动中心比赛/ Ignacio Gias, Jesus Lorenzo Garvln, Ana Vida/Collider Activ...第7张图片

section diagrams 截面图草图
碰撞活动中心比赛/ Ignacio Gias, Jesus Lorenzo Garvln, Ana Vida/Collider Activ...第8张图片

diagram 01 草图01
碰撞活动中心比赛/ Ignacio Gias, Jesus Lorenzo Garvln, Ana Vida/Collider Activ...第9张图片

diagram 02 草图02

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  • tiggerwang
  • 2013.05.15 20:19
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  • remon
  • 2013.05.04 20:14
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