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罗伯特亚历山大赢得2013年洛奇旅行学术奖/Robert Alexander Wins 2013 Rotch Trave...第1张图片

加州理工学院波莫纳环境设计学院兼职教职人员,加州圣佩德罗的罗伯特K亚历山大,被宣布赢得了2013年洛奇学术奖。 亚历山大将得到37000美元奖金,以支持他八个月的环球建筑游学之旅。
作为遗憾未能获得第一名的名次上那些, Julie Kaufman Assoc. 剑桥AIA,马萨诸塞州,被邀请参加下年的竞赛并可以跳过初步入围阶段。而且如果Alexander拒绝这个奖项,他们会补上获奖。
Robert K. Alexander of San Pedro, California, an adjunct faculty member of the architecture department at California State Polytechnic Institute University, Pomona’s College of Environmental Design, has been named the 2013 Rotch Travelling Scholarship recipient. Alexander will receive a $37,000 stipend to spend eight months traveling and studying architecture around the world.
As first runner-up, Julie Kaufman Assoc. AIA of Cambridge, Massachusetts, is invited to compete in next year’s competition without reentering the preliminary stage and is the 2013 alternate if Alexander declines the scholarship.
The Rotch Travelling Scholarship is administered by the Boston Society of Architects (BSA).

罗伯特亚历山大赢得2013年洛奇旅行学术奖/Robert Alexander Wins 2013 Rotch Trave...第2张图片

Alexander was one of 38 competitors who took part in the preliminary competition. They were asked to design multigenerational housing by creating a 2,000-st unit to accommodate six people, a typical family of four plus an elder couple.
Six finalists then moved forward to the second stage of the competition. They were challenged to create a new water transit station on a site in Boston's Fort Point Channel adjacent to the Northern Avenue Bridge.

罗伯特亚历山大赢得2013年洛奇旅行学术奖/Robert Alexander Wins 2013 Rotch Trave...第3张图片

最终裁决入围的是波士顿M2L家居工作室Peter Wiederspahn AIA(Wiedersphan建筑、东北大学建筑系);Steven Foote FAIA (Perry Dean Rogers); Kris Carter (波士顿城); Natasha Espada AIA (Leers Weinzapfel Associates); Mark Klopfer AIA (Klopfer Martin 设计组/温特沃斯理工学院); Mark Pasnik (over,under); and Jackie Douglas (LivableStreets Alliance).
The final jury and reception was at M2L furniture studio in Boston and included Peter Wiederspahn AIA (Wiederspahn Architecture/Northeastern University School of Architecture); Steven Foote FAIA (Perry Dean Rogers); Kris Carter (City of Boston); Natasha Espada AIA (Leers Weinzapfel Associates); Mark Klopfer AIA (Klopfer Martin Design Group/Wentworth Institute of Technology); Mark Pasnik (over,under); and Jackie Douglas (LivableStreets Alliance).

罗伯特亚历山大赢得2013年洛奇旅行学术奖/Robert Alexander Wins 2013 Rotch Trave...第4张图片

罗伯特亚历山大赢得2013年洛奇旅行学术奖/Robert Alexander Wins 2013 Rotch Trave...第5张图片
Robert Alexander2007年起是加州理工大学环境设计兼职教员。此外他还是设计事务所bobCAT的主要成员。 这个设计事务所是2007年由他和他的伙伴Catherine Bruce共同建立的。Robert在2005年获得哈佛大学设计学院研究生院颁发的硕士学位,而他2001年在加州理工大学波莫纳分校取得的建筑系学士学位则由系主任Dean授予了优秀学生设计奖。
Robert Alexander is an adjunct member of the Architecture Faculty at Cal Poly Pomona's College of Environmental Design where he has taught since 2007. In addition to his teaching Robert is a principal of the design firm bobCAT. which he founded along with his partner Catherine Burce in 2007. Robert received his Master in Architecture from Harvard Graduate School of Design in 2005 and his Bachelor of Architecture from Cal Poly Pomona in 2001 where he was awarded the architecture department's Dean's Medal for outstanding graduating design students.

罗伯特亚历山大赢得2013年洛奇旅行学术奖/Robert Alexander Wins 2013 Rotch Trave...第6张图片

在Fort Point通道附近的北方大道桥上创造一个水上换乘站
Alexander的获胜方案设计了一个固定在水上的收起的空间,这个水上空间可以容纳包括室内游泳馆,观景台之内的公共设施。 在这下面,一个可以跟随潮汐涨落漂浮的平台支撑了交通枢纽,一个公共广场,还有一个零售商业。评判团看到建筑本体所想表达的,大尺寸包围水体,以及激活设施多样功能的空间。
Robert Alexander’s Winning Scheme:
Create a new water transit station on a site in Fort Point Channel adjacent to the Northern Avenue Bridge.
Alexander’s winning scheme proposed a folded volume fixed above the water that would contain public facilities including an indoor pool and an observation deck. Below this, a floating platform would house transit facilities, a public plaza, and a retail space that would rise and fall with the tides. The jury was taken with the way the building promoted both a large-scale enclosing gesture to the water as well as invigorating spaces for the facility’s various functions.

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