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The Black Box / Neri & Hu第1张图片

Architects: Neri & Hu Design and Research Office
Location: 88 Yuqing Road, Shanghai, China
Partners In Charge: Lyndon Neri, Rossana Hu
Project Year: 2009
Photographs: Pedro Pegenaute, Tuomas Uusheimo, Derryck Menere, Courtesy of Neri & Hu
Project Area: 1,500 sqm
Client: NHDRO & Design Republic

建筑设计: Neri & Hu Design and Research Office
合伙人: Lyndon Neri, Rossana Hu
建设年限: 2009
摄    影: Pedro Pegenaute, Tuomas Uusheimo, Derryck Menere, Courtesy of Neri & Hu
建筑面积: 1,500平方米
顾    客: NHDRO & Design Republic

特别鸣谢翻译一组6号 席岳琳提供的翻译,译稿版权归译者所有,转载请注明出处。

The concept of the “Black Box” is the guiding concept behind the architecture–modeled after the “black box” flight data recorder; it is used symbolically to represent the “storage” of conversation, ideas, thinking and research in the creative studio office. The black box also serves the function of protecting that recording in the event of a crash, fire or tragedy, analogous to the role of a design office servicing as a container of its intellectual production and protection from outside damage.  The black box offers poignant, relevant and passionate design ideas with meaning and purpose to clients who may have had to face design tragedies in their lives. The ground floor in the form of a retail store displays some of these designed objects produced in the offices above, rendering it a window into the contents of the black box.
The Black Box is a five-story office building located in the former French Concession, which also includes a street-level storefront space. On the ground level, two wooden facades make up the base of the building, one comprising the new DesignRepublic store and the other leading up to the DesignRepublic and Neri&Hu Design and Research office. The gallery and store on the ground level then becomes an extension of the street. Above this glass and wooden exterior, a four-story dark façade is extruded (受挤压的)and “cut” to reveal windows into the building.
Within the Design Republic space, the wooden box is pierced to reveal white boxes that frame the main display area. Private offices are contained within glass walls, just like within the original Design Republic office on the Bund. The upper two stories will comprise the Neri&Hu Design and Research office space, which is connected vertically with openings and horizontally with a bridge. The conference room consists of two stacked boxes, a wooden box atop a white box. The room is visible from the upper level through an opening alongside the bridge.

这里说的“黑匣子”是一座坐落在法租界前的5层高的办公建筑,一层为连锁底商,并且水平方向用两块木制材质做表面。一块是刚刚开业的DesignRepublic商店,另一块是通向DesignRepublic和Neri&Hu Design Research 办公空间的连廊。在玻璃和木头构成的底层之上,是4层的窗户呈挤出状的深色表面。
Design Republic的木制室内用白色盒子分隔出展览空间,用玻璃墙分隔出私人办公空间,就像上海滩中的Design Republic office给人的印象一样。建筑的上面两层是the Neri&Hu Design和 Research office的办公空间,水平交通通过通廊来解决,竖向交通通过院落来完善。会议厅由两个方盒子横向连接而成,一座的上空木板贴面,而另一座的上空白色涂料完成。
The Black Box / Neri & Hu第2张图片
The Black Box / Neri & Hu第3张图片 The Black Box / Neri & Hu第4张图片 The Black Box / Neri & Hu第5张图片 The Black Box / Neri & Hu第6张图片 The Black Box / Neri & Hu第7张图片 The Black Box / Neri & Hu第8张图片 The Black Box / Neri & Hu第9张图片 The Black Box / Neri & Hu第10张图片 The Black Box / Neri & Hu第11张图片 The Black Box / Neri & Hu第12张图片 The Black Box / Neri & Hu第13张图片 The Black Box / Neri & Hu第14张图片 The Black Box / Neri & Hu第15张图片 The Black Box / Neri & Hu第16张图片
The Black Box / Neri & Hu第17张图片
Filed under: Office Buildings ,Selected , China, Neri & Hu, Shanghai
文章摘自:办公建筑,分类,中国,Neri & Hu,上海




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