建筑师:RMA Architects建筑事务所
位置:印度,海得拉巴,数码城(Cyber City)
摄影:Robert Stephens, Rahul Mehrotra, 图片由R M A Architects建筑事务所提供, Rajesh Vora, Carlos Chen
Architects: R M A Architects
Location: Cyber City, Hyderabad, India
Year: 2012
Photographs: Robert Stephens, Rahul Me hrotra, Courtesy of R M A Architects, Rajesh Vora, Carlos Chen
该企业建筑位于海得拉巴(Hyderabad)的数码城(Cyber City),意图采用双层表面以达到节能和视觉冲击的效果。建筑内层采用钢筋混凝土框架与常用的铝合金门窗。
Located in Cyber City, Hyderabad, the corporate buildings employ the idea of a double skin as an energy saving and visually striking device. The inner skin of the building is a reinforced concrete frame with commonly used aluminum windows.
The outer façade comprises of a custom cast aluminum trellis with hydroponic trays integrated for growing a variety of plant species. The trellis also has an integrated misting system in order to control and regulate the amount of water released to the plants and trays. The principal of the facade is inspired by the idea of a double-skin that allows a modulation of light and air through the building.
This is in contrast to the business-as-usual idea of the ‘greenwall’, which is a simple application on a surface purely serving an aesthetic, not a performative function. In this project, the screen also takes on an aesthetic function of a dynamic façade where assorted species are organized in a way to create patterns, as well as bloom at various times of the year, bringing attention to different parts of the building façade through the changing seasons.
Elevation 立体图
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