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隐秘的宝藏——首尔科技园/ STEFANO CORBO STUDIO第1张图片
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隐秘的宝藏——首尔科技园/ STEFANO CORBO STUDIO第5张图片
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隐秘的宝藏——首尔科技园/ STEFANO CORBO STUDIO第10张图片

隐秘的宝藏——首尔科技园/ STEFANO CORBO STUDIO第11张图片

隐秘的宝藏——首尔科技园/ STEFANO CORBO STUDIO第12张图片

       Stefano Corbo (1981) ,意大利建筑师,意大利阿尔盖罗建筑学院副教授(2011-2012),2010年获得了马德里建筑高等技术学校建筑设计二等奖,目前在该校进修博士学位,研究方向是:“基础设施考古学,一个概念性的制图。”
       他的文章曾被一些国际刊物发表(CIRCO,CLOG, L’Arca, Il Giornale dell’Architettura, Dichotomy, Studio Magazine等),在马德里建筑高等技术学校,迈阿密大学,威斯康星大学都曾做过客座演讲。

* 本文由STEFANO CORBO STUDIO设计事务所的 Stefano Corbo提供稿件,转载请注明出处。*



HIDDEN TREASURES is an eco-friendly proposal aimed to reconvert the abandoned area of Mapo Oil Reserve Base into a publicdidactic park, where people can gather and share their love for Science.
Two are the main goals of HIDDEN TREASURES:  from one hand, to connect the competition site with the surrounding area, according to a visual and perceptive continuity; from the other hand, to insert a new program of activities based on the re-use of the existing tanks.

So, the first step was to redesign the parking area and the green spaces, in order to build a very harmonic and sinuous space able to host the Science Park.
From a perceptive point of view, there is no fracture with the existing green areas, with its vegetation and its hills.
HIDDEN TREASURES aims to preserve this morphological condition and to insert into it a respectful proposal.
New artificial hills will characterize the Science Park. Visitors will be guided through the vegetation thanks to the use of very ephemeral and de-materialized ramps, which work also as distributive elements for the program of the Science Park.
All the new functions are totally or partially interred, and are not visible from outside.
So visitors can only imagine what happens inside but everything is hidden by artificial hills and the new vegetation.
In a way this operation follows what happens for the oil tanks.: all of them are surrounded by nature, wrapped by vegetation.  They are not perceivable from outside.
That’s why HIDDEN TREASURE wants to work in continuity with what already exists.
The new Science Park is based on didactic activities and other functions open to the citizens.   All of them are inserted in a wider green area that include the new park and the existing green area where the tanks are located.
The current Management Building, a nice brick building, will be converted into the INFO-CENTEROf the Science Park. Here visitors can also find a bookshop, a wardrobe, and can buy their tickets.
Once left the reused building, visitors will be guided through the park thanks to such very transparent ramps. Here, some thematic paths will introduce topics, facts and figures related to Science.  Among hills, fountains, and contemporary art, new functions are located:
- Pavilion for Temporary Exhibitions;
- Auditorium for 300 people;
- Scientific Library for research and investigations;
- Mediatheque, where to find multimedia and audio-visual materials related to Science;
- Administration Area
- Exhibition Halls, Museum Activities.
The main route will guide the visitor through the 5 tanks.
They are reconverted into exhibition halls and new spaces for museum activities.
The exterior aspect, hidden from the exterior, is totally preserved. Inside, everything is conserved and equipped to host new functions.

The operation of reuse and recycle of the existing elements is double, because is focused both on architecture and on nature.
Indeed, most part of the existing building will be restored and re-used:  the 5 tanks will become exhibition halls; the Management Building will turn into the Gate of the Park, and the current Snowplow Garage will work as a public covered space where to have a rest.
At the same time, the artificial hills characterizing the project and hiding the new functions of the Park, are realized thanks to the excavation material extracted to build the interred buildings.Instead of transporting this material everywhere else, it will be reused to shape the artificial hills.  So it’s possible to save money and optimize time!

CONFIGURATION: A bioclimatic approach
All the architectonic interventions consist of glazed boxes, with steel beams and pillars, and nothing else.
The guiding light of the intervention is a bioclimatic approach: everything is designed to save money, and optimize energy.
The heating system of the new volumes will be through radiant floorings, and the double glass will allow not to waste heat.
In this way, in the buildings it will be possible to control pressure, temperature and humidity any time, according to the different seasons and the different needs of each activity.

SUSTAINABILITY: Urban Design and Green Areas
HIDDEN TREASURES is characterized for a very sustainable and ecocompatible profile: rather than using exotic plants, or complicated design options, the main idea was to deal with the existing vegetation, and be respectful of the current situation.
This means that:
- 0 km approach: every plant is not imported or transported in loco, but already exists in the region of Mapo-gu.
- No maintenance: all the species chosen don’t require constant maintenance. In this way it’s possible to save money for the public administrators.
- Density: Vegetation is used for protecting the entire plot from winds, atmospheric agents, and also for controlling the comfort conditions of the users during their visit at the park.
Regarding the use of the materials for the park, permeability was the main concept: every design effort was made to reduce the amount of impermeable surface, and use, where possible, wood and grass to allow transpiration and absorption of the ground.

Stefano Corbo (1981) is an Italian architect and assistant professor at the Faculty of Architecture in Alghero, Italy (2011-2012). He received a MArchII in Advanced Architectural Design at ETSAM Madrid (Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura) in 2010, and is currently a PhD candidate at the same Institute, with a dissertation titled: “Archaeology of Infrastructures. A conceptual cartography”.  
Some of his texts have been published in international magazines (CIRCO,CLOG, L’Arca, Il Giornale dell’Architettura, Dichotomy, Studio Magazine, etc.) and he lectured as a guest at the ETSAM, University of Miami, and University of Wisconsin.
He worked as a designer at Mecanoo Architects (Delft, Netherlands), and in 2012 founded its own office: SCSTUDIO,(, a multidisciplinary network practicing architecture and design, preoccupied with intellectual, economical and cultural contemporary context.  His work has received several awards for international competitions in Italy, Russia, and South Korea.

*Thanks Stefano Corbo for sharing their project with iArch, please indicate the source.*




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