这个周末,在巴黎杜乐丽花园举行的FIAC艺术博览会,日本建筑师藤本壮介展示了他的最新建筑雕塑作品,这个看起来零零散散的雕塑是用上千个金属立方体悬浮在铝制的金属框架上组成,作品上的角落里还安装有巴黎艺术画廊的许多装有植物和小型树木的堆叠盒,把这一人工建筑努力融入自然空间。“Many Small Cubes”(许多小方块)是其第一个在巴黎的项目,并被Philippe Gravier艺术馆作为现代流动雕塑的探索而展出,在这个雕塑中,藤本壮介的设计理念是将建筑带回自然。
Over the weekend, Japanese architect Sou Fujimoto exhibited an inhabitable sculpture of stacked and suspended aluminum cubes as part of the FIAC art fair in the Parisian Jardins des Tuileries’ gardens. The installation, “Many Small Cubes” is his first project in Paris and was commissioned by the Philippe Gravier art gallery as an exploration of nomadic structures and Sou Fujimoto’s concept of bringing architecture closer to nature.
“The floating masses of Many Small Cubes creates a new experience of space, a rhythm of flickering shadows and lights like the sun filtering through leafy trees,” described Sou Fujimoto.
“The architecture forms one unified element whose balance and stability are carefully designed: the position of each cube and each tree participates to the overall stability, yet reaching a random-like feeling, bringing the whole architecture closer to nature.”