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Though bamboo as a building material carries connotations of ancient Asiatic architecture, the widely available wood is enjoying a resurgence in experimental design. Architects the world over are unearthing vernacular techniques and mining contemporary parametric capabilities to produce bamboo structures that fit today’s tastes for both the organic and awe-inspiring compositions.
Below, tour a set of projects ranging from modular resorts to pop-up activist pavilions, all of which are bending bamboo into ever more spectacular forms.

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竹结构设计——Pouya Khazaeli Parsa


①Bamboo Structure by Pouya Khazaeli Parsa
This hut was created to fill a brief for a novel resort town near the bamboo forests of Katalom in northern Iran. A total of 70 freshly-cut bamboo trunks were torqued into a gentle curve, which is held in place with the reeds left over from the rice harvest. With a low cost of $1,000 per unit, the ability to be constructed by non-professionals, and resistance to strong winds and earthquakes, the structure makes for a sustainable housing option in multiple contexts beyond hotels.

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“茧”(Bug Dome)——WEAK!

“茧”(Bug Dome)是在深圳市的一个争议区域建造的竹桥,基地位于市政厅和非法劳工居所之间的建筑废墟上。乡土风格的竹结构建造技术是移植于广西的乡村。2009年深圳香港双年展期间,这里举办了地下乐队的演出,诗歌朗诵表演,讨论会和卡拉OK。展会结束之后,它坚持作一个“为来自中国农村的非法劳工服务的非官方社交俱乐部”。

②Bug Dome by WEAK!
The Bug Dome bridges a contested area of Shenzhen, a plot atop ruined buildings between the city hall and an illegal laborers settlement. The vernacular bamboo construction techniques are attributed to migrants from rural Guanxi. During the 2009 SZHK Biennale, the structure hosted underground bands, poetry readings, discussions, and karaoke. Afterwards, it persisted as an "un-official social club for illegal workers from the Chinese countryside."

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image courtesy ryuichi ashizawa architects

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image courtesy ryuichi ashizawa architects

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image courtesy ryuichi ashizawa architects

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image courtesy ryuichi ashizawa architects

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image courtesy ryuichi ashizawa architects

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image courtesy ryuichi ashizawa architects

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竹林与竹屋——Ryuichi Ashizawa


③Bamboo Forest and Huts by Ryuichi Ashizawa
Amid the towers of Osaka, a series of woven bamboo structures blossom from the ground. The result is a new array of public spaces, from canopied picnic grounds to a broad bandstand.

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苍穹(Canopy)——nARCHITECTS和Ove Arup & Partners



④Canopy by nARCHITECTS and Ove Arup & Partners
During its 2004 stay in the courtyard at MoMA/P.S.1, Canopy hosted more than 100,000 visitors within its freshly cut green bamboo shell. The architects embedded the simple canopy typology with indentations to produce a range of shadow densities across the courtyard, while certain sections arched all the way downwards to create "rooms" of varying microclimates.
The design and construction process required the team to employ a mix of technological ingenuity and unprecedented precision: Over six weeks of on-site testing, a phasing sequence was developed that optimized bamboo's inherent strength and minimized breakages.

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⑤Pulse Pavilion by USJ University of St Joseph
In this temporary structure, students from Macau's University of St. Joseph elevated low-tech bamboo with high-tech flair: With the help of local craftsmen, split bamboo rods were arranged into a parametrically generated lattice. The resulting negative space is spun together by interwoven fabric panels laced with LEDs. Motion sensors react to visitors' passing through the space, igniting visual displays that allude to the city's casino culture.


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photo© Iwan Baan

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photo© Iwan Baan

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Image courtesy nARCHITECTS

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Image courtesy nARCHITECTS

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Image courtesy nARCHITECTS



⑥Forest Pavilion by nARCHITECTS
This pavilion acts as a signifier for Taiwan's aspiration of a low-carbon future. The commission came from the Masadi Art Festival to draw attention to an adjacent threatened forest. nArchitects presented 11 parabolic vaults constructed of green bamboo, organized in a circle to echo a tree's rings. Explained the architects, "Forest Pavilion’s relationship to the existing site is diaphanous and light – the pavilion sits lightly in its environment with minimal disruption, yet with lighting becomes a beacon at night, underscoring the relative emptiness of the valley."

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星茧——Volkan Alkanoglu | DESIGN


⑦Star Cocoon by Volkan Alkanoglu | DESIGN
Sited in New York City's Union Square, the Star Cocoon was part of a competition to reconsider the traditional Jewish harvest holiday hut, called the Sukkah. The core of the construction is a bent bamboo grid woven together with rattan. The wood was warped into stunning parametric shapes by translating algorithmic scripts into an adjustable jig, which in turn heated the bamboo until each piece took its respective form.





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