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Walk of the Town / T.R.O.P: terrains+open space第1张图片

Tryimagine a mega city of 15 millions people and 8 millions vehicles without anyproper pedestrian pathway, and you may think that it is impossible. Well,Bangkok is kind of like that. When a client asked our team to design thelandscape for their new retails project, they also gave us a short brief, 'Wewant this to be "Talk of the town"'. However, considering Bangkok'slack of quality footpath, we thought it was much better to make it "Walkof the town" instead. Our goal was to design one thing and one thing only,a good public pathway for the people of Bangkok.

Walk of the Town / T.R.O.P: terrains+open space第2张图片

客户对我们做出了简短说明:“我们希望这能成为‘城市焦点’”。然而,考虑到曼谷缺乏优质的人行道,我们认为让其成为“城市步道”更好一些。Our client gave us a short brief."We want this to be 'Talk of the town'. However, considering Bangkok'slack of quality footpath, we think it is better to make it 'Walk of the town'instead.

Walk of the Town / T.R.O.P: terrains+open space第3张图片

Walk of the Town / T.R.O.P: terrains+open space第4张图片







Walk of the Town / T.R.O.P: terrains+open space第5张图片

Walk of the Town / T.R.O.P: terrains+open space第6张图片

Walk of the Town / T.R.O.P: terrains+open space第7张图片

Walk of the Town / T.R.O.P: terrains+open space第8张图片

Walk of the Town / T.R.O.P: terrains+open space第9张图片

Bangkok,the capital of Thailand, is the heart of everything in the country, making itan extreme primate city, dwarfing Thailand's other urban centers in terms ofimportance. The city has more than 8 millions registered vehicles. Many ofthose cars are driving crazily around the city everyday. Yet, basically, we donot have any proper public footpath at all. There are more than 15 millionsresidents and a couple millions more tourists in Bangkok. As a result, everysingle square inch of the city could be a potential place for setting upbusinesses. Bangkok's footpaths are no exception. Street vendors, sellingeverything from counterfeit products to your dinners, permanently occupy morethan half of pedestrian areas. To make it worse, an uncountable numbers of bothlegal and illegal signage help blocking the pedestrian circulation as well.Some are completely blocked, which force pedestrians to walk on streetsinstead, increasing the number of accidents every year.

In 2012, aclient, CPN, wanted to build Groove at Central World, a 2-storey retails space,on top of their existing parking building in the prime area of Bangkok. Thesite is in between 2 of Bangkok's busiest train stations. Both stations areconnected to the city's largest shopping centers, which led to a huge number ofpedestrians walking between the 2 stations everyday. The existing structure waslocated right next to public pathway. It was designed as a multi-leveledunderground parking floors with a huge void between itself and the footpath,allowing for sunlight to reach down and for some air for ventilation. Thelowest floor was about 5 meters drop from the footpath, which needed guardrailsto prevent people from falling down. A number of tall royal palm trees wereplanted there for years, creating heavy shades which make it a bit too dark towalk in the evening. A good portion of the footpath was used as parking forpassing by motorcycles, meaning that some of them were driving on thepedestrian path. Combining the huge void, the shade, and the motorcyclestogether, the place was just perfect for criminal activities.

Originally,our scope was mainly to design the courtyard inside the new mall. The clientwanted their new courtyard to be 'Talk of the town', in terms of commercialactivities and Wow effect, in order to compete with their competitors, otherHigh-end malls in the area. The new retails were designed as a 2-storeybuilding with fluid facade design. As it was built on the existing structure,its lowest floor was about 2 meters higher than street level. Linked only bysmall pathways at its entrances, the new retails appeared to be cut apart frompublic footpath by the ventilation void of the parking lots. Also, looking backfrom the street, from their eye level, pedestrians will only see the plinth ofthe building. Considering the mentioned conditions, we found that our main taskshould be the area outside the mall, and our main goal should be to improve thewalking environment of the public instead.

Because ofthe construction, existing royal palm trees were removed and replantedsomewhere else. The result is that a good amount of sunlight now could reachthe ground surface, creating easier and safer walking environment forpedestrians. A green landform was created along the public pathway for bothsafety and visual proposes. The new design is a linear landscape slope, rangingfrom ground level to 2 meter high. From street level, ventilation void is nowcompletely hidden by this inclined landscape, which also helps protectingpeople from falling down. Even though not connected to the new retails, thelandscape appears to be the new green plinth of the building as well, providingpedestrians something nice to look on through their journeys. A series of localshrubs and flowers were strategically planted to create blooming garden throughout the year. Compared to the original hardscape-only design, this newlandscape helps reducing the temperature on the ground level, making it muchmore comfortable to walk. At the same time, with its new sub-drainage system,the design also helps reducing the surface running water, which partiallycauses flood on the nearby street. Excessive water is then collected forirrigation of the plantings later on.

Other thanthe green landscape, the rest of the area is now dedicated for pedestriansonly. Flat and clean hardscape was proposed to create a simple walking surfacefor everyone including the disabled. Motorcycle parking was removed, making thearea motorcycle-free and safer for pedestrians to walk by. Existing trees alongthe street are all kept in order to provide some shades during the hot summerdays of Bangkok. In the past, pedestrians used only the skywalk, an elevatedpathway below the train tracks, to commute through the neighborhood. Theskywalk is basically nothing but a steel structure pathway, a bit dull anddepressing atmosphere. The new landscape encourages the pedestrians to comedown to the ground and get closer to the garden. This way, we believe theycould have a better connection with nature and the people around them.

Sincecompleted, the new landscape has been an example of what Bangkok's otherfootpaths could become. Pedestrians now walk freely and safely throughout thearea. Car drivers now have something green to look on, reducing their stressesfrom bad traffic conditions in the neighborhood. Passerby stops and takesphotos of the garden showing to friends and families. Once in a while, specialevents are organized to create more activities for pedestrians. With the helpof the client, we are able to do something that has never been done before inBangkok. Even though this is just a simple design gesture and the area is onlya small section of Bangkok's public pathway system, but we believe that, inorder to change something big, everyone has to participate. By doing thisfirst, we also force our neighbors to start re-thinking of their properties. Ifeverybody collaborates, we believe that we can create a better pedestrianpathway system for all people in Bangkok.

Walk of the Town / T.R.O.P: terrains+open space第10张图片

新购物中心最低的地板比街道水平面高2米。若行人从街道上望去,水平视线处只能看到购物中心的底部。公共人行道两旁将会重新建绿地以达到安全且美观的目的。The new retails’ lowest floor was about 2 metershigher than street level. Looking back from the street, from their eye level,pedestrians would only see the plinth of the building. A green landform wasthen created along the public pathway for both safety and visual proposes.

Walk of the Town / T.R.O.P: terrains+open space第11张图片

Walk of the Town / T.R.O.P: terrains+open space第12张图片

Walk of the Town / T.R.O.P: terrains+open space第13张图片

从街道看去,通风空间如今完全被隐藏在绿地景观后面,同时绿地景观也起到了防止行人不慎坠落的作用。同时,可以使得行人在看到之后有种赏心悦目之感。Ventilation void is now completelyhidden by this inclined landscape, which also helps protecting people fromfalling down, and, at the same time, providing pedestrians something nice tolook on through their journeys.

Walk of the Town / T.R.O.P: terrains+open space第14张图片

从目前的图像中可以看到有棕榈树和摩托车停车场,会妨碍人行道。通风空间也是开放式设计,只有短护栏作为防护。铁轨和树木使得整个空间全天都被遮蔽。夜间整个人行道都十分黑暗,存在安全隐患。Existing site image shows palmtrees, obstructing the pathway, and the motorcycle parking. Ventilation voidwas also openly designed, with only a short guardrail as protection. The wholespace was heavily shaded all day by the train track and the trees. In theevening, the pathway was quite dark, allowing for potential criminalactivities.

Walk of the Town / T.R.O.P: terrains+open space第15张图片

地形部分建在附加轻结构之上,尽管不与购物中心直接相连,但从外观看来,斜坡绿地成为了建筑物的新绿色基座。Section of the landform, built ontop of additional light structure. Even though not connected to the newretails, the sloped landscape appears to be the new green plinth of thebuilding.

Walk of the Town / T.R.O.P: terrains+open space第16张图片

ProjectTitle: Walk of the Town, The Landscape Architecture of Groove @ Central World
CompanyName:  T.R.O.P: terrains+open space
LeadDesigner :  Pok Kobkongsanti
Client/Owner:  Central Pattana Public Company Limited
Photography credit: Spaceshift Studio (PirakAnurakyawachon, Aranyarat Prathomrat)
Additional Project Credits:
ProjectTeam :   Maytinee Nakprasert
   Pattanee Ukam
LeadArchitect :   Synthesis Design +Architecture Company (SDA)
Architect:    Architects 49 Co., Ltd. (A49)
   Foundry of Space Co., Ltd. (FOS)
Engineer:    K.C.S. Associates Co.,Ltd.
M&EEngineer :   Sum Utilities ManagementCo.,Ltd.
TransportationEngineer:     S2R Consulting Co., Ltd.
ProjectManagement :    Qbic Engineering andArchitect Co., Ltd.
Contractor:    Construction Pros Co.,Ltd.
LandscapeContractor :  Allgreen Co., Ltd.
LightingDesigner :   Seam Design Company
SignageDesigner  :   Farmgroup Co., Ltd.
WaterFeatures :   Dong Co., Ltd.
PlanterPots  :   TM Progressive Co., Ltd. (Tom's Stone)

SlopeProtection :   Vigor Merger Co., Ltd.
ColorFlakes :    Vannarat International Co.,Ltd.
Marble andGranite :  Marble Nanovation Center Co.,Ltd.
Tiles:     Kenzai Ceramics by Fareast CeramicsCo., Ltd.
   Cotto Italia by Thai Ceramic Co., Ltd.
Wood Deck:    Siam Plastwood Co., Ltd.   




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