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The word “treehouse” can conjure up fond childhood memories for many. As a kid, the idea of a house floating above the ground is an endless source of wonder– and that wonder never truly goes away! Countless designers have experimented with the idea of suspending their architecture among the trees, and a large number of those projects have made their way onto our site. See nine of our favorites, after the break.


Yellow Treehouse Restaurant / Pacific Environments. Image


Yellow Treehouse Restaurant / Pacific Environments
Sponsored by the Yellow Pages, this whimsical design from Pacific Environments is a fully-functioning restaurant capable of seating 18 people. With materials and building services sourced directly through the telephone directory, the Yellow Treehouse Restaurant is meant to be “reminiscent of childhood dreams and playtime, fairy stories of enchantment and imagination.” Inspiration for the building’s shape comes from natural forms such as cocoons, onions, and seashells.

Solling树屋 / baumraum

Treehouse Solling / Baumraum. Image © Markus Bollen


Treehouse Solling / baumraum
This house is built over an artificial pond, nestled among a stand of hemlock trees. Designed by baumraum, this two-story treehouse acts as an observation deck and overnight cabin for a family in the town of Uslar, Germany. Stairs from the pond’s edge give access to the structure.

蛇形树屋/Luís Rebelo de Andrade 和Tiago Rebelo de Andrade设计

Tree Snake Houses / Luís Rebelo de Andrade + Tiago Rebelo de Andrade. Image © Ricardo Oliveira Alves

蛇形树屋的名字是从它建造时使用的建筑技术而得名的。下部的木条使它们看起来象“树木中滑行的蛇。”这个形状故意不用直角,来试验模块化结构的边界能怎样延伸和弯曲。这个房屋由建筑师Luís Rebelo de Andrade 和Tiago Rebelo de Andrade设计,被托起在支柱上,通过建筑后部斜坡进出树屋。

Tree Snake Houses / Luís Rebelo de Andrade + Tiago Rebelo de Andrade
Tree Snake Houses get their name from the construction technique used to build them. The wooden slats of the underside give them the appearance of “a snake gliding between the trees.” The shape was intentionally non-orthogonal, an experiment in how the boundaries of modular construction could be stretched and warped. Designed by Luís Rebelo de Andrade and Tiago Rebelo de Andrade, the houses are raised up on stilts, and accessed via a ramp in the rear of the design.

悬崖树屋 / baumraum

Cliff Treehouse / Baumraum. Image © Markus Bollen


Cliff Treehouse / baumraum
Another project from baumraum, this house is perched along the lip of a cliff. The design is meant to be an extension of an existing residence. The treehouse is accessed by a slender catwalk suspended by an adjacent oak tree. The house itself is supported by two stilts, and provides stunning views of the surrounding countryside.

树旅馆 / Tham & Videgård Arkitekter

Tree Hotel / Tham & Videgård Arkitekter. Image © Åke E:son Lindman

这个项目由Tham 和Videgård Arkitekter设计,到这的游客可能很难找到它。这个建筑完全用镜面玻璃覆盖,创造了有效的伪装,但是通向房屋入口的绳索桥“背叛”了它。这个建筑采用轻质铝,让它容易围绕一棵树而悬挂。室内胶合板旅馆房间有足够空间来容纳两人,巧妙地放置窗户以便360度欣赏亚极地风景。

Tree Hotel / Tham & Videgård Arkitekter
Visitors to this Tham & Videgård Arkitekter-designed project may have a hard time finding it. The structure is completely covered in mirrored glass, creating an effective camouflage that is betrayed only by the rope bridge leading up to the house’s entrance. The structure is lightweight aluminum, allowing it to be easily suspended around a single tree. Inside, the plywood hotel room has enough space for two people, and strategically placed windows for a 360 degree view of the sub-polar landscape.

可持续树屋 / Mithun

The Sustainability Treehouse / Mithun. Image  Joe Fletcher


The Sustainability Treehouse / Mithun
Created by design firm Mithun, this treehouse is an educational facility, teaching visitors about sustainable building design. The structure of the building is a Corten steel frame, an interesting contrast to the wooded surroundings of the Summit Bechtel Reserve.

树屋 / Robert Pokotar和Janez Brenik

Tree House / Robert Potokar and Janez Brežnik. Image © Andraž Kavčič, Robert Potokar, Robert Marčun

这个树屋是名单中唯一专为儿童设计的。项目由建筑师Robert Pokotar和Janez Brenik创建,是用云杉胶合板建造的独立建筑。一个涂有无色纳米漆的纸板屋顶保护室内免受环境因素的影响。里面可调开口和易组装家具给儿童掌控环境的感觉。房屋尽头有一个大的有机玻璃窗,可以透过它看到室外。

Tree House / Robert Pokotar and Janez Brenik
This treehouse is the only one on the list designed specifically for children! Created by Robert Pokotarand Janez Brenik, the project is a free-standing structure constructed out of spruce plywood. A colorless nano-varnish and cardboard roofing protect the interior from the elements. Inside, operable openings and easy-to-assemble furniture give children a sense of mastery over their environment. A large plexiglass window at the house’s end gives views to the outside.

树屋 / baumraum

The Tree House / Baumraum. Image © Markus Bollen


The Tree House / baumraum
Yet another design from baumraum, this project was prompted by Sappi, the Flemish Forest and Nature agency, in an effort to promote more sustainable lifestyles. The design is split between two levels, which holds conference rooms, a lounge, a kitchen, and other space for public events. The building is held up by 19 stilts that are held in place by ecologically friendly foundation screws. The tree house is CO2 neutral, and makes conscientious efforts to reduce energy use through its design.

树屋 / RPA

Treehouse / RPA. Image  ©  Eric Staudenmaier


Treehouse / RPA
Recognizable for its butterfly roof, the Banyan Treehouse by RPA is meant to be an artist’s studio. Supported by a concrete footing and stilts, the elevated house is organized around the trunk of the site’s primary tree. The design is constructed and finished entirely in wood, giving it a warm, welcoming aesthetic.





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建筑 (13816 articles)

树屋 (40 articles)

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旅馆 (67 articles)

Baumraum (2 articles)

木材 (3198 articles)

可持续设计 (89 articles)