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Andes山脉中为观鸟而设计的拱形石头旅馆—Las Pajareras
las pajareras: a vaulted stone hotel designed for birdwatching in ecuador's andes


Ecuadorian Andes山脉位于Napo省Papallacta的云雾林中,在其高处有一座旅馆,名为Guango。该项目建造于20世纪60年代,这50多年来,该建筑及其周边的300公顷土地都由当地的一个家庭在打理。该建筑的工程师兼发明家在设计过程中,使用当地石板,并结合当地特有的弯曲竹竿制成屋顶,最终设计出这座建筑与自然和谐相处的小屋。该发明家的兄弟在30年以后运用相同原理造就了一个更加可持续发展的房屋,该房屋有2层,墙体为石墙,屋顶结构为钢筋混凝土,该房屋于2001年成为了Guango旅馆的中心。

Las Pajareras项目由建筑师Ignacio muoz Bustamante和Javier Mera Luna合作设计完成,同时也标志着Guango旅馆新篇章的开始。该项目主要灵感来源于当地的石头,且最终建成的房屋更加符合可持续发展策略,使得建筑与自然环境能够和谐相处。

High in the Ecuadorian Andes, hidden amidst the cloud forest of Papallacta, Napo Province, lies Guango Lodge. For over fifty years, the surrounding 300 hectares have been lovingly conserved by the same family. The lodge itself began in the 1960s with the vision of engineer and inventor who constructed a prototype house using local flagstone and a unique curved bamboo cane vault system — an example to his resourcefulness and respect for the environment. Thirty years later, the inventor’s brother built a more permanent residence using similar principles. This two-story structure, with its river stone walls and reinforced concrete vault, became the heart of Guango Lodge in 2001.
The Las Pajareras project, by architects Ignacio Muñoz Bustamante and Javier Mera Luna, marks a new chapter for Guango Lodge. Drawing inspiration from the existing stone structures, the new hotel project incorporates sustainable practices and reflects a strong connection to the surrounding nature.

images © JAG Studio

Guango旅馆中的Las Pajareras项目由3个建筑模块组成,每个模块都可灵活布局,且都设计有卧室、浴室以及门廊,在门廊中可以欣赏Papallacta河的美景。设计师还预留了公共活动区域、室外小型浴池以及更衣区域,方便以后扩建。在该项目设计过程中,因石油管道地役权的原因,建设用地被规划在峡谷周边的狭长地带,设计师为了使得建筑与自然环境相互融合,将建筑定位进行了偏移,使其更加巧妙地融入到自然环境中去。


Las Pajareras at Guango Lodge consists of three guest modules, each offering a flexible room layout, private bathroom, and a porch with stunning views of the Papallacta River. A future phase includes a communal area with a small outdoor hot pool and changing facilities. Due to an oil pipeline easement, construction was limited to a narrow strip of land along the ravine. The architects responded with a design that respects the surroundings. The three modules, with their slightly offset positioning, subtly integrate into the landscape.

Sustainability was a key consideration. The design team makes use of local materials and incorporates a wastewater treatment plant for the entire lodge. The innovative use of BIOM thermo-acoustic insulation, made from agricultural waste, further reduces the environmental footprint.

▲ 该项目最原始的房屋建造于20世纪60年代,这几十年来一直由Guango Lodge保护维修,且周边的300公顷土地也一并被保护着
Guango Lodge has conserved 300 hectares, beginning with a prototype house built by Álvaro in the 1960s

建筑师Ignacio muoz Bustamante和Javier Mera Luna设计的建筑结构较为独特,地基为混凝土地基,墙体是60cm厚的玄武岩石墙,该石墙有较强的结构完整性和隔热性,且在室内还可结合折叠家具和壁橱等功能性墙体。设计师还设计了一个U形钢筋混凝凝土通道,有着多种功能,如可收集雨水灌溉森林、清除平台上的树叶和碎片、充当拱形预制木桁架天花板等。建筑拱顶的材料为松木和胶合板,内置装饰胶合板,外镀黑色镀锌金属,形成独特的外观效果。

The construction system employed by architects Ignacio Muñoz Bustamante and Javier Mera Luna is a unique blend of materials. Cyclopean concrete foundations support 60 centimeter-thick basaltic stone walls. These walls not only provide structural integrity and thermal insulation but also cleverly house furniture like fold-away beds and closets. A U-shaped reinforced concrete channel crowns the walls, cantilevering over the river. This channel serves multiple purposes — channeling rainwater back into the forest, providing a platform for easy leaf and debris removal, and anchoring the prefabricated wooden trusses that form the vaulted ceilings. The vaults themselves are composed of pine wood and plywood arches, with a layer of decorative plywood on the inside and black galvanized metal along the exterior.

▲ 在2001年,小屋进行了扩建,变成了2层,墙体使用当地石材
in 2001 the lodge was expanded with a two-story structure using river stone walls

▲ 建筑师Ignacio Muñoz Bustamante 和 Javier Mera Luna将扩建的项目命名为Las Pajareras
architects Ignacio Muñoz Bustamante and Javier Mera Luna expanded the project with Las Pajareras

▲ Las Pajareras项目由三个建筑模块组成,每个模块均设计有卧室、浴室和观看河景的门廊
Las Pajareras features three guest modules with flexible layouts, private bathrooms, and porches with river views

▲ 设计师巧妙地将三个建筑体块融合到自然景观中
the design subtly integrates three offset modules into the landscape

▲ 设计师优先考虑可持续性发展策略,建筑使用当地材料,并设计有废水处理厂和BIOM热声绝缘墙体
sustainability is prioritized with local materials, a wastewater treatment plant, and BIOM thermo-acoustic insulation

▲ 建筑的拱形屋顶材料为松木和胶合板,内部装饰也为胶合板
vaulted ceilings are engineered with pine wood and plywood arches, with decorative plywood interiors








项目名称:Las Pajareras
建筑设计:Ignacio Muñoz Bustamante, Javier Mera Luna

project info:
project title: Las Pajareras
architecture: Ignacio Muñoz Bustamante, Javier Mera Luna
location: Guango Lodge, Papallacta, Napo, Ecuador
completion: Hector Quilca, Josue Yanacallo, Xavier Navarrete, Diego Chaglla
completion: 2024
photography: © JAG Studio |




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